Scala example source code file (TheseTest.scala)
The TheseTest.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz import scalaz.scalacheck.ScalazProperties._ import scalaz.scalacheck.ScalazArbitrary._ import std.AllInstances._ import \&/._ import syntax.contravariant._ import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll object TheseTest extends SpecLite { type TheseInt[a] = Int \&/ a checkAll(bindRec.laws[TheseInt]) checkAll(monad.laws[TheseInt]) checkAll(cobind.laws[TheseInt]) checkAll(traverse.laws[TheseInt]) checkAll(order.laws[Int \&/ Int]) checkAll(semigroup.laws[Int \&/ Int]) checkAll(bitraverse.laws[\&/]) implicit def ephemeralStreamShow[A: Show]: Show[EphemeralStream[A]] = Show[List[A]].contramap(_.toList) "align unalign" should { "List" ! forAll { (a: List[Int], b: List[Int]) => unalignList(Align[List].align(a, b)) must_=== ((a, b)) } "EphemeralStream" ! forAll { (a: EphemeralStream[Int], b: EphemeralStream[Int]) => unalignStream(Align[EphemeralStream].align(a, b)) must_=== ((a, b)) } } "onlyThisOrThat" should { "be invertible" ! forAll { ab: Int \/ String => ab.toThese.onlyThisOrThat must_=== Some(ab) } "handle both" ! forAll { (a: Int, b: String) => \&/.Both(a,b).onlyThisOrThat must_=== None } } object instances { def equal[A: Equal, B: Equal] = Equal[A \&/ B] def order[A: Order, B: Order] = Order[A \&/ B] def functor[L] = Functor[L \&/ ?] def apply[L: Semigroup] = Apply[L \&/ ?] def applicative[L: Semigroup] = Applicative[L \&/ ?] def bindRec[L: Semigroup] = BindRec[L \&/ ?] def monad[L: Semigroup] = Monad[L \&/ ?] def semigroup[L: Semigroup, R: Semigroup] = Semigroup[L \&/ R] def cobind[L] = Cobind[L \&/ ?] def foldable[L] = Foldable[L \&/ ?] def traverse[L] = Traverse[L \&/ ?] def bifunctor = Bifunctor[\&/] def bifoldable = Bifoldable[\&/] def bitraverse = Bitraverse[\&/] // checking absence of ambiguity def functor[L: Semigroup] = Functor[L \&/ ?] def equal[A: Order, B: Order] = Equal[A \&/ B] } } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala TheseTest.scala source code file: |
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