Scala example source code file (Printers.scala)
The Printers.scala Scala example source codepackage scala package reflect package api import java.io.{ PrintWriter, StringWriter } /** * <span class="badge badge-red" style="float: right;">EXPERIMENTAL</span> * * Utilities for nicely printing [[scala.reflect.api.Trees]] and [[scala.reflect.api.Types]]. * * === Printing Trees === * The method `show` displays the "prettified" representation of reflection artifacts. * This representation provides one with the desugared Java representation of Scala code. * For example: * * {{{ * scala> import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ * import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ * * scala> def tree = reify{ final class C { def x = 2 } }.tree * tree: reflect.runtime.universe.Tree * * scala> show(tree) * res0: String = * { * final class C extends AnyRef { * def <init>() = { * super.<init>(); * () * }; * def x = 2 * }; * () * } * }}} * * The method `showRaw` displays internal structure of a given reflection object * as a Scala abstract syntax tree (AST), the representation that the Scala typechecker * operates on. * * Note, that while this representation appears to generate correct trees that one * might think would be possible to use in a macro implementation, this is not usually * the case. Symbols aren't fully represented (only their names are). Thus, this method * is best-suited for use simply inspecting ASTs given some valid Scala code. * {{{ * scala> showRaw(tree) * res1: String = Block(List( * ClassDef(Modifiers(FINAL), newTypeName("C"), List(), Template( * List(Ident(newTypeName("AnyRef"))), * noSelfType, * List( * DefDef(Modifiers(), nme.CONSTRUCTOR, List(), List(List()), TypeTree(), * Block(List( * Apply(Select(Super(This(tpnme.EMPTY), tpnme.EMPTY), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), List())), * Literal(Constant(())))), * DefDef(Modifiers(), newTermName("x"), List(), List(), TypeTree(), * Literal(Constant(2))))))), * Literal(Constant(()))) * }}} * * The method `showRaw` can also print [[scala.reflect.api.Types]] next to the artifacts * being inspected * {{{ * scala> import scala.tools.reflect.ToolBox // requires scala-compiler.jar * import scala.tools.reflect.ToolBox * * scala> import scala.reflect.runtime.{currentMirror => cm} * import scala.reflect.runtime.{currentMirror=>cm} * * scala> showRaw(cm.mkToolBox().typecheck(tree), printTypes = true) * res2: String = Block[1](List( * ClassDef[2](Modifiers(FINAL), newTypeName("C"), List(), Template[3]( * List(Ident[4](newTypeName("AnyRef"))), * noSelfType, * List( * DefDef[2](Modifiers(), nme.CONSTRUCTOR, List(), List(List()), TypeTree[3](), * Block[1](List( * Apply[4](Select[5](Super[6](This[3](newTypeName("C")), tpnme.EMPTY), ...))), * Literal[1](Constant(())))), * DefDef[2](Modifiers(), newTermName("x"), List(), List(), TypeTree[7](), * Literal[8](Constant(2))))))), * Literal[1](Constant(()))) * [1] TypeRef(ThisType(scala), scala.Unit, List()) * [2] NoType * [3] TypeRef(NoPrefix, newTypeName("C"), List()) * [4] TypeRef(ThisType(java.lang), java.lang.Object, List()) * [5] MethodType(List(), TypeRef(ThisType(java.lang), java.lang.Object, List())) * [6] SuperType(ThisType(newTypeName("C")), TypeRef(... java.lang.Object ...)) * [7] TypeRef(ThisType(scala), scala.Int, List()) * [8] ConstantType(Constant(2)) * }}} * * === Printing Types === * * The method `show` * {{{ * scala> import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ * import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ * * scala> def tpe = typeOf[{ def x: Int; val y: List[Int] }] * tpe: reflect.runtime.universe.Type * * scala> show(tpe) * res0: String = scala.AnyRef{def x: Int; val y: scala.List[Int]} * }}} * * Like the method `showRaw` for [[scala.reflect.api.Trees]], `showRaw` * for [[scala.reflect.api.Types]] provides a visualization of the Scala * AST operated on by the Scala typechecker. * {{{ * // showRaw has already been discussed above * scala> showRaw(tpe) * res1: String = RefinedType( * List(TypeRef(ThisType(scala), newTypeName("AnyRef"), List())), * Scope( * newTermName("x"), * newTermName("y"))) * }}} * * `printIds` and/or `printKinds` can additionally be supplied as arguments in a call to * `showRaw` which additionally shows the unique identifiers of symbols. * * {{{ * scala> showRaw(tpe, printIds = true, printKinds = true) * res2: String = RefinedType( * List(TypeRef(ThisType(scala#2043#PK), newTypeName("AnyRef")#691#TPE, List())), * Scope( * newTermName("x")#2540#METH, * newTermName("y")#2541#GET)) * }}} * * For more details about `Printer`s and other aspects of Scala reflection, see the * [[http://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/reflection/overview.html Reflection Guide]] * * @group ReflectionAPI */ trait Printers { self: Universe => /** @group Printers */ protected trait TreePrinter { def print(args: Any*) protected var printTypes = false protected var printIds = false protected var printOwners = false protected var printKinds = false protected var printMirrors = false protected var printPositions = false def withTypes: this.type = { printTypes = true; this } def withoutTypes: this.type = { printTypes = false; this } def withIds: this.type = { printIds = true; this } def withoutIds: this.type = { printIds = false; this } def