Spring Framework example source code file (CancellableFormControllerTests.java)
The Spring Framework CancellableFormControllerTests.java source code/* * Copyright 2002-2007 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.springframework.beans.TestBean; import org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpServletRequest; import org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpServletResponse; import org.springframework.validation.BindException; import org.springframework.validation.Errors; import org.springframework.validation.Validator; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; /** * @author Rob Harrop * @author Juergen Hoeller */ public class CancellableFormControllerTests extends TestCase { public void testFormViewRequest() throws Exception { String formView = "theFormView"; TestController ctl = new TestController(); ctl.setFormView(formView); ctl.setBindOnNewForm(true); MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest(); MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse(); String name = "Rob Harrop"; int age = 23; request.setMethod("GET"); request.addParameter("name", name); request.addParameter("age", "" + age); ModelAndView mv = ctl.handleRequest(request, response); assertEquals("Incorrect view name", formView, mv.getViewName()); TestBean command = (TestBean) mv.getModel().get(ctl.getCommandName()); testCommandIsBound(command, name, age); } public void testFormSubmissionRequestWithoutCancel() throws Exception { String successView = "successView"; TestController ctl = new TestController(); ctl.setSuccessView(successView); MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest(); MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse(); String name = "Rob Harrop"; int age = 23; request.setMethod("POST"); request.addParameter("name", name); request.addParameter("age", "" + age); ModelAndView mv = ctl.handleRequest(request, response); assertEquals("Incorrect view name", successView, mv.getViewName()); TestBean command = (TestBean) mv.getModel().get(ctl.getCommandName()); testCommandIsBound(command, name, age); } public void testFormSubmissionWithErrors() throws Exception { String successView = "successView"; String formView = "formView"; TestController ctl = new TestController(); ctl.setSuccessView(successView); ctl.setFormView(formView); MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest(); MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse(); request.setMethod("POST"); request.addParameter("name", "Rob Harrop"); request.addParameter("age", "xxx23"); ModelAndView mv = ctl.handleRequest(request, response); assertEquals("Incorrect view name", formView, mv.getViewName()); Errors errors = (Errors) mv.getModel().get(BindException.MODEL_KEY_PREFIX + ctl.getCommandName()); assertNotNull("No errors", errors); assertEquals(1, errors.getErrorCount()); } public void testFormSubmissionWithValidationError() throws Exception { String successView = "successView"; String formView = "formView"; TestController ctl = new TestController(); ctl.setSuccessView(successView); ctl.setFormView(formView); TestValidator val = new TestValidator(); ctl.setValidator(val); MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest(); MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse(); request.setMethod("POST"); request.addParameter("name", "Rob Harrop"); request.addParameter("age", "23"); ModelAndView mv = ctl.handleRequest(request, response); assertEquals("Incorrect view name", formView, mv.getViewName()); Errors errors = (Errors) mv.getModel().get(BindException.MODEL_KEY_PREFIX + ctl.getCommandName()); assertNotNull("No errors", errors); assertEquals(1, errors.getErrorCount()); assertTrue(val.invoked); } public void testCancelSubmission() throws Exception { String cancelView = "cancelView"; String cancelParameterKey = "cancelRequest"; TestController ctl = new TestController(); ctl.setCancelParamKey(cancelParameterKey); ctl.setCancelView(cancelView); MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest(); MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse(); request.setMethod("POST"); request.addParameter("cancelRequest", "true"); ModelAndView mv = ctl.handleRequest(request, response); assertEquals("Incorrect view name", cancelView, mv.getViewName()); } public void testCancelSubmissionWithValidationError() throws Exception { String cancelView = "cancelView"; String cancelParameterKey = "cancelRequest"; TestController ctl = new TestController(); ctl.setCancelParamKey(cancelParameterKey); ctl.setCancelView(cancelView); TestValidator val = new TestValidator(); ctl.setValidator(val); MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest(); MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse(); request.setMethod("POST"); request.addParameter("name", "Rob Harrop"); request.addParameter("age", "23"); request.addParameter("cancelRequest", "true"); ModelAndView mv = ctl.handleRequest(request, response); assertEquals("Incorrect view name", cancelView, mv.getViewName()); assertFalse(val.invoked); } public void testCancelSubmissionWithCustomModelParams() throws Exception { String cancelView = "cancelView"; String cancelParameterKey = "cancelRequest"; final String reason = "Because I wanted to"; TestController ctl = new TestController() { protected ModelAndView onCancel(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command) { return new ModelAndView(getCancelView(), "reason", reason); } }; ctl.setCancelParamKey(cancelParameterKey); ctl.setCancelView(cancelView); MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest(); MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse(); request.setMethod("POST"); request.addParameter("cancelRequest", "true"); ModelAndView mv = ctl.handleRequest(request, response); assertEquals("Incorrect view name", cancelView, mv.getViewName()); assertEquals("Model parameter reason not correct", reason, mv.getModel().get("reason")); } private void testCommandIsBound(TestBean command, String name, int age) { assertNotNull("Command bean should not be null", command); assertEquals("Name not bound", name, command.getName()); assertEquals("Age not bound", age, command.getAge()); } private static class TestController extends CancellableFormController { public TestController() { setCommandClass(TestBean.class); } } private static class TestValidator implements Validator { private boolean invoked = false; public boolean supports(Class clazz) { return TestBean.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz); } public void validate(Object target, Errors errors) { this.invoked = true; TestBean tb = (TestBean) target; if (tb.getAge() < 25) { errors.rejectValue("age", "TOO_YOUNG"); } } } } Other Spring Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Spring Framework CancellableFormControllerTests.java source code file: |
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