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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans;

import java.util.*;

import java.beans.*;

 *  The intent of this class is to provide a schema2beans graph registry,
 *  where the graphs are stored by unique name and type. Combined with
 *  the DDRegistryParser, the DDRegistry provides a sort of meta-schema2beans
 *  graph where we can ask for all the graphs of one type and ask for a 
 *  parser on any set of graphs. These are the two main goals of this class.
 *    1. provide a common and central place where we can keep track 
 *       of all the graphs that we have created. Naming the graphs by 
 *       unique name and type allows to get either one specific graph 
 *       or a set of graphs.
 *    2. provide a meta-schema2beans graph view for parsing any set of graphs. 
 *       For example, to get a parser on all the graphs of type 'ejb' 
 *       (assuming we registered graphs of this type).
 *  Therefore, this class provides two kind of methods: to add/remove graphs
 *  to the registry and to create a DDRegistry parser. A DDRegistryParser is
 *  an Iterator that returns all the elements described a schema2beans tree path. 
 *  The registry also provides a convenient class (DDChangeMarker) that helps
 *  keeping track of any change.
public class DDRegistry extends Object {
     *	The goal of this class is to provide a simple way to know if a graph
     *	or a set of graphs had their content changed. The ChangeMarker can
     *	be used to implemenent a cache mechanism, in order to avoid parsing
     *	the graphs if nothing in the graph changed since the last parsing.
     *	A ChangeMarker is created by the registry, ddReg.newChangeMarker().
     *	We can add to the changeMarger a BaseBean graph, a Cursor or another
     *	ChangeMarker. So, ChangeMarker can be nested, and any modification in
     *	a nested ChangeMarker would need that the upper ChangeMarker have been
     *  been modified.
    public static class DDChangeMarker {
	private DDRegistry reg;
	private long timestamp;
	private ArrayList elts = null;
	DDChangeMarker(DDRegistry reg) {
	    this.reg = reg;
	    this.elts = new ArrayList();
	    this.timestamp = 0L;
	public int size() {
	    return this.elts.size();
	 *  If any graph of the added marker change, the current marker is
	 *  also considered changed.
	public void add(DDChangeMarker cm) {
	    if (cm == this) {
	 *  Add a graph to the marker list. If any change occurs in this graph
	 *  after resetMarker() is called, hasChanged() would return true.
	public void add(BaseBean b) {
	    RegEntry re = this.reg.getRegEntry(b, false);
	    if (re != null && !this.elts.contains(re)) {
	 *  Add the graph the cursor belongs to, to the marker list
	public void add(DDRegistryParser.DDCursor c) {
	    String id = this.reg.getID(c);
	    if (id != null) {
		BaseBean b = this.reg.getRoot(id);
	 *  removal methods.
	public void remove(DDChangeMarker cm) {
	public void remove(BaseBean b) {
	    RegEntry re = this.reg.getRegEntry(b, false);
	    if (re != null)
	public void remove(DDRegistryParser.DDCursor c) {
	    String id = this.reg.getID(c);
	    if (id != null) {
		BaseBean b = this.reg.getRoot(id);

	 *  Reset the marke change time. Any change that happened before now
	 *  are ignored.
	public void resetTime() {
	    this.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
	 *  Return true if a change event happen between the last resetTime
	 *  and now.
	public boolean hasChanged() {
	    boolean b = this.hasChanged(this.timestamp);
	    return b;
	private boolean hasChanged(long ts) {
	    for(int i=0; i ts) {
			    return true;
	    return false;

	 *  Dump all the registered markers
	public String dump() {
	    return this.dump(new StringBuffer(), "",	// NOI18N
	public StringBuffer dump(StringBuffer sb, String indent, long ts) {	// BEGIN_NOI18N
	    sb.append(indent + this.toString() + "\n");
	    for(int i=0; i ts) {
			    sb.append(" Changed  (bean ts:" + l 
				      + " > cm ts:" + ts );
			    //    + ") - last event: " + re.getLastEvent());
			} else {
			    sb.append(" No_Change (bean ts:" + l 
				      + " < cm ts:" + ts + ")");
	    return sb;
	}									// END_NOI18N
	public String toString() {
	    return "DDChangeMarker-0x" + Integer.toHexString(this.hashCode());	// NOI18N
     *	Change event listener used by the change marker class
    public class ChangeTracer implements PropertyChangeListener {
	DDRegistry 	reg;
	public ChangeTracer(DDRegistry reg) {
	    this.reg = reg;
	public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
	    try {
		BaseBean s = (BaseBean)e.getSource();
		RegEntry re = this.reg.getRegEntry(s, false);
		//String trc = 
		//    s.graphManager().getKeyPropertyName(e.getPropertyName());
	    } catch(Exception ex) {
    private ArrayList		scopes;
    private ChangeTracer 	changeTracer;

    public DDRegistry() {
	this.scopes = new ArrayList();
	this.changeTracer = new ChangeTracer(this);
     *  Create a new entry in the DD graph registry. The schema2beans graph
     *  bean is added to registry using a unique name (ID), such as a unique
     *  internal identifier, and a non unique name (name), 
     *  such as a display name.
     *  Any number of non unique type can also be associated to a graph
     *  entry, see the method addType.
    public void createEntry(BaseBean bean, String ID, String name) {
	RegEntry entry = this.getRegEntry(bean, false);
	if (entry != null) {
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException(Common.getMessage(
	entry = this.getRegEntry(ID);
	if (entry != null) {
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException(Common.getMessage(
	    "CantRegisterGraphSameID_msg",, entry, ID));
	this.scopes.add(new RegEntry(bean, ID, name));

     *	Change the schema2beans graph for the unique entry ID. This method
     *  might be used if another graph should replace an existing entry.
    public void updateEntry(String ID, BaseBean bean) {
	RegEntry entry = this.getRegEntry(ID);
	if (entry != null)
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException(Common.getMessage(
	    "CantUpdateGraphNotInRegistry_msg", ID));
     *	Remove an entry in the registry.
    public void removeEntry(BaseBean bean) {
	RegEntry entry = this.getRegEntry(bean, false);
	if (entry != null) {
     *  Rename a graph entry unique ID to a new unique ID entry and new
     *  non unique name.
    public void renameEntry(String oldID, String newID, String newName) {
	RegEntry entry = this.getRegEntry(oldID);
	if (entry != null) {
	    if (newName != null)

     *  Rename a graph unique ID to a new unique ID.
    public void renameEntry(String oldID, String newID) {
	this.renameEntry(oldID, newID, null);

     *  Remove a registry entry.
    public void removeEntry(String ID) {
	RegEntry entry = this.getRegEntry(ID);
	if (entry != null)
     *  This return a new change marker instance, that can be used to know
     *  if any graph of the registry has changed.
    public DDChangeMarker createChangeMarker() {
	return new DDChangeMarker(this);
     *	Return true of the specified schema2beans graph is registered with the
     *  specified type.
    public boolean hasType(BaseBean bean, String type) {
	RegEntry r = this.getRegEntry(bean, false);
	if (r != null)
	    return r.hasType(type);
	return false;
     *  Reset the change timestamp of all the registered graphs.
    public void clearCache() {
	for (int i=0; i0)
	    return r[0];
	return null;
     *	Return all the bean roots for this name (either unique name or scope)
    public BaseBean[] getRoots(String s) {
	s = getGraphName(s);
	//	Try to get the root by name, then by type
	RegEntry se = this.getRegEntry(s);
	if (se == null) {
	    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
	    for (int i=0; i
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