withOwners: this.type = { printOwners = true; this } def withoutOwners: this.type = { printOwners = false; this } def withKinds: this.type = { printKinds = true; this } def withoutKinds: this.type = { printKinds = false; this } def withMirrors: this.type = { printMirrors = true; this } def withoutMirrors: this.type = { printMirrors = false; this } def withPositions: this.type = { printPositions = true; this } def withoutPositions: this.type = { printPositions = false; this } } /** @group Printers */ case class BooleanFlag(value: Option[Boolean]) /** @group Printers */ object BooleanFlag { import scala.language.implicitConversions implicit def booleanToBooleanFlag(value: Boolean): BooleanFlag = BooleanFlag(Some(value)) implicit def optionToBooleanFlag(value: Option[Boolean]): BooleanFlag = BooleanFlag(value) import scala.reflect.internal.settings.MutableSettings implicit def settingToBooleanFlag(setting: MutableSettings#BooleanSetting): BooleanFlag = BooleanFlag(Some(setting.value)) } /** @group Printers */ protected def render(what: Any, mkPrinter: PrintWriter => TreePrinter, printTypes: BooleanFlag = None, printIds: BooleanFlag = None, printOwners: BooleanFlag = None, printKinds: BooleanFlag = None, printMirrors: BooleanFlag = None, printPositions: BooleanFlag = None): String = { val buffer = new StringWriter() val writer = new PrintWriter(buffer) val printer = mkPrinter(writer) printTypes.value.map(printTypes => if (printTypes) printer.withTypes else printer.withoutTypes) printIds.value.map(printIds => if (printIds) printer.withIds else printer.withoutIds) printOwners.value.map(printOwners => if (printOwners) printer.withOwners else printer.withoutOwners) printKinds.value.map(printKinds => if (printKinds) printer.withKinds else printer.withoutKinds) printMirrors.value.map(printMirrors => if (printMirrors) printer.withMirrors else printer.withoutMirrors) printPositions.value.map(printPositions => if (printPositions) printer.withPositions else printer.withoutPositions) printer.print(what) writer.flush() buffer.toString } /** By default trees are printed with `show` * @group Printers */ override protected def treeToString(tree: Tree) = show(tree) /** Renders a representation of a reflection artifact * as desugared Scala code. * * @group Printers */ def show(any: Any, printTypes: BooleanFlag = None, printIds: BooleanFlag = None, printOwners: BooleanFlag = None, printKinds: BooleanFlag = None, printMirrors: BooleanFlag = None, printPositions: BooleanFlag = None): String = render(any, newTreePrinter(_), printTypes, printIds, printOwners, printKinds, printMirrors, printPositions) /** Hook to define what `show(...)` means. * @group Printers */ protected def newTreePrinter(out: PrintWriter): TreePrinter /** * Renders the code of the passed tree, so that: * 1) it can be later compiled by scalac retaining the same meaning, * 2) it looks pretty. * #1 is available for unattributed trees and attributed trees * #2 is more or less okay indentation-wise, but at the moment there's a lot of desugaring * left in place, and that's what we plan to improve in the future. * printTypes, printIds, printPositions options have the same meaning as for TreePrinter * printRootPkg option is available only for attributed trees. * * @group Printers */ def showCode(tree: Tree, printTypes: BooleanFlag = None, printIds: BooleanFlag = None, printOwners: BooleanFlag = None, printPositions: BooleanFlag = None, printRootPkg: Boolean = false) = render(tree, newCodePrinter(_, tree, printRootPkg), printTypes, printIds, printOwners, printKinds = None, printMirrors = None, printPositions) /** * Hook to define what `showCode(...)` means. * @group Printers */ protected def newCodePrinter(out: PrintWriter, tree: Tree, printRootPkg: Boolean): TreePrinter /** Renders internal structure of a reflection artifact as the * visualization of a Scala syntax tree. * * @group Printers */ def showRaw(any: Any, printTypes: BooleanFlag = None, printIds: BooleanFlag = None, printOwners: BooleanFlag = None, printKinds: BooleanFlag = None, printMirrors: BooleanFlag = None, printPositions: BooleanFlag = None): String = render(any, newRawTreePrinter(_), printTypes, printIds, printOwners, printKinds, printMirrors, printPositions) /** Hook to define what `showRaw(...)` means. * @group Printers */ protected def newRawTreePrinter(out: PrintWriter): TreePrinter /** Renders a prettified representation of a name. * @group Printers */ def show(name: Name): String /** Renders internal structure of a name. * @group Printers */ def showRaw(name: Name): String = name.toString /** Renders a prettified representation of a flag set. * @group Printers */ def show(flags: FlagSet): String /** Renders a prettified representation of a position. * @group Printers */ def show(position: Position): String /** Renders internal structure of a flag set. * @group Printers */ def showRaw(flags: FlagSet): String = flags.toString /** Renders internal structure of a position. * @group Printers */ def showRaw(position: Position): String = position.toString /** Renders a string that represents a declaration of this symbol written in Scala. * @group Printers */ def showDecl(sym: Symbol): String } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala Printers.scala source code file: |
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