How to format source code blocks in Scaladoc comments

As a quick note, if you want to embed a Scala source code example in your Scaladoc comments, just put the source code block in between {{{ and }}} characters in your comments, as shown in this example:

  * Usage:
  * {{{
  * val res = readTextFileAsTry("/etc/passed")
  * res match {
  *      case Success(lines) => lines.foreach(println)
  *      case Failure(s) => println(s"Failed, message is: $s")
  * }
  * }}}
def readTextFileAsTry(filename: String): Try[List[String]] = {
    Try {
        val lines = using(io.Source.fromFile(filename)) { source =>
            (for (line <- source.getLines) yield line).toList

That “usage” example code block produces the Scaladoc shown in the image, as least as of Scala 2.12.

The Scaladoc for Library Authors page states, “Code blocks are contained within {{{ this }}} and may be multi-line. Indentation is relative to the starting * for the comment.” See that link and my Scaladoc documentation page for more information.

Photo D8
How to format source code blocks in Scaladoc comments