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Scala example source code file (FoldableTest.scala)

This example Scala source code file (FoldableTest.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Scala project at its project page.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

arbitrary, double, foldable, int, list, nil, none, option, some, state, string

The FoldableTest.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz

import std.AllInstances._
import syntax.foldable._
import syntax.equal._
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Properties}

object FoldableTest extends SpecLite {
  "to" ! forAll {
    (xs: List[Int]) =>
      val v: Vector[Int] = Foldable[List].to[Int, Vector](xs)
      v.toList must_== xs
  "maximum" ! forAll {
    (xs: List[Int]) =>
      if (xs.isEmpty)
        (xs.maximum) must_==(None)
        (xs.maximum) must_== Some((xs.max))
  "maximumOf" ! forAll {
    (xs: List[Int]) =>
      val f: Int => Double = 1D + _
      if (xs.isEmpty)
        (xs maximumOf f) must_==(None)
        (xs maximumOf f) must_==(Some((xs.iterator map f).max))
  "maximumBy" ! forAll {
    (xs: List[Int]) =>
      val f: Int => String = _.toString
      if (xs.isEmpty)
        (xs maximumBy f) must_== None
        (xs maximumBy f) must_== Some((xs zip (xs map f)).maxBy(_._2)._1)
  "minimum" ! forAll {
    (xs: List[Int]) =>
      if (xs.isEmpty)
        (xs.minimum) must_== None
        (xs.minimum) must_== Some(xs.min)
  "minimumOf" ! forAll {
    (xs: List[Int]) =>
      val f: Int => Double = 1D + _
      if (xs.isEmpty)
        (xs minimumOf f) must_== None
        (xs minimumOf f) must_== Some((xs.iterator map f).min)
  "minimumBy" ! forAll {
    (xs: List[Int]) =>
      val f: Int => String = _.toString
      if (xs.isEmpty)
        (xs minimumBy f) must_== None
        (xs minimumBy f) must_== Some((xs zip (xs map f)).minBy(_._2)._1)

  "distinct" ! forAll {
    (xs: List[Int]) =>
      val F = implicitly[Foldable[List]]
      F.distinct(xs).toList must_== xs.distinct
      if (xs.length > 0) F.distinct(xs)(Order.order((_,_) => Ordering.EQ)).length must_== 1

  "distinctE" ! forAll {
    (xs: List[Int]) =>
      xs.distinctE.toList must_== xs.distinct
      if (xs.length > 0) xs.distinctE(Equal.equal((_,_) => true)).length must_== 1

  "sumr1Opt" ! forAll {
    (xs: List[String]) => xs match {
      case Nil => xs.sumr1Opt must_== None
      case _ => xs.sumr1Opt must_== Some(xs.mkString)

  "suml1Opt" ! forAll {
    (xs: List[String]) => xs match {
      case Nil => xs.suml1Opt must_== None
      case _ => xs.suml1Opt must_== Some(xs.mkString)

  "non-empty folding" should {

    val gt1: (Int, Int)    => Int = (i, j) => i - j
    val gt2: (Int, => Int) => Int = (i, j) => i - j
    val strlen = (_ : String).length

    import syntax.foldable1._
    import syntax.std.list._

    "foldLeft1Opt" ! forAll {
      (xs: List[Int]) =>
        xs match {
          case Nil     => (xs foldLeft1Opt gt1) must_== None
          case y :: ys => (xs foldLeft1Opt gt1) must_== Some(ys.foldLeft(y)(gt1))

    "foldRight1Opt" ! forAll {
      (xs: List[Int]) =>
        xs match {
          case Nil => (xs foldRight1Opt gt2) must_== None
          case _   => (xs foldRight1Opt gt2) must_== Some(xs.init.foldRight(xs.last)(gt1))

    "foldl1Opt" ! forAll {
      (xs: List[Int]) =>
        xs match {
          case Nil     => (xs foldl1Opt gt1.curried) must_== None
          case y :: ys => (xs foldl1Opt gt1.curried) must_== Some(ys.foldLeft(y)(gt1))

