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Scala example source code file (Names.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Names.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

array, boolean, char, int, io, name, string, t, termname, thisnametype, typename

The Names.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package scala
package reflect
package internal

import scala.language.implicitConversions

trait Names extends api.Names {
  private final val HASH_SIZE  = 0x8000
  private final val HASH_MASK  = 0x7FFF
  private final val NAME_SIZE  = 0x20000

  final val nameDebug = false

  // Ideally we would just synchronize unconditionally and let HotSpot's Biased Locking
  // kick in in the compiler universe, where access to the lock is single threaded. But,
  // objects created in the first 4seconds of the JVM startup aren't eligible for biased
  // locking.
  // We might also be able to accept the performance hit, but we don't have tools to
  // detect performance regressions.
  // Discussion:!search/biased$20scala-internals/scala-internals/0cYB7SkJ-nM/47MLhsgw8jwJ
  protected def synchronizeNames: Boolean = false
  private val nameLock: Object = new Object

  /** Memory to store all names sequentially. */
  var chrs: Array[Char] = new Array[Char](NAME_SIZE)
  private var nc = 0

  /** Hashtable for finding term names quickly. */
  private val termHashtable = new Array[TermName](HASH_SIZE)

  /** Hashtable for finding type names quickly. */
  private val typeHashtable = new Array[TypeName](HASH_SIZE)

  /** The hashcode of a name. */
  private def hashValue(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): Int =
    if (len > 0)
      (len * (41 * 41 * 41) +
       cs(offset) * (41 * 41) +
       cs(offset + len - 1) * 41 +
       cs(offset + (len >> 1)))
    else 0

  /** Is (the ASCII representation of) name at given index equal to
   *  cs[offset..offset+len-1]?
  private def equals(index: Int, cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): Boolean = {
    var i = 0
    while ((i < len) && (chrs(index + i) == cs(offset + i)))
      i += 1
    i == len

  /** Enter characters into chrs array. */
  private def enterChars(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int) {
    var i = 0
    while (i < len) {
      if (nc + i == chrs.length) {
        val newchrs = new Array[Char](chrs.length * 2)
        scala.compat.Platform.arraycopy(chrs, 0, newchrs, 0, chrs.length)
        chrs = newchrs
      chrs(nc + i) = cs(offset + i)
      i += 1
    if (len == 0) nc += 1
    else nc = nc + len

  /** Create a term name from the characters in cs[offset..offset+len-1]. */
  final def newTermName(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): TermName =
    newTermName(cs, offset, len, cachedString = null)

  final def newTermName(cs: Array[Char]): TermName = newTermName(cs, 0, cs.length)

  final def newTypeName(cs: Array[Char]): TypeName = newTypeName(cs, 0, cs.length)

  /** Create a term name from the characters in cs[offset..offset+len-1].
   *  TODO - have a mode where name validation is performed at creation time
   *  (e.g. if a name has the string "$class" in it, then fail if that
   *  string is not at the very end.)
   *  @param len0 the length of the name. Negative lengths result in empty names.
  final def newTermName(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len0: Int, cachedString: String): TermName = {
    def body = {
      require(offset >= 0, "offset must be non-negative, got " + offset)
      val len = math.max(len0, 0)
      val h = hashValue(cs, offset, len) & HASH_MASK
      var n = termHashtable(h)
      while ((n ne null) && (n.length != len || !equals(n.start, cs, offset, len)))
        n =

      if (n ne null) n
      else {
        // The logic order here is future-proofing against the possibility
        // that name.toString will become an eager val, in which case the call
        // to enterChars cannot follow the construction of the TermName.
        val ncStart = nc
        enterChars(cs, offset, len)
        if (cachedString ne null) new TermName_S(ncStart, len, h, cachedString)
        else new TermName_R(ncStart, len, h)
    if (synchronizeNames) nameLock.synchronized(body) else body

  final def newTypeName(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int, cachedString: String): TypeName =
    newTermName(cs, offset, len, cachedString).toTypeName

  /** Create a term name from string. */
  @deprecatedOverriding("To synchronize, use `override def synchronizeNames = true`", "2.11.0") // overriden in
  def newTermName(s: String): TermName = newTermName(s.toCharArray(), 0, s.length(), null)

  /** Create a type name from string. */
  @deprecatedOverriding("To synchronize, use `override def synchronizeNames = true`", "2.11.0") // overriden in
  def newTypeName(s: String): TypeName = newTermName(s).toTypeName

