Scala example source code file (SymbolPairs.scala)
The SymbolPairs.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Paul Phillips */ package scala package reflect package internal import scala.collection.mutable import Flags._ import util.HashSet import scala.annotation.tailrec /** An abstraction for considering symbol pairs. * One of the greatest sources of compiler bugs is that symbols can * trivially lose their prefixes and turn into some completely different * type with the smallest of errors. It is the exception not the rule * that type comparisons are done correctly. * * This offers a small step toward coherence with two abstractions * which come up over and over again: * * RelativeTo: operations relative to a prefix * SymbolPair: two symbols being related somehow, plus the class * in which the relation is being performed * * This is only a start, but it is a start. */ abstract class SymbolPairs { val global: SymbolTable import global._ /** Type operations relative to a prefix. All operations work on Symbols, * and the types are the member types of those symbols in the prefix. */ class RelativeTo(val prefix: Type) { def this(clazz: Symbol) = this(clazz.thisType) import scala.language.implicitConversions // geez, it even has to hassle me when it's private private implicit def symbolToType(sym: Symbol): Type = prefix memberType sym def erasureOf(sym: Symbol): Type = erasure.erasure(sym)(sym: Type) def signature(sym: Symbol): String = sym defStringSeenAs (sym: Type) def erasedSignature(sym: Symbol): String = sym defStringSeenAs erasureOf(sym) def isSameType(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Boolean = sym1 =:= sym2 def isSubType(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Boolean = sym1 <:< sym2 def isSuperType(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Boolean = sym2 <:< sym1 def isSameErasure(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Boolean = erasureOf(sym1) =:= erasureOf(sym2) def matches(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Boolean = (sym1: Type) matches (sym2: Type) override def toString = s"RelativeTo($prefix)" } /** Are types tp1 and tp2 equivalent seen from the perspective * of `baseClass`? For instance List[Int] and Seq[Int] are =:= * when viewed from IterableClass. */ def sameInBaseClass(baseClass: Symbol)(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = (tp1 baseType baseClass) =:= (tp2 baseType baseClass) case class SymbolPair(base: Symbol, low: Symbol, high: Symbol) { def pos = if (low.owner == base) low.pos else if (high.owner == base) high.pos else base.pos def self: Type = base.thisType def rootType: Type = base.thisType def lowType: Type = self memberType low def lowErased: Type = erasure.specialErasure(base)(low.tpe) def lowClassBound: Type = classBoundAsSeen(low.tpe.typeSymbol) def highType: Type = self memberType high def highInfo: Type = self memberInfo high def highErased: Type = erasure.specialErasure(base)(high.tpe) def highClassBound: Type = classBoundAsSeen(high.tpe.typeSymbol) def isErroneous = low.tpe.isErroneous || high.tpe.isErroneous def sameKind = sameLength(low.typeParams, high.typeParams) private def classBoundAsSeen(tsym: Symbol) = tsym.classBound.asSeenFrom(rootType, tsym.owner) private def memberDefString(sym: Symbol, where: Boolean) = { val def_s = ( if (sym.isConstructor) s"$sym: ${self memberType sym}" else sym defStringSeenAs (self memberType sym) ) def_s + whereString(sym) } /** A string like ' at line 55' if the symbol is defined in the class * under consideration, or ' in trait Foo' if defined elsewhere. */ private def whereString(sym: Symbol) = if (sym.owner == base) " at line " + sym.pos.line else sym.locationString def lowString = memberDefString(low, where = true) def highString = memberDefString(high, where = true) override def toString = sm""" |Cursor(in $base) { | high $highString | erased $highErased | infos ${high.infosString} | low $lowString | erased $lowErased | infos ${low.infosString} |}""".trim } /** The cursor class * @param base the base class containing the participating symbols */ abstract class Cursor(val base: Symbol) { cursor => final val self = base.thisType // The type relative to which symbols are seen. private val decls = newScope // all the symbols which can take part in a pair. private val size = bases.length /** A symbol for which exclude returns true will not appear as * either end of a pair. */ protected def exclude(sym: Symbol): Boolean /** Does `sym1` match `sym2` such that (sym1, sym2) should be * considered as a (lo, high) pair? Types always match. Term symbols * match if their member types relative to `self` match. */ protected def matches(lo: Symbol, high: Symbol): Boolean /** The parents and base classes of `base`. Can be refined in subclasses. */ protected def parents: List[Type] = base.info.parents protected def bases: List[Symbol] = base.info.baseClasses /** An implementation of BitSets as arrays (maybe consider collection.BitSet * for that?) The main purpose of this is to implement * intersectionContainsElement efficiently. */ private type BitSet = Array[Int] /** A mapping from all base class indices to a bitset * which indicates whether parents are subclasses. * * i \in subParents(j) iff * exists p \in parents, b \in baseClasses: * i = index(p) * j = index(b) * p isSubClass b * p.baseType(b) == self.baseType(b) */ private val subParents = new Array[BitSet](size) /** A map from baseclasses of <base> to ints, with smaller ints meaning lower in * linearization order. Symbols that are not baseclasses map to -1. */ private val index = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Int] { override def default(key: Symbol) = -1 } /** The scope entries that have already been visited as highSymbol * (but may have been excluded via hasCommonParentAsSubclass.) * These will not appear as lowSymbol. */ private val visited = HashSet[ScopeEntry]("visited", 64) /** Initialization has to run now so decls is populated before * the declaration of curEntry. */ init() // The current low and high symbols; the high may be null. private[this] var lowSymbol: Symbol = _ private[this] var highSymbol: Symbol = _ // The current entry candidates for low and high symbol. private[this] var curEntry = decls.elems private[this] var nextEntry = curEntry // These fields are initially populated with a call to next(). next() // populate the above data structures private def init() { // Fill `decls` with lower symbols shadowing higher ones def fillDecls(bcs: List[Symbol], deferred: Boolean) { if (!bcs.isEmpty) { fillDecls(bcs.tail, deferred) var e = bcs.head.info.decls.elems while (e ne null) { if (e.sym.initialize.isDeferred == deferred && !exclude(e.sym)) decls enter e.sym e = e.next } } } var i = 0 for (bc <- bases) { index(bc) = i subParents(i) = new BitSet(size) i += 1 } for (p <- parents) { val pIndex = index(p.typeSymbol) if (pIndex >= 0) for (bc <- p.baseClasses ; if sameInBaseClass(bc)(p, self)) { val bcIndex = index(bc) if (bcIndex >= 0) include(subParents(bcIndex), pIndex) } } // first, deferred (this will need to change if we change lookup rules!) fillDecls(bases, deferred = true) // then, concrete. fillDecls(bases, deferred = false) } private def include(bs: BitSet, n: Int) { val nshifted = n >> 5 val nmask = 1 << (n & 31) bs(nshifted) |= nmask } /** Implements `bs1 * bs2 * {0..n} != 0. * Used in hasCommonParentAsSubclass */ private def intersectionContainsElementLeq(bs1: BitSet, bs2: BitSet, n: Int): Boolean = { val nshifted = n >> 5 val nmask = 1 << (n & 31) var i = 0 while (i < nshifted) { if ((bs1(i) & bs2(i)) != 0) return true i += 1 } (bs1(nshifted) & bs2(nshifted) & (nmask | nmask - 1)) != 0 } /** Do `sym1` and `sym2` have a common subclass in `parents`? * In that case we do not follow their pairs. */ private def hasCommonParentAsSubclass(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol) = { val index1 = index(sym1.owner) (index1 >= 0) && { val index2 = index(sym2.owner) (index2 >= 0) && { intersectionContainsElementLeq( subParents(index1), subParents(index2), index1 min index2) } } } @tailrec private def advanceNextEntry() { if (nextEntry ne null) { nextEntry = decls lookupNextEntry nextEntry if (nextEntry ne null) { val high = nextEntry.sym val isMatch = matches(lowSymbol, high) && { visited addEntry nextEntry ; true } // side-effect visited on all matches // skip nextEntry if a class in `parents` is a subclass of the // owners of both low and high. if (isMatch && !hasCommonParentAsSubclass(lowSymbol, high)) highSymbol = high else advanceNextEntry() } } } @tailrec private def advanceCurEntry() { if (curEntry ne null) { curEntry = curEntry.next if (curEntry ne null) { if (visited(curEntry) || exclude(curEntry.sym)) advanceCurEntry() else nextEntry = curEntry } } } /** The `low` and `high` symbol. In the context of overriding pairs, * low == overriding and high == overridden. */ def low = lowSymbol def high = highSymbol def hasNext = curEntry ne null def currentPair = new SymbolPair(base, low, high) def iterator = new Iterator[SymbolPair] { def hasNext = cursor.hasNext def next() = try cursor.currentPair finally cursor.next() } // Note that next is called once during object initialization to // populate the fields tracking the current symbol pair. def next() { if (curEntry ne null) { lowSymbol = curEntry.sym advanceNextEntry() // sets highSymbol if (nextEntry eq null) { advanceCurEntry() next() } } } } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala SymbolPairs.scala source code file: |
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