Scala example source code file (FoldableTest.scala)
The FoldableTest.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz import std.AllInstances._ import syntax.foldable._ import syntax.equal._ import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Properties} object FoldableTest extends SpecLite { "to" ! forAll { (xs: List[Int]) => val v: Vector[Int] = Foldable[List].to[Int, Vector](xs) v.toList must_== xs } "maximum" ! forAll { (xs: List[Int]) => if (xs.isEmpty) (xs.maximum) must_==(None) else (xs.maximum) must_== Some((xs.max)) } "maximumOf" ! forAll { (xs: List[Int]) => val f: Int => Double = 1D + _ if (xs.isEmpty) (xs maximumOf f) must_==(None) else (xs maximumOf f) must_==(Some((xs.iterator map f).max)) } "maximumBy" ! forAll { (xs: List[Int]) => val f: Int => String = _.toString if (xs.isEmpty) (xs maximumBy f) must_== None else (xs maximumBy f) must_== Some((xs zip (xs map f)).maxBy(_._2)._1) } "minimum" ! forAll { (xs: List[Int]) => if (xs.isEmpty) (xs.minimum) must_== None else (xs.minimum) must_== Some(xs.min) } "minimumOf" ! forAll { (xs: List[Int]) => val f: Int => Double = 1D + _ if (xs.isEmpty) (xs minimumOf f) must_== None else (xs minimumOf f) must_== Some((xs.iterator map f).min) } "minimumBy" ! forAll { (xs: List[Int]) => val f: Int => String = _.toString if (xs.isEmpty) (xs minimumBy f) must_== None else (xs minimumBy f) must_== Some((xs zip (xs map f)).minBy(_._2)._1) } "distinct" ! forAll { (xs: List[Int]) => val F = implicitly[Foldable[List]] F.distinct(xs).toList must_== xs.distinct if (xs.length > 0) F.distinct(xs)(Order.order((_,_) => Ordering.EQ)).length must_== 1 } "distinctE" ! forAll { (xs: List[Int]) => xs.distinctE.toList must_== xs.distinct if (xs.length > 0) xs.distinctE(Equal.equal((_,_) => true)).length must_== 1 } "sumr1Opt" ! forAll { (xs: List[String]) => xs match { case Nil => xs.sumr1Opt must_== None case _ => xs.sumr1Opt must_== Some(xs.mkString) } } "suml1Opt" ! forAll { (xs: List[String]) => xs match { case Nil => xs.suml1Opt must_== None case _ => xs.suml1Opt must_== Some(xs.mkString) } } "non-empty folding" should { val gt1: (Int, Int) => Int = (i, j) => i - j val gt2: (Int, => Int) => Int = (i, j) => i - j val strlen = (_ : String).length import syntax.foldable1._ import syntax.std.list._ "foldLeft1Opt" ! forAll { (xs: List[Int]) => xs match { case Nil => (xs foldLeft1Opt gt1) must_== None case y :: ys => (xs foldLeft1Opt gt1) must_== Some(ys.foldLeft(y)(gt1)) } } "foldRight1Opt" ! forAll { (xs: List[Int]) => xs match { case Nil => (xs foldRight1Opt gt2) must_== None case _ => (xs foldRight1Opt gt2) must_== Some(xs.init.foldRight(xs.last)(gt1)) } } "foldl1Opt" ! forAll { (xs: List[Int]) => xs match { case Nil => (xs foldl1Opt gt1.curried) must_== None case y :: ys => (xs foldl1Opt gt1.curried) must_== Some(ys.foldLeft(y)(gt1)) } } "foldr1Opt" ! forAll { (xs: List[Int]) => xs match { case Nil => (xs foldr1Opt gt2.curried) must_== None case _ => (xs foldr1Opt gt2.curried) must_== Some(xs.init.foldRight(xs.last)(gt1)) } } "foldMap1Opt" ! forAll { (xs: List[String]) => xs.toNel match { case None => (xs foldMap1Opt strlen) must_== None case Some(nel) => (xs foldMap1Opt strlen) must_== Some(nel.foldMap1(strlen)) } } "fold1Opt" ! forAll { (xs: List[Int]) => xs.fold1Opt must_== xs.suml1Opt } "foldMapM" ! forAll { (xs: List[String]) => xs.foldMapM(x => Some(x): Option[String]) must_== Some(xs.mkString) } type StateInt[A] = State[Int, A] def found(z: Int): State[Int, Option[Int]] = State(n => (n + 1, Some(z * 2))) def notfound: State[Int, Option[Int]] = State(n => (n + 1, None)) "findMapM: finding the first element performs transform and only runs only necessary effects" ! forAll { (x: Int, xs: List[Int]) => (x :: xs).findMapM[StateInt, Int](found).run(0) must_== (1 -> Some(x * 2)) } "findMapM: finding the last element performs transform and runs all effects (once only)" ! forAll { (x: Int, xs: List[Int]) => !xs.contains(x) ==> { (xs ++ List(x)).findMapM[StateInt, Int](z => if (z == x) found(z) else notfound).run(0) must_== ((xs.length + 1) -> Some(x * 2)) } } "findMapM: runs all effects but doesn't return a value for not found" ! forAll { (xs: List[Int]) => xs.findMapM[StateInt, Int](_ => notfound).run(0) must_== (xs.length -> None) } "findLeft" ! forAll { (x: Int, xs: List[Int]) => (x :: xs).findLeft(_ == x) must_== Some(x) } "findRight" ! forAll { (x: Int, xs: List[Int]) => (xs ++ List(x)).findRight(_ == x) must_== Some(x) } } private val L = Foldable[List] "product foldRight equivalence" ! forAll { (l: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => L.product(L).foldRight((l, l2), List.empty[Int])(_ :: _) must_===(l ++ l2) } "product foldLeft equivalence" ! forAll { (l: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => (L.product(L).foldLeft((l, l2), List.empty[Int])((xs, x) => x :: xs) must_===((l ++ l2).reverse)) } } object FoldableTests { def anyIsLazy[F[_], A](implicit F: Foldable[F], arb: Arbitrary[F[A]]) = forAll { fa: F[A] => var i = 0 fa any { x => i = i + 1 true } val expected = if (fa.empty) 0 else 1 i === expected } def allIsLazy[F[_], A](implicit F: Foldable[F], arb: Arbitrary[F[A]]) = forAll { fa: F[A] => var i = 0 fa all { x => i = i + 1 false } val expected = if (fa.empty) 0 else 1 i === expected } def anyConsistent[F[_], A](f: A => Boolean)(implicit F: Foldable[F], fa: Arbitrary[F[A]]) = forAll { fa: F[A] => F.any(fa)(f) === F.toList(fa).exists(f) } def allConsistent[F[_], A](f: A => Boolean)(implicit F: Foldable[F], fa: Arbitrary[F[A]]) = forAll { fa: F[A] => F.all(fa)(f) === F.toList(fa).forall(f) } def anyAndAllLazy[F[_]](implicit fa: Arbitrary[F[Int]], F: Foldable[F]) = { val p = new Properties("foldable") p.property("consistent any") = anyConsistent[F, Int](_ > 0) p.property("consistent all") = allConsistent[F, Int](_ > 0) p.property("any is lazy") = anyIsLazy[F, Int] p.property("all is lazy") = allIsLazy[F, Int] p } } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala FoldableTest.scala source code file: |
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