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Scala example source code file (SpecLite.scala)

This example Scala source code file (SpecLite.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Scala project at its project page.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

anyops, arbitrary, boolean, int, prop, properties, propertyops, shrink, string, stringops, throwable, unit

The SpecLite.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz

import reflect.ClassTag

import org.scalacheck._

abstract class SpecLite extends Properties("") {
  override val name = this.getClass.getName.stripSuffix("$")

  def checkAll(name: String, props: Properties) {
    for ((name2, prop) <- yield {
      property(name + ":" + name2) = prop

  def checkAll(props: Properties) {
    for ((name, prop) <- yield {
      property(name) = prop

  class PropertyOps(props: Properties) {
    def withProp(propName: String, prop: Prop): Properties = {
      val p = new Properties(
      for {(name, x) <-} = x = prop

  implicit def enrichProperties(props: Properties) = new PropertyOps(props)
  private var context: String = ""

  class StringOps(s: String) {
    def should[A](a: => Any): Unit = {
      val saved = context
      context = s; try a finally context = saved
    def ![A](a: => A)(implicit ev: (A) => Prop): Unit = in(a)

    def in[A](a: => A)(implicit ev: (A) => Prop): Unit =
      property(context + ":" + s) = Prop(ev(a)(_)) // TODO sort out the laziness / implicit conversions properly

  implicit def enrichString(s: String) = new StringOps(s)

  def check(x: => Boolean): Prop = {
    x must_==(true)

  def fail(msg: String): Nothing = throw new AssertionError(msg)
  class AnyOps[A](actual: => A) {
    def must_===(expected: A)(implicit show: Show[A], equal: Equal[A]): Unit = {
      val act = actual
      def test = Equal[A].equal(expected, act)
      def koMessage = "%s !== %s".format(Show[A].shows(act), Show[A].shows(expected))
      if (!test)
    def must_==(expected: A): Unit = {
      val act = actual
      def test = expected == act
      def koMessage = "%s !== %s".format(act, expected)
      if (!test)

    def mustMatch(f: PartialFunction[A, Boolean]): Unit = {
      val act = actual
      def test = f.isDefinedAt(act) && f(act)
      def koMessage = "%s does not satisfy partial function".format(act)
      if (!test)

    def and[B](b: => B): B = {

    def mustBe_<(x: Int)(implicit ev: A <:< Int) = {
      val act = actual
      def test = ev(act) < x
      def koMessage = "%s <! %s".format(actual, x)
      if (!test)

    def mustThrowA[T <: Throwable](implicit man: ClassTag[T]): Unit = {
      val erasedClass = man.runtimeClass
      try {
        fail("no exception thrown, expected " + erasedClass)
      } catch {
        case ex: Throwable =>
          if (!erasedClass.isInstance(ex))
            fail("wrong exception thrown, expected: " + erasedClass + " got: " + ex)
  implicit def enrichAny[A](actual: => A): AnyOps[A] = new AnyOps(actual)

  def prop[T, R](result: T => R)(implicit toProp: (=>R) => Prop, a: Arbitrary[T], s: Shrink[T]): Prop = check1(result)
  implicit def propToProp(p: => Prop): Prop = p
  implicit def check1[T, R](result: T => R)(implicit toProp: (=>R) => Prop, a: Arbitrary[T], s: Shrink[T]): Prop = Prop.forAll((t: T) => toProp(result(t)))
  implicit def unitToProp(u: => Unit): Prop = booleanToProp({u; true})
  implicit def unitToProp2(u: Unit): Prop = booleanToProp(true)
  implicit def booleanToProp(b: => Boolean): Prop =

   * Most of our scalacheck tests use (Int => Int). This generator includes non-constant
   * functions (id, inc), to have a better chance at catching bugs.
  implicit def Function1IntInt[A](implicit A: Arbitrary[Int]): Arbitrary[Int => Int] =
    Arbitrary(Gen.frequency[Int => Int](
      (1, Gen.const((x: Int) => x)),
      (1, Gen.const((x: Int) => x + 1)),
      (3, => (_: Int) => a))

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala SpecLite.scala source code file:

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