Scala example source code file (EnumeratorTTest.scala)
The EnumeratorTTest.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz package iteratee import std.AllInstances._ import Iteratee._ import effect._ import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import scalaz.scalacheck.ScalaCheckBinding._ import Id._ object EnumeratorTTest extends SpecLite { implicit def enumeratorTArb[F[_], A](implicit FA: Arbitrary[List[A]], F: Monad[F]): Arbitrary[EnumeratorT[A, F]] = Functor[Arbitrary].map(FA)(l => EnumeratorT.enumStream[A, F](l.toStream)) implicit def enumeratorEqual[A](implicit EQ: Equal[A]): Equal[Enumerator[A]] = new Equal[Enumerator[A]] { def equal(en1: Enumerator[A], en2: Enumerator[A]): Boolean = { val l1 = (consume[A, Id, List] &= en1).run val l2 = (consume[A, Id, List] &= en2).run Equal[List[A]].equal(l1, l2) } } "Issue #553" in { import std.list._ val xs = (1 to 10).map(List(_)).toList val e = enumIterator(xs.iterator) (Iteratee.sum[List[Int], IO] &= e).run.unsafePerformIO must_===(xs.flatten) (Iteratee.sum[List[Int], IO] &= e).run.unsafePerformIO must_===(xs.flatten) } "eof" in { val enum = enumEofT[Int, Id] (consume[Int, Id, List] &= enum).run must_===(Nil) } "map" in { val enum = enumStream[Int, Id](Stream(1, 2, 3)) (consume[Int, Id, List] &= enum.map(_ * 2)).run must_===(List(2, 4, 6)) } "flatMap" in { val enum = enumStream[Int, Id](Stream(1, 2, 3)) (consume[Int, Id, List] &= enum.flatMap(i => enum.map(_ + i))).run must_===(List(2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6)) } "flatten in a generalized fashion" in { val enum = enumOne[List[Int], List](List(1, 2, 3)) (consume[Int, List, List] &= enum.flatten).run.flatten must_===(List(1, 2, 3)) } "uniq" in { val enum = enumStream[Int, Id](Stream(1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3)) (consume[Int, Id, List] &= enum.uniq).run must_===(List(1, 2, 3)) } "zipWithIndex" in { val enum = enumStream[Int, Id](Stream(3, 4, 5)) (consume[(Int, Long), Id, List] &= enum.zipWithIndex).run must_===(List((3, 0L), (4, 1L), (5, 2L))) } "zipWithIndex" in { val enum = enumStream[Int, Id](Stream(3, 4, 5)) (consume[(Int, Long), Id, List] &= enum.zipWithIndex).run must_===(List((3, 0L), (4, 1L), (5, 2L))) } "zipWithIndex in combination with another function" in { val enum = enumStream[Int, Id](Stream(3, 4, 4, 5)) (consume[(Int, Long), Id, List] &= enum.uniq.zipWithIndex).run must_===(List((3, 0L), (4, 1L), (5, 2L))) } "lift" in { val enum = EnumeratorT.enumeratorTMonadTrans.liftM(List(1, 2, 3)) (collectT[Int, List, Id] &= enum.map(_ * 2)).run must_===(List(2, 4, 6)) } "enumerate an array" in { val enum = enumArray[Int, Id](Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 0, Some(3)) (consume[Int, Id, List] &= enum).run must_===(List(1, 2, 3)) } "allow for nesting of monads" in { type OIO[α] = OptionT[IO, α] val enum = enumIterator[Int, OIO](List(1, 2, 3).iterator) (consume[Int, OIO, List] &= enum.map(_ * 2)).run.run.unsafePerformIO() must_===(Some(List(2, 4, 6))) } "drain" in { val enum = enumStream[Int, Id](Stream(1, 2, 3)) enum.drainTo[List] must_===(List(1, 2, 3)) } "perform an interleaved effect" in { import scalaz.syntax.monoid._ var v: Int = 0 val enum = enumStream[Int, IO](Stream(1, 2)) val effect = EnumeratorT.perform[Int, IO, Unit](IO(v = 1)) val enum2 = enumStream[Int, IO](Stream(3, 4)) val testIter = IterateeT.fold[Int, IO, Boolean](true) { case (false, _) => false case (true, i) => if (i <= 2) v == 0 else v == 1 } (testIter &= (enum |+| effect |+| enum2)).run.unsafePerformIO must_===(true) } //checkAll(functor.laws[Enum]) //checkAll(pointed.laws[Enum]) //checkAll(monad.laws[Enum]) object instances { //def functor[F[_] : Functor] = Functor[EnumeratorT[?, F]] def monad[F[_] : Monad] = Monad[EnumeratorT[?, F]] def semigroup[E, F[_]: Bind] = Semigroup[EnumeratorT[E, F]] def monoid[E, F[_]: Monad] = Monoid[EnumeratorT[E, F]] } } // vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala EnumeratorTTest.scala source code file: |
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