Spring Framework example source code file (RmiClientInterceptor.java)
The Spring Framework RmiClientInterceptor.java source code/* * Copyright 2002-2007 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.remoting.rmi; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import java.net.URLStreamHandler; import java.rmi.Naming; import java.rmi.NotBoundException; import java.rmi.Remote; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry; import java.rmi.registry.Registry; import java.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory; import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor; import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation; import org.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils; import org.springframework.remoting.RemoteConnectFailureException; import org.springframework.remoting.RemoteInvocationFailureException; import org.springframework.remoting.RemoteLookupFailureException; import org.springframework.remoting.support.RemoteInvocationBasedAccessor; import org.springframework.remoting.support.RemoteInvocationUtils; /** * {@link org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor} for accessing conventional * RMI services or RMI invokers. The service URL must be a valid RMI URL * (e.g. "rmi://localhost:1099/myservice"). * * <p>RMI invokers work at the RmiInvocationHandler level, needing only one stub for * any service. Service interfaces do not have to extend <code>java.rmi.Remote * or throw <code>java.rmi.RemoteException. Spring's unchecked * RemoteAccessException will be thrown on remote invocation failure. * Of course, in and out parameters have to be serializable. * * <p>With conventional RMI services, this invoker is typically used with the RMI * service interface. Alternatively, this invoker can also proxy a remote RMI service * with a matching non-RMI business interface, i.e. an interface that mirrors the RMI * service methods but does not declare RemoteExceptions. In the latter case, * RemoteExceptions thrown by the RMI stub will automatically get converted to * Spring's unchecked RemoteAccessException. * * @author Juergen Hoeller * @since 29.09.2003 * @see RmiServiceExporter * @see RmiProxyFactoryBean * @see RmiInvocationHandler * @see org.springframework.remoting.RemoteAccessException * @see java.rmi.RemoteException * @see java.rmi.Remote */ public class RmiClientInterceptor extends RemoteInvocationBasedAccessor implements MethodInterceptor { private boolean lookupStubOnStartup = true; private boolean cacheStub = true; private boolean refreshStubOnConnectFailure = false; private RMIClientSocketFactory registryClientSocketFactory; private Remote cachedStub; private final Object stubMonitor = new Object(); /** * Set whether to look up the RMI stub on startup. Default is "true". * <p>Can be turned off to allow for late start of the RMI server. * In this case, the RMI stub will be fetched on first access. * @see #setCacheStub */ public void setLookupStubOnStartup(boolean lookupStubOnStartup) { this.lookupStubOnStartup = lookupStubOnStartup; } /** * Set whether to cache the RMI stub once it has been located. * Default is "true". * <p>Can be turned off to allow for hot restart of the RMI server. * In this case, the RMI stub will be fetched for each invocation. * @see #setLookupStubOnStartup */ public void setCacheStub(boolean cacheStub) { this.cacheStub = cacheStub; } /** * Set whether to refresh the RMI stub on connect failure. * Default is "false". * <p>Can be turned on to allow for hot restart of the RMI server. * If a cached RMI stub throws an RMI exception that indicates a * remote connect failure, a fresh proxy will be fetched and the * invocation will be retried. * @see java.rmi.ConnectException * @see java.rmi.ConnectIOException * @see java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException */ public void setRefreshStubOnConnectFailure(boolean refreshStubOnConnectFailure) { this.refreshStubOnConnectFailure = refreshStubOnConnectFailure; } /** * Set a custom RMI client socket factory to use for accessing the RMI registry. * @see java.