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Spring Framework example source code file (

This example Spring Framework source code file ( is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Spring Framework tags/keywords

aa, c:\\dummy1\\dummy2\\dummy3, exception, exception, has, i, locale, locale, multi-valued, must, must, result, string, string, util

The Spring Framework source code

 * Copyright 2002-2007 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.util;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Properties;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

 * @author Rod Johnson
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @author Rick Evans
public class StringUtilsTests extends TestCase {

	public void testHasTextBlank() throws Exception {
		String blank = "          ";
		assertEquals(false, StringUtils.hasText(blank));

	public void testHasTextNullEmpty() throws Exception {
		assertEquals(false, StringUtils.hasText(null));
		assertEquals(false, StringUtils.hasText(""));

	public void testHasTextValid() throws Exception {
		assertEquals(true, StringUtils.hasText("t"));

	public void testContainsWhitespace() throws Exception {
		assertTrue(StringUtils.containsWhitespace(" "));
		assertTrue(StringUtils.containsWhitespace(" a"));
		assertTrue(StringUtils.containsWhitespace("abc "));
		assertTrue(StringUtils.containsWhitespace("a b"));
		assertTrue(StringUtils.containsWhitespace("a  b"));

	public void testTrimWhitespace() throws Exception {
		assertEquals(null, StringUtils.trimWhitespace(null));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimWhitespace(""));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimWhitespace(" "));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimWhitespace("\t"));
		assertEquals("a", StringUtils.trimWhitespace(" a"));
		assertEquals("a", StringUtils.trimWhitespace("a "));
		assertEquals("a", StringUtils.trimWhitespace(" a "));
		assertEquals("a b", StringUtils.trimWhitespace(" a b "));
		assertEquals("a b  c", StringUtils.trimWhitespace(" a b  c "));

	public void testTrimAllWhitespace() throws Exception {
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace(""));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace(" "));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace("\t"));
		assertEquals("a", StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace(" a"));
		assertEquals("a", StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace("a "));
		assertEquals("a", StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace(" a "));
		assertEquals("ab", StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace(" a b "));
		assertEquals("abc", StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace(" a b  c "));

	public void testTrimLeadingWhitespace() throws Exception {
		assertEquals(null, StringUtils.trimLeadingWhitespace(null));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimLeadingWhitespace(""));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimLeadingWhitespace(" "));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimLeadingWhitespace("\t"));
		assertEquals("a", StringUtils.trimLeadingWhitespace(" a"));
		assertEquals("a ", StringUtils.trimLeadingWhitespace("a "));
		assertEquals("a ", StringUtils.trimLeadingWhitespace(" a "));
		assertEquals("a b ", StringUtils.trimLeadingWhitespace(" a b "));
		assertEquals("a b  c ", StringUtils.trimLeadingWhitespace(" a b  c "));

	public void testTrimTrailingWhitespace() throws Exception {
		assertEquals(null, StringUtils.trimTrailingWhitespace(null));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimTrailingWhitespace(""));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimTrailingWhitespace(" "));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimTrailingWhitespace("\t"));
		assertEquals("a", StringUtils.trimTrailingWhitespace("a "));
		assertEquals(" a", StringUtils.trimTrailingWhitespace(" a"));
		assertEquals(" a", StringUtils.trimTrailingWhitespace(" a "));
		assertEquals(" a b", StringUtils.trimTrailingWhitespace(" a b "));
		assertEquals(" a b  c", StringUtils.trimTrailingWhitespace(" a b  c "));

	public void testTrimLeadingCharacter() throws Exception {
		assertEquals(null, StringUtils.trimLeadingCharacter(null, ' '));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimLeadingCharacter("", ' '));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimLeadingCharacter(" ", ' '));
		assertEquals("\t", StringUtils.trimLeadingCharacter("\t", ' '));
		assertEquals("a", StringUtils.trimLeadingCharacter(" a", ' '));
		assertEquals("a ", StringUtils.trimLeadingCharacter("a ", ' '));
		assertEquals("a ", StringUtils.trimLeadingCharacter(" a ", ' '));
		assertEquals("a b ", StringUtils.trimLeadingCharacter(" a b ", ' '));
		assertEquals("a b  c ", StringUtils.trimLeadingCharacter(" a b  c ", ' '));

