Scala example source code file (TreeTestJVM.scala)
The TreeTestJVM.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz import scalaz.scalacheck.ScalazArbitrary._ import Tree._ import org.scalacheck.Gen import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll import std.AllInstances._ object TreeTestJVM extends SpecLite { val E = Equal[Tree[Int]] "ScalazArbitrary.treeGenSized" ! forAll(Gen.choose(1, 200)){ size => val gen = treeGenSized[Unit](size) Stream.continually(gen.sample).flatten.take(10).map(Foldable[Tree].length(_)).forall(_ == size) } def genTree(size: Int): Tree[Int] = (1 to size).foldLeft(Leaf(0))((x, y) => Node(y, Stream(x))) val size = 100000 val deepTree = genTree(size) "deep foldMap should not cause a stack overflow" ! { deepTree.foldMap(identity) must_== (1 to size).sum } "deep Tree flatten should not cause a stack overflow" ! { deepTree.flatten must_== (size to 0 by -1).toStream } "deep Equal.equal should not cause a stack overflow" ! { E.equal(deepTree, deepTree) must_== true } "deep Tree toStrictTree should not cause a stack overflow" ! { val expectedTree = StrictTreeTestJVM.deepTree val actualTree = deepTree.toStrictTree StrictTreeTestJVM.E.equal(actualTree, expectedTree) must_== true } "deep flatMap should not cause a stack overflow" ! { E.equal(deepTree.flatMap(Leaf(_)), deepTree) must_== true } } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala TreeTestJVM.scala source code file: |
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