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Scala example source code file (

This example Scala source code file ( is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

buffer, consolereadertestsupport, exception, historytest, test, xxx, xxxtest

The Scala example source code

 * Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Marc Prud'hommeaux. All rights reserved.
 * This software is distributable under the BSD license. See the terms of the
 * BSD license in the documentation provided with this software.

import org.junit.Test;

import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;

 * Tests command history.
 * @author <a href="">Marc Prud'hommeaux</a>
public class HistoryTest
    extends ConsoleReaderTestSupport
    public void testSingleHistory() throws Exception {
        Buffer b = new Buffer().
            append("test line 1").op(NEWLINE).
            append("test line 2").op(NEWLINE).
            append("test line 3").op(NEWLINE).
            append("test line 4").op(NEWLINE).
            append("test line 5").op(NEWLINE).

        assertBuffer("", b);

        assertBuffer("test line 5", b = b.op(PREV_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("test line 5", b = b.op(PREV_CHAR));
        assertBuffer("test line 4", b = b.op(PREV_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("test line 5", b = b.op(NEXT_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("test line 4", b = b.op(PREV_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("test line 3", b = b.op(PREV_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("test line 2", b = b.op(PREV_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("test line 1", b = b.op(PREV_HISTORY));

        // beginning of history
        assertBuffer("test line 1", b = b.op(PREV_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("test line 1", b = b.op(PREV_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("test line 1", b = b.op(PREV_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("test line 1", b = b.op(PREV_HISTORY));

        assertBuffer("test line 2", b = b.op(NEXT_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("test line 3", b = b.op(NEXT_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("test line 4", b = b.op(NEXT_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("test line 5", b = b.op(NEXT_HISTORY));

        // end of history
        assertBuffer("", b = b.op(NEXT_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("", b = b.op(NEXT_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("", b = b.op(NEXT_HISTORY));

        assertBuffer("test line 5", b = b.op(PREV_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("test line 4", b = b.op(PREV_HISTORY));
        b = b.op(MOVE_TO_BEG).append("XXX").op(NEWLINE);
        assertBuffer("XXXtest line 4", b = b.op(PREV_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("test line 5", b = b.op(PREV_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("test line 4", b = b.op(PREV_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("test line 5", b = b.op(NEXT_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("XXXtest line 4", b = b.op(NEXT_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("", b = b.op(NEXT_HISTORY));

        assertBuffer("XXXtest line 4", b = b.op(PREV_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("XXXtest line 4", b = b.op(NEWLINE).op(PREV_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("XXXtest line 4", b = b.op(NEWLINE).op(PREV_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("XXXtest line 4", b = b.op(NEWLINE).op(PREV_HISTORY));
        assertBuffer("XXXtest line 4", b = b.op(NEWLINE).op(PREV_HISTORY));

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala source code file:

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