Spring Framework example source code file (DefaultTransactionDefinition.java)
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The Spring Framework DefaultTransactionDefinition.java source code
* Copyright 2002-2007 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.transaction.support;
import java.io.Serializable;
import org.springframework.core.Constants;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition;
* Default implementation of the {@link TransactionDefinition} interface,
* offering bean-style configuration and sensible default values
* <p>Base class for both {@link TransactionTemplate} and
* {@link org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.DefaultTransactionAttribute}.
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @since 08.05.2003
public class DefaultTransactionDefinition implements TransactionDefinition, Serializable {
/** Prefix for the propagation constants defined in TransactionDefinition */
public static final String PREFIX_PROPAGATION = "PROPAGATION_";
/** Prefix for the isolation constants defined in TransactionDefinition */
public static final String PREFIX_ISOLATION = "ISOLATION_";
/** Prefix for transaction timeout values in description strings */
public static final String PREFIX_TIMEOUT = "timeout_";
/** Marker for read-only transactions in description strings */
public static final String READ_ONLY_MARKER = "readOnly";
/** Constants instance for TransactionDefinition */
static final Constants constants = new Constants(TransactionDefinition.class);
private int propagationBehavior = PROPAGATION_REQUIRED;
private int isolationLevel = ISOLATION_DEFAULT;
private int timeout = TIMEOUT_DEFAULT;
private boolean readOnly = false;
private String name;
* Create a new DefaultTransactionDefinition, with default settings.
* Can be modified through bean property setters.
* @see #setPropagationBehavior
* @see #setIsolationLevel
* @see #setTimeout
* @see #setReadOnly
* @see #setName
public DefaultTransactionDefinition() {
* Copy constructor. Definition can be modified through bean property setters.
* @see #setPropagationBehavior
* @see #setIsolationLevel
* @see #setTimeout
* @see #setReadOnly
* @see #setName
public DefaultTransactionDefinition(TransactionDefinition other) {
this.propagationBehavior = other.getPropagationBehavior();
this.isolationLevel = other.getIsolationLevel();
this.timeout = other.getTimeout();
this.readOnly = other.isReadOnly();
this.name = other.getName();
* Create a new DefaultTransactionDefinition with the the given
* propagation behavior. Can be modified through bean property setters.
* @param propagationBehavior one of the propagation constants in the
* TransactionDefinition interface
* @see #setIsolationLevel
* @see #setTimeout
* @see #setReadOnly
public DefaultTransactionDefinition(int propagationBehavior) {
this.propagationBehavior = propagationBehavior;
* Set the propagation behavior by the name of the corresponding constant in
* TransactionDefinition, e.g. "PROPAGATION_REQUIRED".
* @param constantName name of the constant
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if the supplied value is not resolvable
* to one of the <code>PROPAGATION_ constants or is null
* @see #setPropagationBehavior
public final void setPropagationBehaviorName(String constantName) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (constantName == null || !constantName.startsWith(PREFIX_PROPAGATION)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only propagation constants allowed");
* Set the propagation behavior. Must be one of the propagation constants
* in the TransactionDefinition interface. Default is PROPAGATION_REQUIRED.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if the supplied value is not
* one of the <code>PROPAGATION_ constants
public final void setPropagationBehavior(int propagationBehavior) {
if (!constants.getValues(PREFIX_PROPAGATION).contains(new Integer(propagationBehavior))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only values of propagation constants allowed");
this.propagationBehavior = propagationBehavior;
public final int getPropagationBehavior() {
return this.propagationBehavior;
* Set the isolation level by the name of the corresponding constant in
* TransactionDefinition, e.g. "ISOLATION_DEFAULT".
* @param constantName name of the constant
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if the supplied value is not resolvable
* to one of the <code>ISOLATION_ constants or is null
* @see #setIsolationLevel
public final void setIsolationLevelName(String constantName) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (constantName == null || !constantName.startsWith(PREFIX_ISOLATION)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only isolation constants allowed");
* Set the isolation level. Must be one of the isolation constants
* in the TransactionDefinition interface. Default is ISOLATION_DEFAULT.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if the supplied value is not
* one of the <code>ISOLATION_ constants
public final void setIsolationLevel(int isolationLevel) {
if (!constants.getValues(PREFIX_ISOLATION).contains(new Integer(isolationLevel))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only values of isolation constants allowed");
this.isolationLevel = isolationLevel;
public final int getIsolationLevel() {
return this.isolationLevel;
* Set the timeout to apply, as number of seconds.
* Default is TIMEOUT_DEFAULT (-1).
public final void setTimeout(int timeout) {
if (timeout < TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timeout must be a positive integer or TIMEOUT_DEFAULT");
this.timeout = timeout;
public final int getTimeout() {
return this.timeout;
* Set whether to optimize as read-only transaction.
* Default is "false".
public final void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) {
this.readOnly = readOnly;
public final boolean isReadOnly() {
return this.readOnly;
* Set the name of this transaction. Default is none.
* <p>This will be used as transaction name to be shown in a
* transaction monitor, if applicable (for example, WebLogic's).
public final void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public final String getName() {
return this.name;
* This implementation compares the <code>toString() results.
* @see #toString()
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return (other instanceof TransactionDefinition && toString().equals(other.toString()));
* This implementation returns <code>toString()'s hash code.
* @see #toString()
public int hashCode() {
return toString().hashCode();
* Return an identifying description for this transaction definition.
* <p>The format matches the one used by
* {@link org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAttributeEditor},
* to be able to feed <code>toString results into bean properties of type
* {@link org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAttribute}.
* <p>Has to be overridden in subclasses for correct equals
* and <code>hashCode behavior. Alternatively, {@link #equals}
* and {@link #hashCode} can be overridden themselves.
* @see #getDefinitionDescription()
* @see org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAttributeEditor
public String toString() {
return getDefinitionDescription().toString();
* Return an identifying description for this transaction definition.
* <p>Available to subclasses, for inclusion in their toString() result.
protected final StringBuffer getDefinitionDescription() {
StringBuffer desc = new StringBuffer();
desc.append(constants.toCode(new Integer(this.propagationBehavior), PREFIX_PROPAGATION));
desc.append(constants.toCode(new Integer(this.isolationLevel), PREFIX_ISOLATION));
if (this.timeout != TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) {
desc.append(PREFIX_TIMEOUT + this.timeout);
if (this.readOnly) {
return desc;
Other Spring Framework examples (source code examples)
Here is a short list of links related to this Spring Framework DefaultTransactionDefinition.java source code file: