Your Scala Setup (Video)
Option 1: Install Scala CLI
- How to install
- The Scala-CLI website
- Show download options
- Mac/Windows/Linux installs
is becoming the newscala
Option 2: Scastie
- The Scastie website
- Works like the REPL
- Need to use
more - Configuration options
- Mention that it uses sbt
- Also sends your code somewhere to be compiled
If you want to start with Scastie, that’s fine. Will need to use scala-cli later for scripts and applications.
Exercises and examples
Those were both created for my book, Learn Scala 3 The Fast Way!
Significant Indentation Syntax
- different from Scala 2
- I indent with 4 spaces
- easier to read, especially in books
- not the Scala standard
- Curly braces
- Anything in curly braces is a block of code
- The result of a BoC is the value of the last expression
- They’re the same as C, Java, and most other languages