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory * @see java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry#getRegistry(String, int, RMIClientSocketFactory) */ public void setRegistryClientSocketFactory(RMIClientSocketFactory registryClientSocketFactory) { this.registryClientSocketFactory = registryClientSocketFactory; } public void afterPropertiesSet() { super.afterPropertiesSet(); prepare(); } /** * Fetches RMI stub on startup, if necessary. * @throws RemoteLookupFailureException if RMI stub creation failed * @see #setLookupStubOnStartup * @see #lookupStub */ public void prepare() throws RemoteLookupFailureException { // Cache RMI stub on initialization? if (this.lookupStubOnStartup) { Remote remoteObj = lookupStub(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (remoteObj instanceof RmiInvocationHandler) { logger.debug("RMI stub [" + getServiceUrl() + "] is an RMI invoker"); } else if (getServiceInterface() != null) { boolean isImpl = getServiceInterface().isInstance(remoteObj); logger.debug("Using service interface [" + getServiceInterface().getName() + "] for RMI stub [" + getServiceUrl() + "] - " + (!isImpl ? "not " : "") + "directly implemented"); } } if (this.cacheStub) { this.cachedStub = remoteObj; } } } /** * Create the RMI stub, typically by looking it up. * <p>Called on interceptor initialization if "cacheStub" is "true"; * else called for each invocation by {@link #getStub()}. * <p>The default implementation looks up the service URL via * <code>java.rmi.Naming. This can be overridden in subclasses. * @return the RMI stub to store in this interceptor * @throws RemoteLookupFailureException if RMI stub creation failed * @see #setCacheStub * @see java.rmi.Naming#lookup */ protected Remote lookupStub() throws RemoteLookupFailureException { try { Remote stub = null; if (this.registryClientSocketFactory != null) { // RMIClientSocketFactory specified for registry access. // Unfortunately, due to RMI API limitations, this means // that we need to parse the RMI URL ourselves and perform // straight LocateRegistry.getRegistry/Registry.lookup calls. URL url = new URL(null, getServiceUrl(), new DummyURLStreamHandler()); String protocol = url.getProtocol(); if (protocol != null && !"rmi".equals(protocol)) { throw new MalformedURLException("Invalid URL scheme '" + protocol + "'"); } String host = url.getHost(); int port = url.getPort(); String name = url.getPath(); if (name != null && name.startsWith("/")) { name = name.substring(1); } Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(host, port, this.registryClientSocketFactory); stub = registry.lookup(name); } else { // Can proceed with standard RMI lookup API... stub = Naming.lookup(getServiceUrl()); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Located RMI stub with URL [" + getServiceUrl() + "]"); } return stub; } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { throw new RemoteLookupFailureException("Service URL [" + getServiceUrl() + "] is invalid", ex); } catch (NotBoundException ex) { throw new RemoteLookupFailureException( "Could not find RMI service [" + getServiceUrl() + "] in RMI registry", ex); } catch (RemoteException ex) { throw new RemoteLookupFailureException("Lookup of RMI stub failed", ex); } } /** * Return the RMI stub to use. Called for each invocation. * <p>The default implementation returns the stub created on initialization, * if any. Else, it invokes {@link #lookupStub} to get a new stub for * each invocation. This can be overridden in subclasses, for example in * order to cache a stub for a given amount of time before recreating it, * or to test the stub whether it is still alive. * @return the RMI stub to use for an invocation * @throws RemoteLookupFailureException if RMI stub creation failed * @see #lookupStub */ protected Remote getStub() throws RemoteLookupFailureException { if (!this.cacheStub || (this.lookupStubOnStartup && !this.refreshStubOnConnectFailure)) { return (this.cachedStub != null ? this.cachedStub : lookupStub()); } else { synchronized (this.stubMonitor) { if (this.cachedStub == null) { this.cachedStub = lookupStub(); } return this.cachedStub; } } } /** * Fetches an RMI stub and delegates to <code>doInvoke. * If configured to refresh on connect failure, it will call * {@link #refreshAndRetry} on corresponding RMI exceptions. * @see #getStub * @see #doInvoke(MethodInvocation, Remote) * @see #refreshAndRetry * @see java.rmi.ConnectException * @see java.rmi.ConnectIOException * @see java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException */ public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable { Remote stub = getStub(); try { return doInvoke(invocation, stub); } catch (RemoteConnectFailureException ex) { return handleRemoteConnectFailure(invocation, ex); } catch (RemoteException ex) { if (isConnectFailure(ex)) { return handleRemoteConnectFailure(invocation, ex); } else { throw ex; } } } /** * Determine whether the given RMI exception indicates a connect failure. * <p>The default implementation delegates to * {@link RmiClientInterceptorUtils#isConnectFailure}. * @param ex the RMI exception to check * @return whether the exception should be treated as