  /** Create a term name from the UTF8 encoded bytes in bs[offset..offset+len-1]. */
  final def newTermName(bs: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): TermName = {
    val chars = Codec.fromUTF8(bs, offset, len)
    newTermName(chars, 0, chars.length)

  final def newTermNameCached(s: String): TermName =
    newTermName(s.toCharArray(), 0, s.length(), cachedString = s)

  final def newTypeNameCached(s: String): TypeName =
    newTypeName(s.toCharArray(), 0, s.length(), cachedString = s)

  /** Create a type name from the characters in cs[offset..offset+len-1]. */
  final def newTypeName(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): TypeName =
    newTermName(cs, offset, len, cachedString = null).toTypeName

  /** Create a type name from the UTF8 encoded bytes in bs[offset..offset+len-1]. */
  final def newTypeName(bs: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): TypeName =
    newTermName(bs, offset, len).toTypeName

   *  Used only by the GenBCode backend, to represent bytecode-level types in a way that makes equals() and hashCode() efficient.
   *  For bytecode-level types of OBJECT sort, its internal name (not its descriptor) is stored.
   *  For those of ARRAY sort,  its descriptor is stored ie has a leading '['
   *  For those of METHOD sort, its descriptor is stored ie has a leading '('
   *  can-multi-thread
   *  TODO SI-6240 !!! JZ Really? the constructors TermName and TypeName publish unconstructed `this` references
   *               into the hash tables; we could observe them here before the subclass constructor completes.
  final def lookupTypeName(cs: Array[Char]): TypeName = { lookupTypeNameIfExisting(cs, true) }

  final def lookupTypeNameIfExisting(cs: Array[Char], failOnNotFound: Boolean): TypeName = {

    val hterm = hashValue(cs, 0, cs.size) & HASH_MASK
    var nterm = termHashtable(hterm)
    while ((nterm ne null) && (nterm.length != cs.size || !equals(nterm.start, cs, 0, cs.size))) {
      nterm =
    if (nterm eq null) {
      if (failOnNotFound) { assert(false, "TermName not yet created: " + new String(cs)) }
      return null

    val htype = hashValue(chrs, nterm.start, nterm.length) & HASH_MASK
    var ntype = typeHashtable(htype)
    while ((ntype ne null) && ntype.start != nterm.start) {
      ntype =
    if (ntype eq null) {
      if (failOnNotFound) { assert(false, "TypeName not yet created: " + new String(cs)) }
      return null


// Classes ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  /** The name class.
   *  TODO - resolve schizophrenia regarding whether to treat Names as Strings
   *  or Strings as Names.  Give names the key functions the absence of which
   *  make people want Strings all the time.
  sealed abstract class Name(protected val index: Int, protected val len: Int) extends NameApi {
    type ThisNameType >: Null <: Name
    protected[this] def thisName: ThisNameType

    // Note that "Name with ThisNameType" should be redundant
    // because ThisNameType <: Name, but due to SI-6161 the
    // compile loses track of this fact.

    /** Index into name table */
    def start: Int = index

    /** The next name in the same hash bucket. */
    def next: Name with ThisNameType

    /** The length of this name. */
    final def length: Int = len
    final def isEmpty = length == 0
    final def nonEmpty = !isEmpty

    def nameKind: String
    def isTermName: Boolean
    def isTypeName: Boolean
    def toTermName: TermName
    def toTypeName: TypeName
    def companionName: Name
    def bothNames: List[Name] = List(toTermName, toTypeName)

    /** Return the subname with characters from from to to-1. */
    def subName(from: Int, to: Int): Name with ThisNameType

    /** Return a new name of the same variety. */
    def newName(str: String): Name with ThisNameType

    /** Return a new name based on string transformation. */
    def mapName(f: String => String): Name with ThisNameType = newName(f(toString))

    /** Copy bytes of this name to buffer cs, starting at position `offset`. */
    final def copyChars(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int) =
      scala.compat.Platform.arraycopy(chrs, index, cs, offset, len)

    /** @return the ascii representation of this name */
    final def toChars: Array[Char] = {  // used by ide
      val cs = new Array[Char](len)
      copyChars(cs, 0)

    /** @return the hash value of this name */
    final override def hashCode(): Int = index

    /** @return true if the string value of this name is equal
     *  to the string value of the given name or String.
    def string_==(that: Name): Boolean   = (that ne null) && (toString == that.toString)
    def string_==(that: String): Boolean = (that ne null) && (toString == that)