	public void testTrimTrailingCharacter() throws Exception {
		assertEquals(null, StringUtils.trimTrailingCharacter(null, ' '));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimTrailingCharacter("", ' '));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimTrailingCharacter(" ", ' '));
		assertEquals("\t", StringUtils.trimTrailingCharacter("\t", ' '));
		assertEquals("a", StringUtils.trimTrailingCharacter("a ", ' '));
		assertEquals(" a", StringUtils.trimTrailingCharacter(" a", ' '));
		assertEquals(" a", StringUtils.trimTrailingCharacter(" a ", ' '));
		assertEquals(" a b", StringUtils.trimTrailingCharacter(" a b ", ' '));
		assertEquals(" a b  c", StringUtils.trimTrailingCharacter(" a b  c ", ' '));

	public void testCountOccurrencesOf() {
		assertTrue("nullx2 = 0",
				StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf(null, null) == 0);
		assertTrue("null string = 0",
				StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf("s", null) == 0);
		assertTrue("null substring = 0",
				StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf(null, "s") == 0);
		String s = "erowoiueoiur";
		assertTrue("not found = 0",
				StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf(s, "WERWER") == 0);
		assertTrue("not found char = 0",
				StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf(s, "x") == 0);
		assertTrue("not found ws = 0",
				StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf(s, " ") == 0);
		assertTrue("not found empty string = 0",
				StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf(s, "") == 0);
		assertTrue("found char=2", StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf(s, "e") == 2);
		assertTrue("found substring=2",
				StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf(s, "oi") == 2);
		assertTrue("found substring=2",
				StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf(s, "oiu") == 2);
		assertTrue("found substring=3",
				StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf(s, "oiur") == 1);
		assertTrue("test last", StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf(s, "r") == 2);

	public void testReplace() throws Exception {
		String inString = "a6AazAaa77abaa";
		String oldPattern = "aa";
		String newPattern = "foo";

		// Simple replace
		String s = StringUtils.replace(inString, oldPattern, newPattern);
		assertTrue("Replace 1 worked", s.equals("a6AazAfoo77abfoo"));

		// Non match: no change
		s = StringUtils.replace(inString, "qwoeiruqopwieurpoqwieur", newPattern);
		assertTrue("Replace non matched is equal", s.equals(inString));

		// Null new pattern: should ignore
		s = StringUtils.replace(inString, oldPattern, null);
		assertTrue("Replace non matched is equal", s.equals(inString));

		// Null old pattern: should ignore
		s = StringUtils.replace(inString, null, newPattern);
		assertTrue("Replace non matched is equal", s.equals(inString));

	public void testDelete() throws Exception {
		String inString = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog";

		String noThe = StringUtils.delete(inString, "the");
		assertTrue("Result has no the [" + noThe + "]",
				noThe.equals("The quick brown fox jumped over  lazy dog"));

		String nohe = StringUtils.delete(inString, "he");
		assertTrue("Result has no he [" + nohe + "]",
				nohe.equals("T quick brown fox jumped over t lazy dog"));

		String nosp = StringUtils.delete(inString, " ");
		assertTrue("Result has no spaces",

		String killEnd = StringUtils.delete(inString, "dog");
		assertTrue("Result has no dog",
				killEnd.equals("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy "));

		String mismatch = StringUtils.delete(inString, "dxxcxcxog");
		assertTrue("Result is unchanged", mismatch.equals(inString));

	public void testDeleteAny() throws Exception {
		String inString = "Able was I ere I saw Elba";

