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Scala example source code file (ISetTest.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ISetTest.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Scala project at its project page.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

boolean, byte, foldable, int, iset, isettest, list, none, option, order, show, some, speclite, tip

The ISetTest.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz

import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import scala.util.Random

object ISetTest extends SpecLite {
  import scalaz.scalacheck.ScalazProperties._
  import scalaz.scalacheck.ScalazArbitrary._
  import syntax.std.option._
  import std.anyVal._
  import std.list._
  import std.option._
  import std.tuple._

  import ISet._

  // Check some laws

  def structurallySound[A: Order: Show](s: ISet[A]) = {
    val al = s.toAscList
    al must_===(al.sorted)(Order[A].toScalaOrdering)

  "findLeft/findRight" in {
    val a = ISet.fromList(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
    Foldable[ISet].findLeft(a)(_ % 2 == 0) must_=== Some(2)
    Foldable[ISet].findRight(a)(_ % 2 == 0) must_=== Some(4)

  "findLeft" ! forAll{ a: ISet[Int] =>
    val f = (_: Int) % 3 == 0
    Foldable[ISet].findLeft(a)(f) must_=== Foldable[List].findLeft(a.toList)(f)

  "findRight" ! forAll { a: ISet[Int] =>
    val f = (_: Int) % 3 == 0
    Foldable[ISet].findRight(a)(f) must_=== Foldable[List].findRight(a.toList)(f)

  "index" ! forAll { (a: ISet[Int], i: Byte) =>
    val F = Foldable[ISet]
    F.index(a, i) must_=== a.toList.lift(i)
    F.index(a, -1) must_=== None
    F.index(a, 0) must_=== a.findMin
    F.index(a, a.size - 1) must_=== a.findMax
    F.index(a, a.size) must_=== None

  "toIList" ! forAll { a: ISet[Int] =>
    val b = Foldable[ISet].toIList(a)
    b.sorted must_=== b

  "equals/hashCode" ! forAll { a: ISet[Int] =>
    val b = ISet.fromList(Random.shuffle(a.toList))
    a must_== b
    a.## must_=== b.##

  "split" ! forAll { (a: ISet[Int], i: Int) =>
    val (b, c) = a.split(i)
    Foldable[ISet].all(b)(_ < i) must_=== true
    Foldable[ISet].all(c)(_ > i) must_=== true
    if(a member i){
      (b.size + c.size + 1) must_=== a.size
      b.union(c).insert(i) must_=== a
      (b union c) must_=== a

  "splitMember" ! forAll { (a: ISet[Int], i: Int) =>
    val (b, c, d) = a.splitMember(i)
    c must_=== a.member(i)
    Foldable[ISet].all(b)(_ < i) must_=== true
    Foldable[ISet].all(d)(_ > i) must_=== true
      (b.size + d.size + 1) must_=== a.size
      b.union(d).insert(i) must_=== a
      (b union d) must_=== a

  "splitRoot" ! forAll { a: ISet[Int] =>
    a match {
      case Tip() =>
        a.splitRoot must_=== List.empty[ISet[Int]]
      case s@Bin(_, _, _) =>
        val List(l, x, r) = s.splitRoot
        l must_=== s.l
        r must_=== s.r
        x must_=== singleton(s.a)
        l.union(r).union(x) must_=== s

  "lookupIndex" ! forAll { a: ISet[Int] =>
    val l = a.toList
    (0 until a.size) foreach { i =>
      a.lookupIndex(l(i)) must_=== Some(i)
    (0 until 5) foreach { _ =>
      val r = Random.nextInt()
        a.lookupIndex(r) must_=== Some(l.indexOf(r))
        a.lookupIndex(r) must_=== None

  "deleteAt" ! forAll { a: ISet[Int] =>
    val l = a.toList
    (0 until a.size) foreach { i =>
      val e = l(i)
      val b = a.deleteAt(i)
      b.notMember(e) must_=== true
      b.size must_=== (a.size - 1)
      b.insert(e) must_=== a
    a.deleteAt(-1) must_=== a
    a.deleteAt(a.size) must_=== a

