Scala example source code file (EphemeralStreamTest.scala)
The EphemeralStreamTest.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz import scalaz.scalacheck.ScalazProperties._ import scalaz.scalacheck.ScalazArbitrary._ import std.AllInstances._ import syntax.contravariant._ import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll object EphemeralStreamTest extends SpecLite { checkAll(equal.laws[EphemeralStream[Int]]) checkAll(bindRec.laws[EphemeralStream]) checkAll(monadPlus.strongLaws[EphemeralStream]) checkAll(isEmpty.laws[EphemeralStream]) checkAll(traverse.laws[EphemeralStream]) checkAll(zip.laws[EphemeralStream]) checkAll(align.laws[EphemeralStream]) checkAll(cobind.laws[EphemeralStream]) implicit def ephemeralStreamShow[A: Show]: Show[EphemeralStream[A]] = Show[List[A]].contramap(_.toList) "reverse" ! forAll{ e: EphemeralStream[Int] => e.reverse.toList must_===(e.toList.reverse) e.reverse.reverse must_===(e) } "foldLeft" ! forAll{ xs: List[List[Int]] => Foldable[EphemeralStream].foldLeft(EphemeralStream(xs: _*), List[Int]())(_ ::: _) must_===(xs.foldLeft(List[Int]())(_ ::: _)) } // https://github.com/scalaz/scalaz/pull/1151 "issue 1151" ! { def oldFoldLeft[A, B](a: EphemeralStream[A])(z: => B)(f: (=> B) => (=> A) => B): B = { var t = a var acc = z while (!t.isEmpty) { acc = f(acc)(t.head()) t = t.tail() } acc } val es = EphemeralStream.unfold(0)(n => if (n <= 10) Some((n, n + 1)) else None) try { oldFoldLeft(es)(Need(0))(x => y => Need(y)).value throw new Throwable("fail") } catch { case ex: RuntimeException => ex.getMessage must_=== "head of empty stream" } es.foldLeft(Need(0))(x => y => Need(y)).value must_=== 10 } "unzip zip" ! forAll { xs: EphemeralStream[(Int, Int)] => val (firsts, seconds) = xs.unzip (firsts zip seconds) must_===(xs) } "zip has right length" ! forAll {(xs: EphemeralStream[Int], ys: EphemeralStream[Int]) => (xs zip ys).length must_===(xs.length min ys.length) } "interleave has right length" ! forAll {(xs: EphemeralStream[Int], ys: EphemeralStream[Int]) => (xs interleave ys).length must_===(xs.length + ys.length) } "take" ! forAll { (xs: Stream[Int], n: Int) => EphemeralStream.fromStream(xs).take(n) must_===(EphemeralStream.fromStream(xs.take(n))) } "take from infinite stream" in { val n = util.Random.nextInt(1000) EphemeralStream.iterate(0)(_ + 1).take(n) must_===(EphemeralStream.fromStream(Stream.iterate(0)(_ + 1).take(n))) } "takeWhile" ! forAll { (xs: Stream[Int], n: Int) => EphemeralStream.fromStream(xs).takeWhile(_ < n) must_===(EphemeralStream.fromStream(xs.takeWhile(_ < n))) } "takeWhile from infinite stream" in { val n = util.Random.nextInt(1000) EphemeralStream.iterate(0)(_ + 1).takeWhile(_ < n) must_===(EphemeralStream.fromStream(Stream.iterate(0)(_ + 1).takeWhile(_ < n))) } "index" ! forAll {(xs: EphemeralStream[Int], i: Int) => Foldable[EphemeralStream].index(xs, i) must_===(xs.toList.lift.apply(i)) } "index infinite stream" in { val i = util.Random.nextInt(1000) val xs = Stream from 0 Foldable[EphemeralStream].index(EphemeralStream.fromStream(xs), i) must_===(xs.lift.apply(i)) } "inits" ! forAll { xs: EphemeralStream[Int] => import syntax.std.list._ xs.inits.map(_.toList).toList must_===(xs.toList.initz) } "tails" ! forAll { xs: EphemeralStream[Int] => import syntax.std.list._ xs.tails.map(_.toList).toList must_===(xs.toList.tailz) } "inits infinite stream" in { EphemeralStream.iterate(0)(_ + 1).inits () } "tails infinite stream" in { val n = util.Random.nextInt(1000) EphemeralStream.iterate(0)(_ + 1).tails .map(t => Foldable[EphemeralStream].toStream(t.take(n))) .take(n) must_===( EphemeralStream.fromStream(Stream.iterate(0)(_ + 1).tails.map(_ take n).toStream.take(n)) ) } "foldMap evaluates lazily" in { val infiniteStream = EphemeralStream.iterate(false)(identity) Foldable[EphemeralStream].foldMap(infiniteStream)(identity)(booleanInstance.conjunction) must_===(false) } "foldMap1Opt identity" ! forAll { xs: EphemeralStream[Int] => Foldable[EphemeralStream].foldMap1Opt(xs)(Vector(_)).getOrElse(Vector.empty) must_===(Foldable[EphemeralStream].toVector(xs)) } "foldMap1Opt evaluates lazily" in { val infiniteStream = EphemeralStream.iterate(false)(identity) Foldable[EphemeralStream].foldMap1Opt(infiniteStream)(identity)(booleanInstance.conjunction) must_===(Some(false)) } "foldRight evaluates lazily" in { val infiniteStream = EphemeralStream.iterate(true)(identity) Foldable[EphemeralStream].foldRight(infiniteStream, true)(_ || _) must_===(true) } "foldMapLeft1Opt identity" ! forAll { (xs: EphemeralStream[Int]) => Foldable[EphemeralStream].foldMapLeft1Opt(xs.reverse)(EphemeralStream(_))((xs, x) => x ##:: xs) must_===( if (xs.isEmpty) None else Some(xs) ) } "foldMapRight1Opt identity" ! forAll { (xs: EphemeralStream[Int]) => Foldable[EphemeralStream].foldMapRight1Opt(xs)(EphemeralStream(_))(_ ##:: _) must_===( if (xs.isEmpty) None else Some(xs) ) } "foldMapRight1Opt evaluates lazily" in { val infiniteStream = EphemeralStream.iterate(true)(identity) Foldable[EphemeralStream].foldMapRight1Opt(infiniteStream)(identity)(_ || _) must_===(Some(true)) } "zipL" in { val size = 100 val infinite = EphemeralStream.iterate(0)(_ + 1) val finite = EphemeralStream.range(0, size) val F = Traverse[EphemeralStream] F.zipL(infinite, infinite) F.zipL(finite, infinite).length must_===(size) F.zipL(finite, infinite) must_===((finite zip infinite).map{x => (x._1, Option(x._2))}) F.zipL(infinite, finite).take(1000).length must_===(1000) F.zipL(infinite, finite).takeWhile(_._2.isDefined).length must_===(size) } "zipWithIndex" ! forAll { (xs: Stream[Int], n: Int) => EphemeralStream.fromStream(xs).take(n).zipWithIndex must_===(EphemeralStream.fromStream(xs.take(n).zipWithIndex)) } "zipWithIndex from infinite stream" in { val n = util.Random.nextInt(1000) EphemeralStream.iterate(0)(_ + 1).zipWithIndex.take(n) must_===( EphemeralStream.fromStream(Stream.iterate(0)(_ + 1).zipWithIndex.take(n)) ) } } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala EphemeralStreamTest.scala source code file: |
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