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Scala example source code file (OptionOps.scala)

This example Scala source code file (OptionOps.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Scala project at its project page.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

conditional, fold, option, optionops, unit, validationnel

The OptionOps.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz
package syntax
package std

import scalaz.std.{option => o}
import scalaz.Tags.{Last, First}

final class OptionOps[A](self: Option[A]) {
  final def cata[X](some: A => X, none: => X): X = o.cata(self)(some, none)

  final class Fold[X](s: A => X) {
    def none(n: => X): X = cata(s, n)

   * Returns the provided function `s` applied to item contained in the Option if it is defined,
   * otherwise, the provided value `n`.
   * <p/>
   * This is a syntactic alternative to [[scalaz.syntax.std.OptionOps#cata]]
   * <p/>
   * Example:
   * {{{
   * o.some(_ * 2).none(0)
   * }}}
  final def some[X](s: A => X): Fold[X] = new Fold(s)

  final class Conditional[X](s: => X) {
    def |(n: => X): X = self match {
      case None    => n
      case Some(_) => s

   * Ternary operator. Note that the arguments s and n are call-by-name.
   * <p/>
   * Example
   * {{{
   * option ? "defined" | "undefined"
   * }}}
  final def ?[X](s: => X): Conditional[X] = new Conditional(s)

   * Executes the provided side effect if the Option if it is undefined.
  final def ifNone(n: => Unit): Unit = if (self.isEmpty) n

   * Returns the item contained in the Option if it is defined, otherwise, raises an error with the provided message.
  final def err(message: => String): A = self.getOrElse(sys.error(message))

   * Returns the item contained in the Option if it is defined, otherwise, the provided argument.
  final def |(a: => A): A = self getOrElse a

   * Returns the item contained in the Option if it is defined, otherwise, the zero element for the type A
   * <p/>
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val o: Option[List[String]] = None
   * val a: List[String] = ~o // List()
   * }}}
  final def unary_~(implicit z: Monoid[A]): A = self getOrElse

  final def orZero(implicit z: Monoid[A]): A = self getOrElse

  final def toSuccess[E](e: => E): Validation[E, A] = o.toSuccess(self)(e)

  final def toFailure[B](b: => B): Validation[A, B] = o.toFailure(self)(b)

  final def toSuccessNel[E](e: => E): ValidationNel[E, A] = o.toSuccessNel(self)(e)

  final def toFailureNel[B](b: => B): ValidationNel[A, B] = o.toFailureNel(self)(b)

  final def toRightDisjunction[E](e: => E): E \/ A = o.toRight(self)(e)

  final def toLeftDisjunction[B](b: => B): A \/ B = o.toLeft(self)(b)

  final def \/>[E](e: => E): E \/ A = o.toRight(self)(e)

  final def <\/[B](b: => B): A \/ B = o.toLeft(self)(b)

  final def first: Option[A] @@ First = Tag(self)

  final def last: Option[A] @@ Last = Tag(self)

  final def orEmpty[M[_] : Applicative : PlusEmpty]: M[A] = o.orEmpty[A, M](self)

  final def foldLift[F[_] : Applicative, B](b: => B, k: F[A] => B): B = o.foldLift(self)(b, k)

  final def foldLiftOpt[B](b: => B, k: Option[A] => B): B = o.foldLiftOpt[A, B](self)(b, k)

  final def toMaybe: Maybe[A] = o.toMaybe(self)

trait ToOptionOps {
  implicit def ToOptionOpsFromOption[A](a: Option[A]): OptionOps[A] = new OptionOps(a)

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala OptionOps.scala source code file:

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