		String res = StringUtils.deleteAny(inString, "I");
		assertTrue("Result has no Is [" + res + "]",
				res.equals("Able was  ere  saw Elba"));

		res = StringUtils.deleteAny(inString, "AeEba!");
		assertTrue("Result has no Is [" + res + "]",
				res.equals("l ws I r I sw l"));

		String mismatch = StringUtils.deleteAny(inString, "#@$#$^");
		assertTrue("Result is unchanged", mismatch.equals(inString));

		String whitespace =
				"This is\n\n\n    \t   a messagy string with whitespace\n";
		assertTrue("Has CR", whitespace.indexOf("\n") != -1);
		assertTrue("Has tab", whitespace.indexOf("\t") != -1);
		assertTrue("Has  sp", whitespace.indexOf(" ") != -1);
		String cleaned = StringUtils.deleteAny(whitespace, "\n\t ");
		assertTrue("Has no CR", cleaned.indexOf("\n") == -1);
		assertTrue("Has no tab", cleaned.indexOf("\t") == -1);
		assertTrue("Has no sp", cleaned.indexOf(" ") == -1);
		assertTrue("Still has chars", cleaned.length() > 10);

	public void testQuote() {
		assertEquals("'myString'", StringUtils.quote("myString"));
		assertEquals("''", StringUtils.quote(""));

	public void testQuoteIfString() {
		assertEquals("'myString'", StringUtils.quoteIfString("myString"));
		assertEquals("''", StringUtils.quoteIfString(""));
		assertEquals(new Integer(5), StringUtils.quoteIfString(new Integer(5)));

	public void testUnqualify() {
		String qualified = "";
		assertEquals("unqualified", StringUtils.unqualify(qualified));

	public void testCapitalize() {
		String capitalized = "i am not capitalized";
		assertEquals("I am not capitalized", StringUtils.capitalize(capitalized));

	public void testUncapitalize() {
		String capitalized = "I am capitalized";
		assertEquals("i am capitalized", StringUtils.uncapitalize(capitalized));

	public void testGetFilename() {
		assertEquals(null, StringUtils.getFilename(null));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.getFilename(""));
		assertEquals("myfile", StringUtils.getFilename("myfile"));
		assertEquals("myfile", StringUtils.getFilename("mypath/myfile"));
		assertEquals("myfile.", StringUtils.getFilename("myfile."));
		assertEquals("myfile.", StringUtils.getFilename("mypath/myfile."));
		assertEquals("myfile.txt", StringUtils.getFilename("myfile.txt"));
		assertEquals("myfile.txt", StringUtils.getFilename("mypath/myfile.txt"));

	public void testGetFilenameExtension() {
		assertEquals(null, StringUtils.getFilenameExtension(null));
		assertEquals(null, StringUtils.getFilenameExtension(""));
		assertEquals(null, StringUtils.getFilenameExtension("myfile"));
		assertEquals(null, StringUtils.getFilenameExtension("myPath/myfile"));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.getFilenameExtension("myfile."));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.getFilenameExtension("myPath/myfile."));
		assertEquals("txt", StringUtils.getFilenameExtension("myfile.txt"));
		assertEquals("txt", StringUtils.getFilenameExtension("mypath/myfile.txt"));

	public void testStripFilenameExtension() {
		assertEquals(null, StringUtils.stripFilenameExtension(null));
		assertEquals("", StringUtils.stripFilenameExtension(""));
		assertEquals("myfile", StringUtils.stripFilenameExtension("myfile"));
		assertEquals("mypath/myfile", StringUtils.stripFilenameExtension("mypath/myfile"));
		assertEquals("myfile", StringUtils.stripFilenameExtension("myfile."));
		assertEquals("mypath/myfile", StringUtils.stripFilenameExtension("mypath/myfile."));
		assertEquals("myfile", StringUtils.stripFilenameExtension("myfile.txt"));
		assertEquals("mypath/myfile", StringUtils.stripFilenameExtension("mypath/myfile.txt"));

