Scala example source code file (time.scala)
The time.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz package std.java import java.time._ // https://github.com/scala-js/scala-js-java-time/issues/7 trait TimeInstances extends TimeInstances0 { private[this] def orderFromInt[A](f: (A, A) => Int): Order[A] = new Order[A] { def order(x: A, y: A) = Ordering.fromInt(f(x, y)) } implicit val durationInstance: Monoid[Duration] with Order[Duration] = new Monoid[Duration] with Order[Duration] { override def zero = Duration.ZERO override def append(f1: Duration, f2: => Duration) = f1 plus f2 override def order(a1: Duration, a2: Duration) = Ordering.fromInt(a1 compareTo a2) } implicit val periodInstance: Monoid[Period] with Equal[Period] = new Monoid[Period] with Equal[Period] { override def zero = Period.ZERO override def append(f1: Period, f2: => Period) = f1 plus f2 override def equal(a1: Period, a2: Period) = a1 == a2 } implicit val yearMonthInstance: Enum[YearMonth] = new Enum[YearMonth] { override def pred(a: YearMonth) = a.minusMonths(1) override def succ(a: YearMonth) = a.plusMonths(1) override def order(x: YearMonth, y: YearMonth) = Ordering.fromInt(x compareTo y) } implicit val monthDayInstance: Order[MonthDay] = orderFromInt[MonthDay](_ compareTo _) implicit val localTimeInstance: Order[LocalTime] = orderFromInt[LocalTime](_ compareTo _) implicit val yearInstance: Enum[Year] = new Enum[Year] { override def pred(a: Year) = a.minusYears(1) override def succ(a: Year) = a.plusYears(1) override def order(x: Year, y: Year) = Ordering.fromInt(x compareTo y) } implicit val localDateInstance: Enum[LocalDate] = new Enum[LocalDate] { override def pred(a: LocalDate) = a.minusDays(1) override def succ(a: LocalDate) = a.plusDays(1) override def order(x: LocalDate, y: LocalDate) = Ordering.fromInt(x compareTo y) } implicit val monthInstance: Enum[Month] = new Enum[Month] { override val max = Some(Month.DECEMBER) override val min = Some(Month.JANUARY) override def pred(a: Month): Month = a.minus(1) override def succ(a: Month): Month = a.plus(1) override def order(x: Month, y: Month) = Ordering.fromInt(x compareTo y) } } object time extends TimeInstances Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala time.scala source code file: |
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