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What this is

This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The source code

* This file is a sample configuration file for
* webforum
* Daniel Lemire August 24th 2003

* where to put the data files (a path on the server)
* i18n locales

* You can also add this type of line to modify 
* the encoding (for some non-latin languages)
* charset.encoding=utf-8

* a path to the user list, the servlet will 
* create that file if needed
* save every 60 minutes
* Following stuff is mostly for your HTML
* Not that you can put any HTML including images
ForumTitle=A title (may contain HTML)
ForumSubTitle=A subtitle (may contain HTML)
ForumFooter=place some HTML here for your footer
* raising the authorization level will force
* users to registrer (=2)
* You CSS, see sample
* A URL where user can register
* see example
* You can also add a FailedLoginURL if you want.
* FailedLoginURL=myurl
* Defaults to WelcomeURL
* This is where user who fail to login are taken.
* You can also add a PrefixURL if you want.
* PrefixURL=myurl
* Defaults to null
* Loads up this piece of HTML and puts it "before"
* the servlet output.  Only the content of body 
* is copied unless it is not HTML in which case everything
* is appended.
* You can also add a SuffixURL if you want.
* SuffixURL=myurl
* Defaults to null
* Loads up this piece of HTML and puts it "after"
* the servlet output.  Only the content of body 
* is copied unless it is not HTML in which case everything
* is appended.

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