- It is easy for one Java class to extend the behavior of another Java class.
- This capability is usually referred to as polymorphism, which means that an object of a given class can have multiple forms.
- Upon completion of this section, students will be able to:
- Extend existing classes.
- Define the terms subclass, superclass, overloading, and overriding.
- Define how constructors of subclasses operate.
- Define the implications of marking a class or method as final.
- Discuss the considerations of cloning classes.
- An extended class can be used wherever the original class was legal.
- Polymorphism - an object of a given class can have multiple forms.
- The extended class is a subclass.
- The class it extends is the superclass.
- If a class does not explicitly extend a class then it implicitly extends Object.
- Object declares methods that are implemented by all objects.
- A simple example of extending a base Animal class:
public abstract class Animal
protected boolean hasColdNose;
public abstract String speak();
public void setHasWetNose(boolean hasColdNose) {
this.hasColdNose = hasColdNose;
public boolean hasColdNose() {
return hasColdNose;
public class Dog extends Animal
public Dog() {
hasColdNose = true;
public String speak() {
return "woof";
public class Bird extends Animal
public Bird() {
hasColdNose = false;
public String speak() {
return "chirp";
public class Main
public Main() {
Animal fido = new Dog();
Animal bigbird = new Bird();
System.out.println( "fido says " + fido.speak() );
System.out.println( "bigbird says " + bigbird.speak() );
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Main();
- A protected class member can be accessed by classes that extend that class.
- A protected class member also be accessed from code within the same package.
- A protected class member also be accessed from references of the class's type or one of it's subtypes.
- When you extend a class, the new class must choose one of it's superclass's constructors to invoke.
- If you do not invoke a superclass constructor as your constructors first executable statement, the superclass no-arg constructor is automatically invoked before any statements in your new constructor are executed.
- If the superclass does not have a no-arg constructor, you must explicitly invoke one of the superclass's other constructors, or invoke another of your own constructors using the this construct.
- If you use super(), it must be the first executable statement of the constructor.
- The language provides a default no-arg constructor for you.
- When an object is created, all it's fields are set to default initial values.
- Then the constructor is invoked.
- Invoke a superclass's constructor.
- Initialize the fields using their initializers and any initialization blocks.
- Execute the body of the constructor.
Overloading - providing more than one method with the same name but with different signatures.
Overriding - replacing a superclass's implementation with your own.
- Signatures must be identical.
- Return type must be the same.
- Only accessible non-static methods can be overridden.
- A subclass can determine whether a parameter in an overridden method is final.
- Available in all non-static methods of a class.
super.method() - uses the superclass's implementation of
- No extended class can override the method to change its behavior. (This is the final version of that method.)
- A class marked final cannot be extended by any other class (and, all the methods of a final class are implicitly final).
- Security - anyone who uses the class can be sure the behavior will not change (validatePassword example).
- Serious restriction on the use of the class.
- Final simplifies optimizations.
- All classes inherit from Object.
- Object's methods fall in two classes: utilities, and thread support.
- equals(Object o)
- hashCode()
- clone()
- getClass()
- finalize()
- Use these when the weight of a full class seems too much for your needs.
- Extend a class or implement an interface.
- Defined at the same time they are created with new.
- Defined in the new expression.
- Cannot have their own constructors.
- Can easily become hard to read.
- Avoid anonymous classes longer than six lines.
- Use them only in the simplest of expressions.
- Helpful when some of the behavior is defined for most objects of a given type, but some behavior makes sense for only particular classes and not the superclass.
- Declare classes that define only part of an implementation.
- Each method not implemented in an abstract class is marked abstract.
- A class with any abstract methods must be declared abstract.
- Abstract methods must be implemented by subclasses that are not abstract themselves.
- A clone method returns a new object whose initial state is a copy of the current state of the object on which clone was invoked.
- Subsequent changes to the clone will not affect the state of the original.
- Object.clone()
- Empty Cloneable interface.
- Object.clone() method.
- CloneNotSupportedException.
- Support clone.
- Conditionally support clone.
- Allow subclasses to support clone but don't publicly support it.
- Forbid clone.
- Ability to extend classes - large part of the benefits of OOP.
- Creates an "IsA" relationship, not a "HasA" relationship.
- Employee / Role example (see text).
- Choose the access for each part of a class design carefully: public, protected, private.
- If your design will have subclasses, design your protected parts carefully.
- Fields can be modified at any time by a programmer.
- No way to add functionality.
- Public interface for programmers using the class.
- Protected interface for programmers extending the class.