Spring Framework example source code file (ConstantsTests.java)
The Spring Framework ConstantsTests.java source code/* * Copyright 2002-2007 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.core; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * @author Rod Johnson * @author Juergen Hoeller * @author Rick Evans * @since 28.04.2003 */ public class ConstantsTests extends TestCase { public void testConstants() { Constants c = new Constants(A.class); assertEquals(A.class.getName(), c.getClassName()); assertEquals(9, c.getSize()); assertEquals(c.asNumber("DOG").intValue(), A.DOG); assertEquals(c.asNumber("dog").intValue(), A.DOG); assertEquals(c.asNumber("cat").intValue(), A.CAT); try { c.asNumber("bogus"); fail("Can't get bogus field"); } catch (ConstantException expected) { } assertTrue(c.asString("S1").equals(A.S1)); try { c.asNumber("S1"); fail("Wrong type"); } catch (ConstantException expected) { } } public void testGetNames() { Constants c = new Constants(A.class); Set names = c.getNames(""); assertEquals(c.getSize(), names.size()); assertTrue(names.contains("DOG")); assertTrue(names.contains("CAT")); assertTrue(names.contains("S1")); names = c.getNames("D"); assertEquals(1, names.size()); assertTrue(names.contains("DOG")); names = c.getNames("d"); assertEquals(1, names.size()); assertTrue(names.contains("DOG")); } public void testGetValues() { Constants c = new Constants(A.class); Set values = c.getValues(""); assertEquals(7, values.size()); assertTrue(values.contains(new Integer(0))); assertTrue(values.contains(new Integer(66))); assertTrue(values.contains("")); values = c.getValues("D"); assertEquals(1, values.size()); assertTrue(values.contains(new Integer(0))); values = c.getValues("prefix"); assertEquals(2, values.size()); assertTrue(values.contains(new Integer(1))); assertTrue(values.contains(new Integer(2))); values = c.getValuesForProperty("myProperty"); assertEquals(2, values.size()); assertTrue(values.contains(new Integer(1))); assertTrue(values.contains(new Integer(2))); } public void testGetValuesInTurkey() { Locale oldLocale = Locale.getDefault(); Locale.setDefault(new Locale("tr", "")); try { Constants c = new Constants(A.class); Set values = c.getValues(""); assertEquals(7, values.size()); assertTrue(values.contains(new Integer(0))); assertTrue(values.contains(new Integer(66))); assertTrue(values.contains("")); values = c.getValues("D"); assertEquals(1, values.size()); assertTrue(values.contains(new Integer(0))); values = c.getValues("prefix"); assertEquals(2, values.size()); assertTrue(values.contains(new Integer(1))); assertTrue(values.contains(new Integer(2))); values = c.getValuesForProperty("myProperty"); assertEquals(2, values.size()); assertTrue(values.contains(new Integer(1))); assertTrue(values.contains(new Integer(2))); } finally { Locale.setDefault(oldLocale); } } public void testSuffixAccess() { Constants c = new Constants(A.class); Set names = c.getNamesForSuffix("_PROPERTY"); assertEquals(2, names.size()); assertTrue(names.contains("NO_PROPERTY")); assertTrue(names.contains("YES_PROPERTY")); Set values = c.getValuesForSuffix("_PROPERTY"); assertEquals(2, values.size()); assertTrue(values.contains(new Integer(3))); assertTrue(values.contains(new Integer(4))); } public void testToCode() { Constants c = new Constants(A.class); assertEquals(c.toCode(new Integer(0), ""), "DOG"); assertEquals(c.toCode(new Integer(0), "D"), "DOG"); assertEquals(c.toCode(new Integer(0), "DO"), "DOG"); assertEquals(c.toCode(new Integer(0), "DoG"), "DOG"); assertEquals(c.toCode(new Integer(66), ""), "CAT"); assertEquals(c.toCode(new Integer(66), "C"), "CAT"); assertEquals(c.toCode(new Integer(66), "ca"), "CAT"); assertEquals(c.toCode(new Integer(66), "cAt"), "CAT"); assertEquals(c.toCode("", ""), "S1"); assertEquals(c.toCode("", "s"), "S1"); assertEquals(c.toCode("", "s1"), "S1"); try { c.toCode("bogus", "bogus"); fail("Should have thrown ConstantException"); } catch (ConstantException expected) { } assertEquals(c.toCodeForProperty(new Integer(1), "myProperty"), "MY_PROPERTY_NO"); assertEquals(c.toCodeForProperty(new Integer(2), "myProperty"), "MY_PROPERTY_YES"); try { c.toCodeForProperty("bogus", "bogus"); fail("Should have thrown ConstantException"); } catch (ConstantException expected) { } assertEquals(c.toCodeForSuffix(new Integer(0), ""), "DOG"); assertEquals(c.toCodeForSuffix(new Integer(0), "G"), "DOG"); assertEquals(c.toCodeForSuffix(new Integer(0), "OG"), "DOG"); assertEquals(c.toCodeForSuffix(new Integer(0), "DoG"), "DOG"); assertEquals(c.toCodeForSuffix(new Integer(66), ""), "CAT"); assertEquals(c.toCodeForSuffix(new Integer(66), "T"), "CAT"); assertEquals(c.toCodeForSuffix(new Integer(66), "at"), "CAT"); assertEquals(c.toCodeForSuffix(new Integer(66), "cAt"), "CAT"); assertEquals(c.toCodeForSuffix("", ""), "S1"); assertEquals(c.toCodeForSuffix("", "1"), "S1"); assertEquals(c.toCodeForSuffix("", "s1"), "S1"); try { c.toCodeForSuffix("bogus", "bogus"); fail("Should have thrown ConstantException"); } catch (ConstantException expected) { } } public void testGetValuesWithNullPrefix() throws Exception { Constants c = new Constants(A.class); Set values = c.getValues(null); assertEquals("Must have returned *all* public static final values", 7, values.size()); } public void testGetValuesWithEmptyStringPrefix() throws Exception { Constants c = new Constants(A.class); Set values = c.getValues(""); assertEquals("Must have returned *all* public static final values", 7, values.size()); } public void testGetValuesWithWhitespacedStringPrefix() throws Exception { Constants c = new Constants(A.class); Set values = c.getValues(" "); assertEquals("Must have returned *all* public static final values", 7, values.size()); } public void testWithClassThatExposesNoConstants() throws Exception { Constants c = new Constants(NoConstants.class); assertEquals(0, c.getSize()); final Set values = c.getValues(""); assertNotNull(values); assertEquals(0, values.size()); } public void testCtorWithNullClass() throws Exception { try { new Constants(null); fail("Must have thrown IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {} } private static final class NoConstants { } private static final class A { public static final int DOG = 0; public static final int CAT = 66; public static final String S1 = ""; public static final int PREFIX_NO = 1; public static final int PREFIX_YES = 2; public static final int MY_PROPERTY_NO = 1; public static final int MY_PROPERTY_YES = 2; public static final int NO_PROPERTY = 3; public static final int YES_PROPERTY = 4; /** ignore these */ protected static final int P = -1; protected boolean f; static final Object o = new Object(); } } Other Spring Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Spring Framework ConstantsTests.java source code file: |
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