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Scala example source code file (Map.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Map.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

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Java - Scala tags/keywords

boolean, buildkeyconstraint, equal, mapsub, order, show, xmap

The Map.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz
package std

import collection.immutable.{Map, MapLike} // Just so we're clear.
import collection.generic.CanBuildFrom

trait MapSub {
  type XMap[K, V] <: Map[K, V] with MapLike[K, V, XMap[K, V]]
  /** Evidence on key needed to construct new maps. */
  type BuildKeyConstraint[K]
  protected implicit def buildXMap[K, V, K2: BuildKeyConstraint, V2]
      : CanBuildFrom[XMap[K, V], (K2, V2), XMap[K2, V2]]

  /** How `MapLike#updated` might be typed in a sane world.  A world
    * that embraced higher kinds, instead of shunning them.
  protected def ab_+[K: BuildKeyConstraint, V
                   ](m: XMap[K, V], k: K, v: V): XMap[K, V]

  /** As with `ab_+, but with `MapLike#-`. */
  protected def ab_-[K: BuildKeyConstraint, V
                   ](m: XMap[K, V], k: K): XMap[K, V]

  def fromSeq[K: BuildKeyConstraint, V](as: (K, V)*): XMap[K, V] =
    buildXMap[K, V, K, V].apply().++=(as).result()

sealed trait MapSubMap extends MapSub {
  type XMap[K, V] = Map[K, V]
  type BuildKeyConstraint[K] = DummyImplicit
  protected final def buildXMap[K, V, K2: BuildKeyConstraint, V2] = implicitly

  protected final def ab_+[K: BuildKeyConstraint, V
                         ](m: XMap[K, V], k: K, v: V): XMap[K, V] =
    m updated (k, v)
  protected final def ab_-[K: BuildKeyConstraint, V
                         ](m: XMap[K, V], k: K): XMap[K, V] =
    m - k

trait MapSubInstances0 extends MapSub {
  private[std] trait MapEqual[K, V] extends Equal[XMap[K, V]] {
    implicit def OK: Order[K]
    implicit def OV: Equal[V]

    override def equal(a1: XMap[K, V], a2: XMap[K, V]): Boolean = {
      import set._
      if (equalIsNatural) a1 == a2
      else Equal[Set[K]].equal(a1.keySet, a2.keySet) && {
        a1.forall {
          case (k, v) => a2.get(k).exists(v2 => Equal[V].equal(v, v2))
    override val equalIsNatural: Boolean = Equal[K].equalIsNatural && Equal[V].equalIsNatural

  private[std] trait MapFoldable[K] extends Foldable.FromFoldr[XMap[K, ?]] {
    override def foldLeft[A, B](fa: XMap[K, A], z: B)(f: (B, A) => B) =

    override def foldRight[A, B](fa: XMap[K, A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B) =
      fa.foldRight(z)((p, b) => f(p._2, b))

    override final def all[A](fa: XMap[K, A])(f: A => Boolean) =

    override final def any[A](fa: XMap[K, A])(f: A => Boolean) =

  implicit def mapEqual[K: Order, V: Equal]: Equal[XMap[K, V]] =
    new MapEqual[K, V] {
      def OK = Order[K]
      def OV = Equal[V]

  implicit def mapFoldable[K]: Foldable[XMap[K, ?]] =
    new MapFoldable[K]{}

trait MapSubInstances extends MapSubInstances0 with MapSubFunctions {
  import syntax.std.function2._

  /** Covariant over the value parameter, where `plus` applies the
    * `Last` semigroup to values.
  implicit def mapInstance[K: BuildKeyConstraint]: Traverse[XMap[K, ?]] with IsEmpty[XMap[K, ?]] with Bind[XMap[K, ?]] with Align[XMap[K, ?]] =
    new Traverse[XMap[K, ?]] with IsEmpty[XMap[K, ?]] with Bind[XMap[K, ?]] with MapFoldable[K] with Align[XMap[K, ?]] {
      def empty[V] = fromSeq[K, V]()
      def plus[V](a: XMap[K, V], b: => XMap[K, V]) = a ++ b
      def isEmpty[V](fa: XMap[K, V]) = fa.isEmpty
      def bind[A, B](fa: XMap[K,A])(f: A => XMap[K, B]) = fa.collect{case (k, v) if f(v).isDefinedAt(k) => k -> f(v)(k)}
      override def map[A, B](fa: XMap[K, A])(f: A => B) ={case (k, v) => (k, f(v))}
      def traverseImpl[G[_],A,B](m: XMap[K,A])(f: A => G[B])(implicit G: Applicative[G]): G[XMap[K,B]] ={ case (k, v) => -> _) }))(xs => fromSeq(xs:_*))
      import \&/._
      override def alignWith[A, B, C](f: A \&/ B => C) = {
        case (a, b) if b.isEmpty => map(a)(v => f(This(v)))
        case (a, b) if a.isEmpty => map(b)(v => f(That(v)))
        case (a, b) =>
          map(unionWith(map(a)(This(_): A \&/ B), map(b)(That(_): A \&/ B)){
            case (This(aa), That(bb)) => Both(aa, bb)
            case _ => sys.error("Map alignWith")
      override def align[A, B](a: XMap[K, A], b: XMap[K, B]) = (a, b) match {
        case (a, b) if b.isEmpty => map(a)(This(_))
        case (a, b) if a.isEmpty => map(b)(That(_))
        case (a, b) =>
          unionWith(map(a)(This(_): A \&/ B), map(b)(That(_): A \&/ B)){
            case (This(aa), That(bb)) => Both(aa, bb)
            case _ => sys.error("Map align")