  "lookupLT" ! forAll { (a: ISet[Int], i: Int) =>
    a.lookupLT(i) match {
      case Some(b) =>
        (i > b) must_=== true
        val (c, d) = a.split(i)
        c.findMax must_=== Option(b)
        Foldable[ISet].all(d)(_ > i) must_=== true
        a.filter(x => b < x && x < i) must_=== ISet.empty
      case None =>
        a.split(i)._1 must_=== ISet.empty

  "lookupGT" ! forAll { (a: ISet[Int], i: Int) =>
    a.lookupGT(i) match {
      case Some(b) =>
        (i < b) must_=== true
        a.split(i)._2.findMin must_=== Option(b)
      case None =>
        a.split(i)._2 must_=== ISet.empty

  "member" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int], i: Int) =>
    a.member(i) must_=== a.toList.contains(i)

  "sound delete" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int], i: Int) =>
    val b = a.delete(i)
      (a.size - b.size) must_=== 1
      a must_=== b

  "sound insert" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int], i: Int) =>
    val b = a.insert(i)
      a must_=== b
      (b.size - a.size) must_=== 1

  "sound union" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int], b: ISet[Int]) =>
    (a union b) must_=== ISet.fromList(a.toList ++ b.toList)
    structurallySound(a union b)

  "union commute" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int], b: ISet[Int]) =>
    (a union b) must_===(b union a)

  "union idempotent" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int], b: ISet[Int]) =>
    val ab = a union b
    ab union a must_===(ab)
    ab union b must_===(ab)

  "sound intersection" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int], b: ISet[Int]) =>
    structurallySound(a intersection b)

  "intersection commute" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int], b: ISet[Int]) =>
    (a intersection b) must_===(b intersection a)

  """\\ is idempotent""" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int], b: ISet[Int]) =>
    val ab = a \\ b
    (ab \\ b).toList must_===(ab.toList)

  "difference is an inverse" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int]) =>
    (a difference a) must_===(ISet.empty[Int])

  "sound difference" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int], b: ISet[Int]) =>
    val c = a difference b
    Foldable[ISet].any(c)(b member _) must_=== false
    Foldable[ISet].all(c)(a member _) must_=== true

  "filter" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int], p: Int => Boolean) =>
    (a filter p).toList must_=== a.toList.filter(p)

  "sound partition" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int], p: Int => Boolean) =>
    val (ma, mb) = a partition p
    (ma.size + mb.size) must_=== a.size
    (ma union mb) must_=== a

  "partition" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int], p: Int => Boolean) =>
    val part = a partition p
    (part._1.toList, part._2.toList) must_=== a.toList.partition(p)

  "map" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int], f: Int => Int) => must_===

  "filter" ! forAll {(s: ISet[Int], p: Int => Boolean) =>
    s.filter(p).toList must_=== s.toList.sorted.filter(p)

  "findMin" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int]) =>
    a.findMin must_=== a.toList.sorted.headOption

  "findMax" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int]) =>
    a.findMax must_=== a.toList.sortWith(_ > _).headOption

  "deleteMin" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int]) =>
    a.deleteMin must_=== fromList(a.toList.drop(1))

  "deleteMax" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int]) =>
    a.deleteMax must_=== fromList(a.toList.sortWith(_ > _).drop(1))

  "minView" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int]) =>
    val l = a.toList.sorted
    val target = if (l.isEmpty) none else (l.head, fromList(l.tail)).some
    a.minView must_=== target

  "maxView" ! forAll {(a: ISet[Int]) =>
    val l = a.toList.sortWith(_ > _)
    val target = if (l.isEmpty) none else (l.head, fromList(l.tail)).some
    a.maxView must_=== target

  "isSubsetOf" ! forAll { (a: ISet[Int], b: ISet[Int]) =>
    val c = a isSubsetOf b
    c must_=== (a.toList.toSet subsetOf b.toList.toSet)
    c must_=== Foldable[ISet].all(a)(b member _)
    (c && (b isSubsetOf a)) must_=== Equal[ISet[Int]].equal(a, b)


Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala ISetTest.scala source code file:

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