     *  This has been quite useful to find places where people are comparing
     *  a TermName and a TypeName, or a Name and a String.

    override def equals(other: Any) = paranoidEquals(other)
    private def paranoidEquals(other: Any): Boolean = {
      val cmp = this eq other.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
      if (cmp || !nameDebug)
        return cmp

      other match {
        case x: String  =>
          Console.println(s"Compared $debugString and String '$x'")
        case x: Name    =>
          if (this.isTermName != x.isTermName) {
            val panic = this.toTermName == x.toTermName
            Console.println("Compared '%s' and '%s', one term, one type.%s".format(this, x,
              if (panic) "  And they contain the same name string!"
              else ""
        case _ =>

    /** @return the i'th Char of this name */
    final def charAt(i: Int): Char = chrs(index + i)

    /** @return the index of first occurrence of char c in this name, length if not found */
    final def pos(c: Char): Int = pos(c, 0)

    /** @return the index of first occurrence of s in this name, length if not found */
    final def pos(s: String): Int = pos(s, 0)

    /** Returns the index of the first occurrence of character c in
     *  this name from start, length if not found.
     *  @param c     the character
     *  @param start the index from which to search
     *  @return      the index of the first occurrence of c
    final def pos(c: Char, start: Int): Int = {
      var i = start
      while (i < len && chrs(index + i) != c) i += 1

    /** Returns the index of the first occurrence of nonempty string s
     *  in this name from start, length if not found.
     *  @param s     the string
     *  @param start the index from which to search
     *  @return      the index of the first occurrence of s
    final def pos(s: String, start: Int): Int = {
      var i = pos(s.charAt(0), start)
      while (i + s.length() <= len) {
        var j = 1
        while (s.charAt(j) == chrs(index + i + j)) {
          j += 1
          if (j == s.length()) return i
        i = pos(s.charAt(0), i + 1)

    /** Returns the index of last occurrence of char c in this
     *  name, -1 if not found.
     *  @param c the character
     *  @return  the index of the last occurrence of c
    final def lastPos(c: Char): Int = lastPos(c, len - 1)

    /** Returns the index of the last occurrence of char c in this
     *  name from start, -1 if not found.
     *  @param c     the character
     *  @param start the index from which to search
     *  @return      the index of the last occurrence of c
    final def lastPos(c: Char, start: Int): Int = {
      var i = start
      while (i >= 0 && chrs(index + i) != c) i -= 1

    /** Does this name start with prefix? */
    final def startsWith(prefix: Name): Boolean = startsWith(prefix, 0)

    /** Does this name start with prefix at given start index? */
    final def startsWith(prefix: Name, start: Int): Boolean = {
      var i = 0
      while (i < prefix.length && start + i < len &&
             chrs(index + start + i) == chrs(prefix.start + i))
        i += 1
      i == prefix.length
    final def startsWith(prefix: String, start: Int): Boolean = {
      var i = 0
      while (i < prefix.length && start + i < len &&
             chrs(index + start + i) == prefix.charAt(i))
        i += 1
      i == prefix.length

    /** Does this name end with suffix? */
    final def endsWith(suffix: Name): Boolean = endsWith(suffix, len)

    /** Does this name end with suffix just before given end index? */
    final def endsWith(suffix: Name, end: Int): Boolean = {
      var i = 1
      while (i <= suffix.length && i <= end &&
             chrs(index + end - i) == chrs(suffix.start + suffix.length - i))
        i += 1
      i > suffix.length
    final def endsWith(suffix: String, end: Int): Boolean = {
      var i = 1
      while (i <= suffix.length && i <= end &&
             chrs(index + end - i) == suffix.charAt(suffix.length - i))
        i += 1
      i > suffix.length

    final def containsName(subname: String): Boolean = containsName(newTermName(subname))
    final def containsName(subname: Name): Boolean = {
      var start = 0
      val last = len - subname.length
      while (start <= last && !startsWith(subname, start)) start += 1
      start <= last
    final def containsChar(ch: Char): Boolean = {
      var i = index
      val max = index + len
      while (i < max) {
        if (chrs(i) == ch)
          return true
        i += 1

