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Scala example source code file (SymbolPairs.scala)

This example Scala source code file (SymbolPairs.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, bitset, boolean, collection, cursor, int, list, relativeto, string, symbol, symbolpair, type

The SymbolPairs.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author Paul Phillips

package scala
package reflect
package internal

import scala.collection.mutable
import Flags._
import util.HashSet
import scala.annotation.tailrec

/** An abstraction for considering symbol pairs.
 *  One of the greatest sources of compiler bugs is that symbols can
 *  trivially lose their prefixes and turn into some completely different
 *  type with the smallest of errors. It is the exception not the rule
 *  that type comparisons are done correctly.
 *  This offers a small step toward coherence with two abstractions
 *  which come up over and over again:
 *    RelativeTo: operations relative to a prefix
 *    SymbolPair: two symbols being related somehow, plus the class
 *       in which the relation is being performed
 *  This is only a start, but it is a start.
abstract class SymbolPairs {
  val global: SymbolTable
  import global._

  /** Type operations relative to a prefix.  All operations work on Symbols,
   *  and the types are the member types of those symbols in the prefix.
  class RelativeTo(val prefix: Type) {
    def this(clazz: Symbol) = this(clazz.thisType)
    import scala.language.implicitConversions // geez, it even has to hassle me when it's private
    private implicit def symbolToType(sym: Symbol): Type = prefix memberType sym

    def erasureOf(sym: Symbol): Type         = erasure.erasure(sym)(sym: Type)
    def signature(sym: Symbol): String       = sym defStringSeenAs (sym: Type)
    def erasedSignature(sym: Symbol): String = sym defStringSeenAs erasureOf(sym)

    def isSameType(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Boolean    = sym1 =:= sym2
    def isSubType(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Boolean     = sym1 <:< sym2
    def isSuperType(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Boolean   = sym2 <:< sym1
    def isSameErasure(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Boolean = erasureOf(sym1) =:= erasureOf(sym2)
    def matches(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Boolean       = (sym1: Type) matches (sym2: Type)

    override def toString = s"RelativeTo($prefix)"

  /** Are types tp1 and tp2 equivalent seen from the perspective
   *  of `baseClass`? For instance List[Int] and Seq[Int] are =:=
   *  when viewed from IterableClass.
  def sameInBaseClass(baseClass: Symbol)(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) =
    (tp1 baseType baseClass) =:= (tp2 baseType baseClass)

  case class SymbolPair(base: Symbol, low: Symbol, high: Symbol) {
    def pos                 = if (low.owner == base) low.pos else if (high.owner == base) high.pos else base.pos
    def self: Type          = base.thisType
    def rootType: Type      = base.thisType

    def lowType: Type       = self memberType low
    def lowErased: Type     = erasure.specialErasure(base)(low.tpe)
    def lowClassBound: Type = classBoundAsSeen(low.tpe.typeSymbol)

    def highType: Type       = self memberType high
    def highInfo: Type       = self memberInfo high
    def highErased: Type     = erasure.specialErasure(base)(high.tpe)
    def highClassBound: Type = classBoundAsSeen(high.tpe.typeSymbol)

    def isErroneous = low.tpe.isErroneous || high.tpe.isErroneous
    def sameKind    = sameLength(low.typeParams, high.typeParams)

    private def classBoundAsSeen(tsym: Symbol) =
      tsym.classBound.asSeenFrom(rootType, tsym.owner)

    private def memberDefString(sym: Symbol, where: Boolean) = {
      val def_s = (
        if (sym.isConstructor) s"$sym: ${self memberType sym}"
        else sym defStringSeenAs (self memberType sym)
      def_s + whereString(sym)
    /** A string like ' at line 55' if the symbol is defined in the class
     *  under consideration, or ' in trait Foo' if defined elsewhere.
    private def whereString(sym: Symbol) =
      if (sym.owner == base) " at line " + sym.pos.line else sym.locationString

    def lowString  = memberDefString(low, where = true)
    def highString = memberDefString(high, where = true)

    override def toString = sm"""
      |Cursor(in $base) {
      |   high  $highString
      | erased  $highErased
      |  infos  ${high.infosString}
      |    low  $lowString
      | erased  $lowErased
      |  infos  ${low.infosString}

  /** The cursor class
   *  @param base   the base class containing the participating symbols
  abstract class Cursor(val base: Symbol) {
    cursor =>

      final val self  = base.thisType   // The type relative to which symbols are seen.
    private val decls = newScope        // all the symbols which can take part in a pair.
    private val size  = bases.length

    /** A symbol for which exclude returns true will not appear as
     *  either end of a pair.
    protected def exclude(sym: Symbol): Boolean

    /** Does `sym1` match `sym2` such that (sym1, sym2) should be
     *  considered as a (lo, high) pair? Types always match. Term symbols
     *  match if their member types relative to `self` match.
    protected def matches(lo: Symbol, high: Symbol): Boolean

    /** The parents and base classes of `base`.  Can be refined in subclasses.
    protected def parents: List[Type] =
    protected def bases: List[Symbol] =