    "foldr1Opt" ! forAll {
      (xs: List[Int]) =>
        xs match {
          case Nil => (xs foldr1Opt gt2.curried) must_== None
          case _   => (xs foldr1Opt gt2.curried) must_== Some(xs.init.foldRight(xs.last)(gt1))

    "foldMap1Opt" ! forAll {
      (xs: List[String]) =>
        xs.toNel match {
          case None      => (xs foldMap1Opt strlen) must_== None
          case Some(nel) => (xs foldMap1Opt strlen) must_== Some(nel.foldMap1(strlen))

    "fold1Opt" ! forAll {
      (xs: List[Int]) => xs.fold1Opt must_== xs.suml1Opt

    "foldMapM" ! forAll {
      (xs: List[String]) => xs.foldMapM(x => Some(x): Option[String]) must_== Some(xs.mkString)

    type StateInt[A] = State[Int, A]

    def found(z: Int): State[Int, Option[Int]] =
      State(n => (n + 1, Some(z * 2)))

    def notfound: State[Int, Option[Int]] =
      State(n => (n + 1, None))

    "findMapM: finding the first element performs transform and only runs only necessary effects" ! forAll {
      (x: Int, xs: List[Int]) => (x :: xs).findMapM[StateInt, Int](found).run(0) must_== (1 -> Some(x * 2))

    "findMapM: finding the last element performs transform and runs all effects (once only)" ! forAll {
      (x: Int, xs: List[Int]) => !xs.contains(x) ==> {
        (xs ++ List(x)).findMapM[StateInt, Int](z => if (z == x) found(z) else notfound).run(0) must_==
          ((xs.length + 1) -> Some(x * 2))

    "findMapM: runs all effects but doesn't return a value for not found" ! forAll {
      (xs: List[Int]) => xs.findMapM[StateInt, Int](_ => notfound).run(0) must_== (xs.length -> None)

    "findLeft" ! forAll {
      (x: Int, xs: List[Int]) => (x :: xs).findLeft(_ == x) must_== Some(x)

    "findRight" ! forAll {
      (x: Int, xs: List[Int]) => (xs ++ List(x)).findRight(_ == x) must_== Some(x)

  private val L = Foldable[List]

  "product foldRight equivalence" ! forAll {
    (l: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) =>
      L.product(L).foldRight((l, l2), List.empty[Int])(_ :: _) must_===(l ++ l2)

  "product foldLeft equivalence" ! forAll {
    (l: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) =>
      (L.product(L).foldLeft((l, l2), List.empty[Int])((xs, x) => x :: xs)
       must_===((l ++ l2).reverse))

object FoldableTests {
  def anyIsLazy[F[_], A](implicit F: Foldable[F], arb: Arbitrary[F[A]]) = forAll { fa: F[A] =>
    var i = 0
    fa any { x =>
      i = i + 1
    val expected = if (fa.empty) 0 else 1
    i === expected

  def allIsLazy[F[_], A](implicit F: Foldable[F], arb: Arbitrary[F[A]]) = forAll { fa: F[A] =>
    var i = 0
    fa all { x =>
      i = i + 1
    val expected = if (fa.empty) 0 else 1
    i === expected

  def anyConsistent[F[_], A](f: A => Boolean)(implicit F: Foldable[F], fa: Arbitrary[F[A]]) =
    forAll { fa: F[A] =>
      F.any(fa)(f) === F.toList(fa).exists(f)

  def allConsistent[F[_], A](f: A => Boolean)(implicit F: Foldable[F], fa: Arbitrary[F[A]]) =
    forAll { fa: F[A] =>
      F.all(fa)(f) === F.toList(fa).forall(f)

  def anyAndAllLazy[F[_]](implicit fa: Arbitrary[F[Int]], F: Foldable[F]) = {
    val p = new Properties("foldable")"consistent any") = anyConsistent[F, Int](_ > 0)"consistent all") = allConsistent[F, Int](_ > 0)"any is lazy") = anyIsLazy[F, Int]"all is lazy") = allIsLazy[F, Int]

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala FoldableTest.scala source code file:

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