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import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

 * The Syslog class implements the UNIX syslog protocol allowing Java
 * to log messages to a specified UNIX host. Care has been taken to
 * preserve as much of the UNIX implementation as possible.
 * <br>
 * To use Syslog, simply create an instance, and use the Syslog() method
 * to log your message. The class provides all the expected syslog constants.
 * For example, LOG_ERR is Syslog.LOG_ERR.
 * <br>
 * Written: <a href="">Tim Endres
* Version: 1.2 - July 27, 1998<br> * Version: 1.0 - August 14, 1996<br> * Source: <a href=""> * @see DatagramSocket * @see InetAddress */ public class Syslog extends Object { // CLASS CONSTANTS // CLASS VARIABLES static private Syslog logger = null; // INSTANCE VARIABLES private String logName; private String hostName; private int portNum; private int flags; private boolean includeDate; private InetAddress boundAddress; private DatagramSocket socket; private SimpleDateFormat date1Format; private SimpleDateFormat date2Format; // CLASS METHODS /** * Binds the Syslog class to a specified host for further logging. * See the Syslog constructor for details on the parameters. */ static public void open( String hostname, String name, int flags ) throws SyslogException { try { Syslog.logger = new Syslog ( hostname, SyslogDefs.DEFAULT_PORT, name, flags ); } catch ( SyslogException ex ) { throw ex; } } /** * Performs a syslog to the currently bound syslog host. */ static public void log( int fac, int lvl, String msg ) throws SyslogException { try { logger.syslog( fac, lvl, msg ); } catch ( SyslogException ex ) { throw ex; } } /** * Unbinds the current syslog host. */ static public void close() { logger = null; } /** * Creates a Syslog object instance, targeted for the UNIX host * with the hostname 'hostname' on the syslog port 'port'. * The only flags recognized are 'LOG_PERROR', which will log the * message to Java's 'System.err'. */ public Syslog( String name, int flags ) throws SyslogException { super(); this.logName = name; this.hostName = null; this.portNum = SyslogDefs.DEFAULT_PORT; this.flags = flags; this.initialize(); } /** * Creates a Syslog object instance, targeted for the UNIX host * with the hostname 'hostname' on the syslog port 'port'. * The only flags recognized are 'LOG_PERROR', which will log the * message to Java's 'System.err'. */ public Syslog( String hostname, int port, String name, int flags ) throws SyslogException { super(); this.logName = name; this.hostName = hostname; this.portNum = port; this.flags = flags; try { this.boundAddress = InetAddress.getByName( hostname ); } catch ( UnknownHostException ex ) { String message = "error locating host named '" + hostname + "': " + ex.getMessage(); throw new SyslogException( message ); } this.initialize(); } private void initialize() throws SyslogException { try { this.socket = new DatagramSocket(); } catch ( SocketException ex ) { String message = "error creating syslog udp socket: " + ex.getMessage(); throw new SyslogException( message ); } // This determines if the timestamp is added to the message // in this, the client, or if it is left off for the server // to fill in. Adding it in the client is the "standard" way, // but most servers support the "old style" (no timestamp) // messages as well. I leave this choice, since some servers // may not work without it, and because some JDK's may not // support SimpleDateFormat or TimeZone correctly. this.includeDate = true; if ( this.includeDate ) { // We need two separate formatters here, since there is // no way to get the single digit date (day of month) to // pad with a space instead of a zero. this.date1Format = new SimpleDateFormat ( "MMM d HH:mm:ss ", Locale.US ); this.date2Format = new SimpleDateFormat ( "MMM dd HH:mm:ss ", Locale.US ); this.date1Format.setTimeZone ( TimeZone.getDefault() ); this.date2Format.setTimeZone ( TimeZone.getDefault() ); } } /** * Use this method to log your syslog messages. The facility and * level are the same as their UNIX counterparts, and the Syslog * class provides constants for these fields. The msg is what is * actually logged. */ public void syslog( int fac, int pri, String msg ) throws SyslogException { this.syslog( this.boundAddress, this.portNum, fac, pri, msg ); } /** * Use this method to log your syslog messages. The facility and * level are the same as their UNIX counterparts, and the Syslog * class provides constants for these fields. The msg is what is * actually logged. */ public void syslog( InetAddress addr, int fac, int pri, String msg ) throws SyslogException { this.syslog( addr, this.portNum, fac, pri, msg ); } /** * Use this method to log your syslog messages. The facility and * level are the same as their UNIX counterparts, and the Syslog * class provides constants for these fields. The msg is what is * actually logged. */ public void syslog( String hostname, int fac, int pri, String msg ) throws SyslogException { try { InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName( hostname ); this.syslog( address, this.portNum, fac, pri, msg ); } catch ( UnknownHostException ex ) { String message = "error locating host named '" + hostname + "': " + ex.getMessage(); throw new SyslogException( message ); } } /** * Use this method to log your syslog messages. The facility and * level are the same as their UNIX counterparts, and the Syslog * class provides constants for these fields. The msg is what is * actually logged. */ public void syslog( String hostname, int port, int fac, int pri, String msg ) throws SyslogException { try { InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName( hostname ); this.syslog( address, port, fac, pri, msg ); } catch ( UnknownHostException ex ) { String message = "error locating host named '" + hostname + "': " + ex.getMessage(); throw new SyslogException( message ); } } /** * Use this method to log your syslog messages. The facility and * level are the same as their UNIX counterparts, and the Syslog * class provides constants for these fields. The msg is what is * actually logged. */ public void syslog( InetAddress addr, int port, int fac, int pri, String msg ) throws SyslogException { int pricode; int length; int idx, sidx, nidx; StringBuffer buffer; byte[] data; byte[] sBytes; byte[] numbuf = new byte[32]; String nmObj; String strObj; pricode = SyslogDefs.computeCode( fac, pri ); Integer priObj = new Integer( pricode ); if ( this.logName != null ) { nmObj = new String( this.logName ); } else { nmObj = new String( Thread.currentThread().getName() ); } length = 4 + nmObj.length() + msg.length() + 1; length += (pricode > 99) ? 3 : ( (pricode > 9) ? 2 : 1 ); String dStr = null; if ( this.includeDate ) { // See note above on why we have two formats... Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); if ( now.get( Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH ) < 10 ) dStr = this.date1Format.format( now.getTime() ); else dStr = this.date2Format.format( now.getTime() ); length += dStr.length(); } data = new byte[length]; idx = 0; data[idx++] = '<'; strObj = priObj.toString( priObj.intValue() ); sBytes = strObj.getBytes(); System.arraycopy ( sBytes, 0, data, idx, sBytes.length ); idx += sBytes.length; data[idx++] = '>'; if ( this.includeDate ) { sBytes = dStr.getBytes(); System.arraycopy ( sBytes, 0, data, idx, sBytes.length ); idx += sBytes.length; } sBytes = nmObj.getBytes(); System.arraycopy ( sBytes, 0, data, idx, sBytes.length ); idx += sBytes.length; data[idx++] = ':'; data[idx++] = ' '; sBytes = msg.getBytes(); System.arraycopy ( sBytes, 0, data, idx, sBytes.length ); idx += sBytes.length; data[idx] = 0; DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket( data, length, addr, port ); try { socket.send( packet ); } catch ( IOException ex ) { String message = "error sending message: '" + ex.getMessage() + "'"; System.err.println( message ); throw new SyslogException( message ); } if ( (this.flags & SyslogDefs.LOG_PERROR) != 0 ) { if ( this.logName != null ) { System.err.print( this.logName + ": " ); } else { System.err.print ( Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": " ); } System.err.println( msg ); } } }
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