- Review the Java design goals.
- Understand the reserved Java keywords.
- Work with Java strings and arrays.
- Create standalone Java applications.
- Create Java classes that use and extend one another.
- Write programs that use and handle exceptions.
- Learn about Java interfaces.
- Understand how to package your Java classes.
- Simple - syntax like C, but easier.
- Secure - compile- and runtime-support for security.
- Distributed - built to run over networks.
- Object-oriented - designed from the ground-up to be object-oriented.
- Robust - strongly typed, memory management, exception handling.
- Portable - ``Write Once, Run Anywhere''. Runs on any platform with a JVM; Windows, Unix, Linux, Apple, AS/400, cell phones, desktop sets, ...
- Interpreted - Java bytecode is portable.
- Multithreaded - much easier to write multithreaded programs.
- Dynamic - classes are loaded as needed.
- High-performance - just-in-time compilers, advanced memory management makes Java programs faster.
- A very portable object-oriented programming language.
- A large supporting class library that covers many general needs.
- Can creates Applets, Applications, Servlets, JavaServer Pages, and more.
- An open standard - the language specification is publicly available.
- JVM - Java Virtual Machine.
- A variety of IDE's (Integrated Development Environments)
- Borland - JBuilder
- IntelliJ - IDEA
- IBM - Visual Age for Java
- Symantec/BEA - Visual Cafe
- Open Source - Netbeans
- More ...