	public void testCleanPath() {
		assertEquals("mypath/myfile", StringUtils.cleanPath("mypath/myfile"));
		assertEquals("mypath/myfile", StringUtils.cleanPath("mypath\\myfile"));
		assertEquals("mypath/myfile", StringUtils.cleanPath("mypath/../mypath/myfile"));
		assertEquals("mypath/myfile", StringUtils.cleanPath("mypath/myfile/../../mypath/myfile"));
		assertEquals("../mypath/myfile", StringUtils.cleanPath("../mypath/myfile"));
		assertEquals("../mypath/myfile", StringUtils.cleanPath("../mypath/../mypath/myfile"));
		assertEquals("../mypath/myfile", StringUtils.cleanPath("mypath/../../mypath/myfile"));

	public void testPathEquals() {
		assertTrue("Must be true for the same strings",
		assertTrue("Must be true for the same win strings",
		assertTrue("Must be true for one top path on 1",
		assertTrue("Must be true for one win top path on 2",
		assertTrue("Must be true for two top paths on 1",
		assertTrue("Must be true for two win top paths on 2",
		assertTrue("Must be true for double top paths on 1",
		assertTrue("Must be true for double top paths on 2 with similarity",
		assertTrue("Must be true for current paths",
		assertFalse("Must be false for relative/absolute paths",
		assertFalse("Must be false for different strings",
		assertFalse("Must be false for one false path on 1",
		assertFalse("Must be false for one false win top path on 2",
		assertFalse("Must be false for top path on 1 + difference",

	public void testConcatenateStringArrays() {
		String[] input1 = new String[] {"myString2"};
		String[] input2 = new String[] {"myString1", "myString2"};
		String[] result = StringUtils.concatenateStringArrays(input1, input2);
		assertEquals(3, result.length);
		assertEquals("myString2", result[0]);
		assertEquals("myString1", result[1]);
		assertEquals("myString2", result[2]);

		assertEquals(input1, StringUtils.concatenateStringArrays(input1, null));
		assertEquals(input2, StringUtils.concatenateStringArrays(null, input2));
		assertNull(StringUtils.concatenateStringArrays(null, null));

	public void testMergeStringArrays() {
		String[] input1 = new String[] {"myString2"};
		String[] input2 = new String[] {"myString1", "myString2"};
		String[] result = StringUtils.mergeStringArrays(input1, input2);
		assertEquals(2, result.length);
		assertEquals("myString2", result[0]);
		assertEquals("myString1", result[1]);

		assertEquals(input1, StringUtils.mergeStringArrays(input1, null));
		assertEquals(input2, StringUtils.mergeStringArrays(null, input2));
		assertNull(StringUtils.mergeStringArrays(null, null));

	public void testSortStringArray() {
		String[] input = new String[] {"myString2"};
		input = StringUtils.addStringToArray(input, "myString1");
		assertEquals("myString2", input[0]);
		assertEquals("myString1", input[1]);

		assertEquals("myString1", input[0]);
		assertEquals("myString2", input[1]);

	public void testRemoveDuplicateStrings() {
		String[] input = new String[] {"myString2", "myString1", "myString2"};
		input = StringUtils.removeDuplicateStrings(input);
		assertEquals("myString1", input[0]);
		assertEquals("myString2", input[1]);

	public void testSplitArrayElementsIntoProperties() {
		String[] input = new String[] {"key1=value1 ", "key2 =\"value2\""};
		Properties result = StringUtils.splitArrayElementsIntoProperties(input, "=");
		assertEquals("value1", result.getProperty("key1"));
		assertEquals("\"value2\"", result.getProperty("key2"));

	public void testSplitArrayElementsIntoPropertiesAndDeletedChars() {
		String[] input = new String[] {"key1=value1 ", "key2 =\"value2\""};
		Properties result = StringUtils.splitArrayElementsIntoProperties(input, "=", "\"");
		assertEquals("value1", result.getProperty("key1"));
		assertEquals("value2", result.getProperty("key2"));

