Scala example source code file (RegionT.scala)
The RegionT.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz package effect import Kleisli._ // An implementation of "Lightweight Monadic Regions" by Kiselyov and Shan // http://okmij.org/ftp/Haskell/regions.html#light-weight // Based on a Haskell library by Bas van Dijk /** * A monad transformer in which scarce resources can be opened. When the region * terminates, all opened resources will be closed automatically. It's a type error * to return an opened resource from the region, and no I/O with closed * resources is possible. */ sealed abstract class RegionT[S, P[_], A] { def value: Kleisli[P, IORef[List[RefCountedFinalizer]], A] def runT(r: IORef[List[RefCountedFinalizer]]): P[A] = value.run(r) } object RegionT extends RegionTInstances { def apply[S, P[_], A](k: Kleisli[P, IORef[List[RefCountedFinalizer]], A]): RegionT[S, P, A] = new RegionT[S, P, A] { val value = k } def regionT[S, P[_], A](k: Kleisli[P, IORef[List[RefCountedFinalizer]], A]): RegionT[S, P, A] = RegionT(k) } sealed abstract class RegionTInstances1 { implicit def RegionTLiftIO[S, M[_]](implicit M: LiftIO[M]): LiftIO[RegionT[S, M, ?]] = new RegionTLiftIO[S, M] { implicit def L = M } implicit def RegionTMonad[S, M[_]](implicit M0: Monad[M]): Monad[RegionT[S, M, ?]] = new RegionTMonad[S, M] { implicit def M = M0 } } sealed abstract class RegionTInstances extends RegionTInstances1 { } trait RegionTMonad[S, M[_]] extends Monad[RegionT[S, M, ?]] { implicit def M: Monad[M] def point[A](a: => A): RegionT[S, M, A] = RegionT(kleisli(s => M.point(a))) def bind[A, B](fa: RegionT[S, M, A])(f: A => RegionT[S, M, B]): RegionT[S, M, B] = RegionT(kleisli(s => M.bind(fa.value.run(s))((a: A) => f(a).value.run(s)))) } trait RegionTLiftIO[S, M[_]] extends LiftIO[RegionT[S, M, ?]] { implicit def L: LiftIO[M] def liftIO[A](ioa: IO[A]) = RegionT.regionT(kleisli(_ => L.liftIO(ioa))) } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala RegionT.scala source code file: |
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