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The source codepackage com.ice.syslogd; import java.util.*; import com.ice.syslog.SyslogDefs; public class ConfigEntry { public static final String RCS_ID = "$Id: ConfigEntry.java,v 1998/02/22 05:47:54 time Exp $"; public static final String RCS_REV = "$Revision: $"; public static final String RCS_NAME = "$Name: $"; private static final int[] repeatBackoff = { 15, 30, 60, 180, 600, 3600 }; private boolean hasMatch; private boolean notMatch; private SyslogMatch matcher; private SyslogAction action; private int[] facilities; private String[] parameters; private int backOffIdx; private int repeatCount; private Date repeatTimeout; private Date prevTime; private SyslogMessage prevMsg; public ConfigEntry() { this.matcher = null; this.hasMatch = false; this.notMatch = false; this.facilities = new int[ SyslogDefs.LOG_NFACILITIES ]; this.action = null; this.parameters = null; this.backOffIdx = 0; this.repeatCount = 0; this.prevTime = null; this.prevMsg = null; } public void setAction( SyslogAction action ) { this.action = action; } public boolean afterRepeatTimeout( Date now ) { return now.after( this.repeatTimeout ); } public Date getRepeatTimeout( Date now ) { return this.repeatTimeout; } public void setFacilityLevel( int facility, int level ) { this.facilities[ facility ] = level; } public void setMatchExpr( String expr ) { this.hasMatch = true; this.notMatch = false; if ( expr.startsWith( "!" ) ) { this.notMatch = true; expr = expr.substring(1); } this.matcher = new SyslogMatch(); try { this.matcher.compile( expr ); } catch ( MatchCompileException ex ) { this.matcher = null; this.hasMatch = false; this.notMatch = false; } } private boolean matchMessage( String message ) { boolean result = false; if ( this.hasMatch && this.matcher != null ) { result = this.matcher.matchMessage( message ); if ( this.notMatch ) { result = ! result; } } return result; } public void openAction() { if ( this.action != null ) { this.action.openAction(); } } public void closeAction() { if ( this.action != null ) { this.action.closeAction(); } } public void registerActionDisplay( String name, SyslogDisplayInterface display ) { if ( this.action != null ) { this.action.registerActionDisplay( name, display ); } } private SyslogMessage createRepeatMsg( SyslogMessage logMsg, Date now ) { SyslogMessage repeatMsg = (SyslogMessage)logMsg.clone(); long repSecs = ( now.getTime() - this.prevTime.getTime() ) / 1000; repeatMsg.isRepeat = true; repeatMsg.matchVars = null; repeatMsg.message = "msg repeated " + this.repeatCount + " times in " + repSecs + " seconds."; return repeatMsg; } public void incrementBackOff() { if ( ConfigEntry.repeatBackoff.length > ( this.backOffIdx + 1 ) ) { this.backOffIdx++; } } public void computeRepeatTimer( Date now ) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime( now ); cal.add ( Calendar.SECOND, this.repeatBackoff[ this.backOffIdx ] ); this.repeatTimeout = cal.getTime(); } public synchronized void checkRepeatTimeout( Date now ) { if ( this.prevMsg != null && this.repeatCount > 0 ) { if ( now.after( this.repeatTimeout ) ) { SyslogMessage repeatMsg; if ( this.repeatCount == 1 ) repeatMsg = this.prevMsg; else repeatMsg = this.createRepeatMsg( this.prevMsg, now ); this.invokeMessageAction( repeatMsg ); this.prevMsg = null; this.repeatCount = 0; this.backOffIdx = 0; } } } /* * * @return True, if the message should be processed. * otherwise, False, indicating a repeat. */ public synchronized boolean checkForRepeats( SyslogMessage logMsg ) { boolean result = true; boolean newMsg = true; Date now = new Date(); SyslogMessage repeatMsg = null; if ( this.prevMsg != null && this.prevMsg.message.length() == logMsg.message.length() && this.prevMsg.hostName.equals( logMsg.hostName ) && this.prevMsg.message.equals( logMsg.message ) ) { result = false; newMsg = false; if ( this.repeatCount > 0 ) { this.repeatCount++; if ( now.after( this.repeatTimeout ) ) { result = true; repeatMsg = this.createRepeatMsg( logMsg, now ); this.invokeMessageAction( repeatMsg ); this.computeRepeatTimer( now ); this.incrementBackOff(); this.prevTime = now; this.repeatCount = 0; } } else { this.repeatCount++; this.computeRepeatTimer( now ); } } if ( newMsg ) { if ( this.repeatCount > 0 ) { repeatMsg = this.createRepeatMsg( logMsg, now ); this.invokeMessageAction( repeatMsg ); } this.backOffIdx = 0; this.prevTime = now; this.repeatCount = 0; } this.prevMsg = logMsg; return result; } public void invokeMessageAction( SyslogMessage logMsg ) { if ( this.action.isThreaded() ) { ActionThread thread = new ActionThread( this.action, logMsg ); thread.start(); } else { this.action.processMessage( logMsg ); } } public void processMessage( SyslogMessage logMsg ) { boolean processIt = true; if ( facilities[ logMsg.facility ] >= logMsg.priority && this.action != null && this.action.isOpen() ) { if ( this.hasMatch ) { processIt = this.matchMessage( logMsg.message ); } if ( processIt ) { if ( this.checkForRepeats( logMsg ) ) { logMsg.matchVars = null; if ( this.hasMatch && ! this.notMatch ) { logMsg.matchVars = this.matcher.getMatchVariables(); } this.invokeMessageAction( logMsg ); } } } } } |
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