	public void testTokenizeToStringArray() {
		String[] sa = StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray("a,b , ,c", ",");
		assertEquals(3, sa.length);
		assertTrue("components are correct",
				sa[0].equals("a") && sa[1].equals("b") && sa[2].equals("c"));

	public void testTokenizeToStringArrayWithNotIgnoreEmptyTokens() {
		String[] sa = StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray("a,b , ,c", ",", true, false);
		assertEquals(4, sa.length);
		assertTrue("components are correct",
				sa[0].equals("a") && sa[1].equals("b") && sa[2].equals("") && sa[3].equals("c"));

	public void testTokenizeToStringArrayWithNotTrimTokens() {
		String[] sa = StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray("a,b ,c", ",", false, true);
		assertEquals(3, sa.length);
		assertTrue("components are correct",
				sa[0].equals("a") && sa[1].equals("b ") && sa[2].equals("c"));

	public void testCommaDelimitedListToStringArrayWithNullProducesEmptyArray() {
		String[] sa = StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray(null);
		assertTrue("String array isn't null with null input", sa != null);
		assertTrue("String array length == 0 with null input", sa.length == 0);

	public void testCommaDelimitedListToStringArrayWithEmptyStringProducesEmptyArray() {
		String[] sa = StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray("");
		assertTrue("String array isn't null with null input", sa != null);
		assertTrue("String array length == 0 with null input", sa.length == 0);

	private void testStringArrayReverseTransformationMatches(String[] sa) {
		String[] reverse =
		assertEquals("Reverse transformation is equal",

	public void testDelimitedListToStringArrayWithComma() {
		String[] sa = StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray("a,b", ",");
		assertEquals(2, sa.length);
		assertEquals("a", sa[0]);
		assertEquals("b", sa[1]);

	public void testDelimitedListToStringArrayWithSemicolon() {
		String[] sa = StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray("a;b", ";");
		assertEquals(2, sa.length);
		assertEquals("a", sa[0]);
		assertEquals("b", sa[1]);

	public void testDelimitedListToStringArrayWithEmptyString() {
		String[] sa = StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray("a,b", "");
		assertEquals(3, sa.length);
		assertEquals("a", sa[0]);
		assertEquals(",", sa[1]);
		assertEquals("b", sa[2]);

	public void testDelimitedListToStringArrayWithNullDelimiter() {
		String[] sa = StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray("a,b", null);
		assertEquals(1, sa.length);
		assertEquals("a,b", sa[0]);

	public void testCommaDelimitedListToStringArrayMatchWords() {
		// Could read these from files
		String[] sa = new String[] {"foo", "bar", "big"};

		sa = new String[] {"a", "b", "c"};

		// Test same words
		sa = new String[] {"AA", "AA", "AA", "AA", "AA"};

	public void testCommaDelimitedListToStringArraySingleString() {
		// Could read these from files
		String s = "woeirqupoiewuropqiewuorpqiwueopriquwopeiurqopwieur";
		String[] sa = StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray(s);
		assertTrue("Found one String with no delimiters", sa.length == 1);
		assertTrue("Single array entry matches input String with no delimiters",

	public void testCommaDelimitedListToStringArrayWithOtherPunctuation() {
		// Could read these from files
		String[] sa = new String[] {"xcvwert4456346&*.", "///", ".!", ".", ";"};