    /** Some thoroughly self-explanatory convenience functions.  They
     *  assume that what they're being asked to do is known to be valid.
    final def startChar: Char                   = this charAt 0
    final def endChar: Char                     = this charAt len - 1
    final def startsWith(char: Char): Boolean   = len > 0 && startChar == char
    final def startsWith(name: String): Boolean = startsWith(name, 0)
    final def endsWith(char: Char): Boolean     = len > 0 && endChar == char
    final def endsWith(name: String): Boolean   = endsWith(name, len)

    /** Rewrite the confusing failure indication via result == length to
     *  the normal failure indication via result == -1.
    private def fixIndexOf(idx: Int): Int = if (idx == length) -1 else idx

    def indexOf(ch: Char)                 = fixIndexOf(pos(ch))
    def indexOf(ch: Char, fromIndex: Int) = fixIndexOf(pos(ch, fromIndex))
    def indexOf(s: String)                = fixIndexOf(pos(s))

    /** The lastPos methods already return -1 on failure. */
    def lastIndexOf(ch: Char): Int  = lastPos(ch)
    def lastIndexOf(s: String): Int = toString lastIndexOf s

    /** Replace all occurrences of `from` by `to` in
     *  name; result is always a term name.
    def replace(from: Char, to: Char): Name = {
      val cs = new Array[Char](len)
      var i = 0
      while (i < len) {
        val ch = charAt(i)
        cs(i) = if (ch == from) to else ch
        i += 1
      newTermName(cs, 0, len)

    /* TODO - reconcile/fix that encode returns a Name but
     *  decode returns a String.

    /** !!! Duplicative but consistently named.
    def decoded: String = decode
    def encoded: String = "" + encode
    // def decodedName: ThisNameType = newName(decoded)
    def encodedName: ThisNameType = encode

    /** Replace operator symbols by corresponding \$op_name. */
    def encode: ThisNameType = {
      val str = toString
      val res = NameTransformer.encode(str)
      if (res == str) thisName else newName(res)

    /** Replace \$op_name by corresponding operator symbol. */
    def decode: String = {
      if (this containsChar '$') {
        val str = toString
        val res = NameTransformer.decode(str)
        if (res == str) str
        else res
      else toString

    /** TODO - find some efficiency. */
    def append(ch: Char)        = newName(toString + ch)
    def append(suffix: String)  = newName(toString + suffix)
    def append(suffix: Name)    = newName(toString + suffix)
    def append(separator: Char, suffix: Name) = newName(toString + separator + suffix)
    def prepend(prefix: String) = newName("" + prefix + this)

    def decodedName: ThisNameType = newName(decode)
    def isOperatorName: Boolean = decode != toString  // used by ide
    def longString: String      = nameKind + " " + decode
    def debugString = { val s = decode ; if (isTypeName) s + "!" else s }

  implicit def AnyNameOps(name: Name): NameOps[Name]          = new NameOps(name)
  implicit def TermNameOps(name: TermName): NameOps[TermName] = new NameOps(name)
  implicit def TypeNameOps(name: TypeName): NameOps[TypeName] = new NameOps(name)

  /** FIXME: This is a good example of something which is pure "value class" but cannot
   *  reap the benefits because an (unused) $outer pointer so it is not single-field.
  final class NameOps[T <: Name](name: T) {
    import NameTransformer._
    def stripSuffix(suffix: String): T = if (name endsWith suffix) dropRight(suffix.length) else name // OPT avoid creating a Name with `suffix`
    def stripSuffix(suffix: Name): T   = if (name endsWith suffix) dropRight(suffix.length) else name
    def take(n: Int): T                = name.subName(0, n).asInstanceOf[T]
    def drop(n: Int): T                = name.subName(n, name.length).asInstanceOf[T]
    def dropRight(n: Int): T           = name.subName(0, name.length - n).asInstanceOf[T]
    def dropLocal: TermName            = name.toTermName stripSuffix LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING
    def dropSetter: TermName           = name.toTermName stripSuffix SETTER_SUFFIX_STRING
    def dropModule: T                  = this stripSuffix MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING
    def localName: TermName            = getterName append LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING
    def setterName: TermName           = getterName append SETTER_SUFFIX_STRING
    def getterName: TermName           = dropTraitSetterSeparator.dropSetter.dropLocal

    private def dropTraitSetterSeparator: TermName =
      name indexOf TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR_STRING match {
        case -1  => name.toTermName
        case idx => name.toTermName drop idx drop TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR_STRING.length

  implicit val NameTag = ClassTag[Name](classOf[Name])