  /** Map union monoid, unifying values with `V`'s `append`. */
  implicit def mapMonoid[K: BuildKeyConstraint, V: Semigroup]: Monoid[XMap[K, V]] =
    new Monoid[XMap[K, V]] {
      def zero = fromSeq[K, V]()
      def append(m1: XMap[K, V], m2: => XMap[K, V]) = {
        // Eagerly consume m2 as the value is used more than once.
        val m2Instance: XMap[K, V] = m2
        // semigroups are not commutative, so order may matter.
        val (from, to, semigroup) = {
          if (m1.size > m2Instance.size) (m2Instance, m1, Semigroup[V].append(_: V, _: V))
          else (m1, m2Instance, (Semigroup[V].append(_: V, _: V)).flip)

        from.foldLeft(to) {
          case (to, (k, v)) => ab_+(to, k, to.get(k).map(semigroup(_, v)).getOrElse(v))

  implicit def mapShow[K, V](implicit K: Show[K], V: Show[V]): Show[XMap[K, V]] = => "Map[" +:
                Cord.mkCord(", ",{
                  case (k, v) => Cord(K show k, "->", V show v)
                }: _*) :+ "]")

  implicit def mapOrder[K: Order, V: Order]: Order[XMap[K, V]] =
    new Order[XMap[K, V]] with MapEqual[K, V] {
      def OK = Order[K]
      def OV = Equal[V]
      def order(x: XMap[K, V], y: XMap[K, V]): Ordering = {
        import vector._
        import anyVal._
        import tuple._
        implicit val ok = Order[K].toScalaOrdering
         .append(Order[Int].order(x.size, y.size),
                 Order[Vector[(K, V)]]

trait MapSubFunctions extends MapSub {
  /** Vary the value of `m get k`. */
  final def alter[K: BuildKeyConstraint, A](m: XMap[K, A], k: K)(f: (Option[A] => Option[A])): XMap[K, A] =
    f(m get k) map (ab_+(m, k, _)) getOrElse ab_-(m, k)

  /** Like `intersectWith`, but tell `f` about the key. */
  final def intersectWithKey[K:BuildKeyConstraint,A,B,C](m1: XMap[K, A], m2: XMap[K, B])(f: (K, A, B) => C): XMap[K, C] = m1 collect {
    case (k, v) if m2 contains k => k -> f(k, v, m2(k))

  /** Collect only elements with matching keys, joining their
    * associated values with `f`.
  final def intersectWith[K:BuildKeyConstraint,A,B,C](m1: XMap[K, A], m2: XMap[K, B])(f: (A, B) => C): XMap[K, C] =
    intersectWithKey(m1, m2)((_, x, y) => f(x, y))

  /** Exchange keys of `m` according to `f`.  Result may be smaller if
    * `f` maps two or more `K`s to the same `K2`, in which case the
    * resulting associated value is an arbitrary choice.
  final def mapKeys[K, K2: BuildKeyConstraint, A](m: XMap[K, A])(f: K => K2): XMap[K2, A] =
    m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}

  /** Like `unionWith`, but telling `f` about the key. */
  final def unionWithKey[K:BuildKeyConstraint,A](m1: XMap[K, A], m2: XMap[K, A])(f: (K, A, A) => A): XMap[K, A] = {
    val diff = m2 -- m1.keySet
    val aug = m1 map {
      case (k, v) => if (m2 contains k) k -> f(k, v, m2(k)) else (k, v)
    aug ++ diff

  /** Union, resolving collisions with `f`, where the first arg is
    * guaranteed to be from `m1`, the second from `m2`.
    * @note iff `f` gives rise to a [[scalaz.Semigroup]], so does
    *       `unionWith(_, _)(f)`.*/
  final def unionWith[K:BuildKeyConstraint,A](m1: XMap[K, A], m2: XMap[K, A])(f: (A, A) => A): XMap[K, A] =
    unionWithKey(m1, m2)((_, x, y) => f(x, y))

  /** As with `Map.updated`, but resolve a collision with `f`.  The
    * first argument is guaranteed to be from `m1`.
  final def insertWith[K:BuildKeyConstraint,A](m1: XMap[K, A], k: K, v: A)(f: (A, A) => A): XMap[K, A] =
    if(m1 contains k) ab_+(m1, k, f(m1(k), v)) else ab_+(m1, k, v)

  /** Grab a value out of Map if it's present. Otherwise evaluate
    * a value to be placed at that key in the Map.
  final def getOrAdd[F[_],K,A](m: XMap[K, A], k: K)(fa: => F[A])(implicit F: Applicative[F], K: BuildKeyConstraint[K]): F[(XMap[K, A], A)] =
    (m get k).map(a => F.point(m, a)).getOrElse( => (ab_+(m, k, a), a)))

trait MapInstances extends MapSubInstances with MapSubMap

trait MapFunctions extends MapSubFunctions with MapSubMap

object map extends MapInstances with MapFunctions

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

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