	 * We expect to see the empty Strings in the output.
	public void testCommaDelimitedListToStringArrayEmptyStrings() {
		// Could read these from files
		String[] sa = StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray("a,,b");
		assertEquals("a,,b produces array length 3", 3, sa.length);
		assertTrue("components are correct",
				sa[0].equals("a") && sa[1].equals("") && sa[2].equals("b"));

		sa = new String[] {"", "", "a", ""};

	private void doTestCommaDelimitedListToStringArrayLegalMatch(String[] components) {
		StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
		for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
			if (i != 0) {
		String[] sa = StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray(sbuf.toString());
		assertTrue("String array isn't null with legal match", sa != null);
		assertEquals("String array length is correct with legal match", components.length, sa.length);
		assertTrue("Output equals input", Arrays.equals(sa, components));

	public void testEndsWithIgnoreCase() {
		String suffix = "fOo";
		assertTrue(StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("foo", suffix));
		assertTrue(StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("Foo", suffix));
		assertTrue(StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("barfoo", suffix));
		assertTrue(StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("barbarfoo", suffix));
		assertTrue(StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("barFoo", suffix));
		assertTrue(StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("barBarFoo", suffix));
		assertTrue(StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("barfoO", suffix));
		assertTrue(StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("barFOO", suffix));
		assertTrue(StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("barfOo", suffix));
		assertFalse(StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(null, suffix));
		assertFalse(StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("barfOo", null));
		assertFalse(StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("b", suffix));

	public void testParseLocaleStringSunnyDay() throws Exception {
		Locale expectedLocale = Locale.UK;
		Locale locale = StringUtils.parseLocaleString(expectedLocale.toString());
		assertNotNull("When given a bona-fide Locale string, must not return null.", locale);
		assertEquals(expectedLocale, locale);

	public void testParseLocaleStringWithMalformedLocaleString() throws Exception {
		Locale locale = StringUtils.parseLocaleString("_banjo_on_my_knee");
		assertNotNull("When given a malformed Locale string, must not return null.", locale);

	public void testParseLocaleStringWithEmptyLocaleStringYieldsNullLocale() throws Exception {
		Locale locale = StringUtils.parseLocaleString("");
		assertNull("When given an empty Locale string, must return null.", locale);

	 * <a href="">See SPR-3671.
	public void testParseLocaleWithMultiValuedVariant() throws Exception {
		final String variant = "proper_northern";
		final String localeString = "en_GB_" + variant;
		Locale locale = StringUtils.parseLocaleString(localeString);
		assertEquals("Multi-valued variant portion of the Locale not extracted correctly.", variant, locale.getVariant());

	 * <a href="">See SPR-3671.
	public void testParseLocaleWithMultiValuedVariantUsingSpacesAsSeparators() throws Exception {
		final String variant = "proper northern";
		final String localeString = "en GB " + variant;
		Locale locale = StringUtils.parseLocaleString(localeString);
		assertEquals("Multi-valued variant portion of the Locale not extracted correctly.", variant, locale.getVariant());

	 * <a href="">See SPR-3671.
	public void testParseLocaleWithMultiValuedVariantUsingMixtureOfUnderscoresAndSpacesAsSeparators() throws Exception {
		final String variant = "proper northern";
		final String localeString = "en_GB_" + variant;
		Locale locale = StringUtils.parseLocaleString(localeString);
		assertEquals("Multi-valued variant portion of the Locale not extracted correctly.", variant, locale.getVariant());

	 * <a href="">See SPR-3671.
	public void testParseLocaleWithMultiValuedVariantUsingSpacesAsSeparatorsWithLotsOfLeadingWhitespace() throws Exception {
		final String variant = "proper northern";
		final String localeString = "en GB            " + variant; // lots of whitespace
		Locale locale = StringUtils.parseLocaleString(localeString);
		assertEquals("Multi-valued variant portion of the Locale not extracted correctly.", variant, locale.getVariant());

	 * <a href="">See SPR-3671.
	public void testParseLocaleWithMultiValuedVariantUsingUnderscoresAsSeparatorsWithLotsOfLeadingWhitespace() throws Exception {
		final String variant = "proper_northern";
		final String localeString = "en_GB_____" + variant; // lots of underscores
		Locale locale = StringUtils.parseLocaleString(localeString);
		assertEquals("Multi-valued variant portion of the Locale not extracted correctly.", variant, locale.getVariant());


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