  /** A name that contains no operator chars nor dollar signs.
   *  TODO - see if it's any faster to do something along these lines.
   *  Cute: now that exhaustivity kind of works, the mere presence of
   *  this trait causes TermName and TypeName to stop being exhaustive.
   *  Commented out.
  // trait AlphaNumName extends Name {
  //   final override def encode         = thisName
  //   final override def decodedName    = thisName
  //   final override def decode         = toString
  //   final override def isOperatorName = false
  // }

  /** TermName_S and TypeName_S have fields containing the string version of the name.
   *  TermName_R and TypeName_R recreate it each time toString is called.
  private final class TermName_S(index0: Int, len0: Int, hash: Int, override val toString: String) extends TermName(index0, len0, hash) {
    protected def createCompanionName(h: Int): TypeName = new TypeName_S(index, len, h, toString)
    override def newName(str: String): TermName = newTermNameCached(str)
  private final class TypeName_S(index0: Int, len0: Int, hash: Int, override val toString: String) extends TypeName(index0, len0, hash) {
    protected def createCompanionName(h: Int): TermName = new TermName_S(index, len, h, toString)
    override def newName(str: String): TypeName = newTypeNameCached(str)

  private final class TermName_R(index0: Int, len0: Int, hash: Int) extends TermName(index0, len0, hash) {
    protected def createCompanionName(h: Int): TypeName = new TypeName_R(index, len, h)
    override def toString = new String(chrs, index, len)

  private final class TypeName_R(index0: Int, len0: Int, hash: Int) extends TypeName(index0, len0, hash) {
    protected def createCompanionName(h: Int): TermName = new TermName_R(index, len, h)
    override def toString = new String(chrs, index, len)

  // SYNCNOTE: caller to constructor must synchronize if `synchronizeNames` is enabled
  sealed abstract class TermName(index0: Int, len0: Int, hash: Int) extends Name(index0, len0) with TermNameApi {
    type ThisNameType = TermName
    protected[this] def thisName: TermName = this
    val next: TermName = termHashtable(hash)
    termHashtable(hash) = this
    def isTermName: Boolean = true
    def isTypeName: Boolean = false
    def toTermName: TermName = this
    def toTypeName: TypeName = {
      def body = {
        val h = hashValue(chrs, index, len) & HASH_MASK
        var n = typeHashtable(h)
        while ((n ne null) && n.start != index)
          n =

        if (n ne null) n
        else createCompanionName(h)
      if (synchronizeNames) nameLock.synchronized(body) else body
    def newName(str: String): TermName = newTermName(str)
    def companionName: TypeName = toTypeName
    def subName(from: Int, to: Int): TermName =
      newTermName(chrs, start + from, to - from)

    def nameKind = "term"
    /** SYNCNOTE: caller must synchronize if `synchronizeNames` is enabled */
    protected def createCompanionName(h: Int): TypeName

  implicit val TermNameTag = ClassTag[TermName](classOf[TermName])

  object TermName extends TermNameExtractor {
    def apply(s: String) = newTermName(s)
    def unapply(name: TermName): Option[String] = Some(name.toString)

  sealed abstract class TypeName(index0: Int, len0: Int, hash: Int) extends Name(index0, len0) with TypeNameApi {
    type ThisNameType = TypeName
    protected[this] def thisName: TypeName = this

    val next: TypeName = typeHashtable(hash)
    typeHashtable(hash) = this

    def isTermName: Boolean = false
    def isTypeName: Boolean = true
    def toTermName: TermName = {
      def body = {
        val h = hashValue(chrs, index, len) & HASH_MASK
        var n = termHashtable(h)
        while ((n ne null) && n.start != index)
          n =

        if (n ne null) n
        else createCompanionName(h)
      if (synchronizeNames) nameLock.synchronized(body) else body
    def toTypeName: TypeName = this
    def newName(str: String): TypeName = newTypeName(str)
    def companionName: TermName = toTermName
    def subName(from: Int, to: Int): TypeName =
      newTypeName(chrs, start + from, to - from)

    def nameKind = "type"
    override def decode = if (nameDebug) super.decode + "!" else super.decode
    /** SYNCNOTE: caller must synchronize if `synchronizeNames` is enabled */
    protected def createCompanionName(h: Int): TermName

  implicit val TypeNameTag = ClassTag[TypeName](classOf[TypeName])

  object TypeName extends TypeNameExtractor {
    def apply(s: String) = newTypeName(s)
    def unapply(name: TypeName): Option[String] = Some(name.toString)

Other Scala source code examples

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