connect failure */ protected boolean isConnectFailure(RemoteException ex) { return RmiClientInterceptorUtils.isConnectFailure(ex); } /** * Refresh the stub and retry the remote invocation if necessary. * <p>If not configured to refresh on connect failure, this method * simply rethrows the original exception. * @param invocation the invocation that failed * @param ex the exception raised on remote invocation * @return the result value of the new invocation, if succeeded * @throws Throwable an exception raised by the new invocation, if failed too. */ private Object handleRemoteConnectFailure(MethodInvocation invocation, Exception ex) throws Throwable { if (this.refreshStubOnConnectFailure) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Could not connect to RMI service [" + getServiceUrl() + "] - retrying", ex); } else if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("Could not connect to RMI service [" + getServiceUrl() + "] - retrying"); } return refreshAndRetry(invocation); } else { throw ex; } } /** * Refresh the RMI stub and retry the given invocation. * Called by invoke on connect failure. * @param invocation the AOP method invocation * @return the invocation result, if any * @throws Throwable in case of invocation failure * @see #invoke */ protected Object refreshAndRetry(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable { Remote freshStub = null; synchronized (this.stubMonitor) { this.cachedStub = null; freshStub = lookupStub(); if (this.cacheStub) { this.cachedStub = freshStub; } } return doInvoke(invocation, freshStub); } /** * Perform the given invocation on the given RMI stub. * @param invocation the AOP method invocation * @param stub the RMI stub to invoke * @return the invocation result, if any * @throws Throwable in case of invocation failure */ protected Object doInvoke(MethodInvocation invocation, Remote stub) throws Throwable { if (stub instanceof RmiInvocationHandler) { // RMI invoker try { return doInvoke(invocation, (RmiInvocationHandler) stub); } catch (RemoteException ex) { throw RmiClientInterceptorUtils.convertRmiAccessException( invocation.getMethod(), ex, isConnectFailure(ex), getServiceUrl()); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { Throwable exToThrow = ex.getTargetException(); RemoteInvocationUtils.fillInClientStackTraceIfPossible(exToThrow); throw exToThrow; } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new RemoteInvocationFailureException("Invocation of method [" + invocation.getMethod() + "] failed in RMI service [" + getServiceUrl() + "]", ex); } } else { // traditional RMI stub try { return RmiClientInterceptorUtils.doInvoke(invocation, stub); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { Throwable targetEx = ex.getTargetException(); if (targetEx instanceof RemoteException) { RemoteException rex = (RemoteException) targetEx; throw RmiClientInterceptorUtils.convertRmiAccessException( invocation.getMethod(), rex, isConnectFailure(rex), getServiceUrl()); } else { throw targetEx; } } } } /** * Apply the given AOP method invocation to the given {@link RmiInvocationHandler}. * <p>The default implementation delegates to {@link #createRemoteInvocation}. * @param methodInvocation the current AOP method invocation * @param invocationHandler the RmiInvocationHandler to apply the invocation to * @return the invocation result * @throws RemoteException in case of communication errors * @throws NoSuchMethodException if the method name could not be resolved * @throws IllegalAccessException if the method could not be accessed * @throws InvocationTargetException if the method invocation resulted in an exception * @see org.springframework.remoting.support.RemoteInvocation */ protected Object doInvoke(MethodInvocation methodInvocation, RmiInvocationHandler invocationHandler) throws RemoteException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { if (AopUtils.isToStringMethod(methodInvocation.getMethod())) { return "RMI invoker proxy for service URL [" + getServiceUrl() + "]"; } return invocationHandler.invoke(createRemoteInvocation(methodInvocation)); } /** * Dummy URLStreamHandler that's just specified to suppress the standard * <code>java.net.URL URLStreamHandler lookup, to be able to * use the standard URL class for parsing "rmi:..." URLs. */ private static class DummyURLStreamHandler extends URLStreamHandler { protected URLConnection openConnection(URL url) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } } Other Spring Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Spring Framework RmiClientInterceptor.java source code file: |
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