    /** An implementation of BitSets as arrays (maybe consider collection.BitSet
     *  for that?) The main purpose of this is to implement
     *  intersectionContainsElement efficiently.
    private type BitSet = Array[Int]

    /** A mapping from all base class indices to a bitset
     *  which indicates whether parents are subclasses.
     *   i \in subParents(j)   iff
     *   exists p \in parents, b \in baseClasses:
     *     i = index(p)
     *     j = index(b)
     *     p isSubClass b
     *     p.baseType(b) == self.baseType(b)
    private val subParents = new Array[BitSet](size)

    /** A map from baseclasses of <base> to ints, with smaller ints meaning lower in
     *  linearization order. Symbols that are not baseclasses map to -1.
    private val index = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Int] { override def default(key: Symbol) = -1 }

    /** The scope entries that have already been visited as highSymbol
     *  (but may have been excluded via hasCommonParentAsSubclass.)
     *  These will not appear as lowSymbol.
    private val visited = HashSet[ScopeEntry]("visited", 64)

    /** Initialization has to run now so decls is populated before
     *  the declaration of curEntry.

    // The current low and high symbols; the high may be null.
    private[this] var lowSymbol: Symbol  = _
    private[this] var highSymbol: Symbol = _

    // The current entry candidates for low and high symbol.
    private[this] var curEntry  = decls.elems
    private[this] var nextEntry = curEntry

    // These fields are initially populated with a call to next().

    // populate the above data structures
    private def init() {
      // Fill `decls` with lower symbols shadowing higher ones
      def fillDecls(bcs: List[Symbol], deferred: Boolean) {
        if (!bcs.isEmpty) {
          fillDecls(bcs.tail, deferred)
          var e =
          while (e ne null) {
            if (e.sym.initialize.isDeferred == deferred && !exclude(e.sym))
              decls enter e.sym
            e =
      var i = 0
      for (bc <- bases) {
        index(bc) = i
        subParents(i) = new BitSet(size)
        i += 1
      for (p <- parents) {
        val pIndex = index(p.typeSymbol)
        if (pIndex >= 0)
          for (bc <- p.baseClasses ; if sameInBaseClass(bc)(p, self)) {
            val bcIndex = index(bc)
            if (bcIndex >= 0)
              include(subParents(bcIndex), pIndex)
      // first, deferred (this will need to change if we change lookup rules!)
      fillDecls(bases, deferred = true)
      // then, concrete.
      fillDecls(bases, deferred = false)

    private def include(bs: BitSet, n: Int) {
      val nshifted = n >> 5
      val nmask    = 1 << (n & 31)
      bs(nshifted) |= nmask

    /** Implements `bs1 * bs2 * {0..n} != 0.
     *  Used in hasCommonParentAsSubclass */
    private def intersectionContainsElementLeq(bs1: BitSet, bs2: BitSet, n: Int): Boolean = {
      val nshifted = n >> 5
      val nmask = 1 << (n & 31)
      var i = 0
      while (i < nshifted) {
        if ((bs1(i) & bs2(i)) != 0) return true
        i += 1
      (bs1(nshifted) & bs2(nshifted) & (nmask | nmask - 1)) != 0

    /** Do `sym1` and `sym2` have a common subclass in `parents`?
     *  In that case we do not follow their pairs.
    private def hasCommonParentAsSubclass(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol) = {
      val index1 = index(sym1.owner)
      (index1 >= 0) && {
        val index2 = index(sym2.owner)
        (index2 >= 0) && {
            subParents(index1), subParents(index2), index1 min index2)

    @tailrec private def advanceNextEntry() {
      if (nextEntry ne null) {
        nextEntry = decls lookupNextEntry nextEntry
        if (nextEntry ne null) {
          val high    = nextEntry.sym
          val isMatch = matches(lowSymbol, high) && { visited addEntry nextEntry ; true } // side-effect visited on all matches

          // skip nextEntry if a class in `parents` is a subclass of the
          // owners of both low and high.
          if (isMatch && !hasCommonParentAsSubclass(lowSymbol, high))
            highSymbol = high
    @tailrec private def advanceCurEntry() {
      if (curEntry ne null) {
        curEntry =
        if (curEntry ne null) {
          if (visited(curEntry) || exclude(curEntry.sym))
            nextEntry = curEntry

    /** The `low` and `high` symbol.  In the context of overriding pairs,
     *  low == overriding and high == overridden.
    def low  = lowSymbol
    def high = highSymbol

    def hasNext     = curEntry ne null
    def currentPair = new SymbolPair(base, low, high)
    def iterator    = new Iterator[SymbolPair] {
      def hasNext = cursor.hasNext
      def next()  = try cursor.currentPair finally

    // Note that next is called once during object initialization to
    // populate the fields tracking the current symbol pair.
    def next() {
      if (curEntry ne null) {
        lowSymbol = curEntry.sym
        advanceNextEntry()        // sets highSymbol
        if (nextEntry eq null) {

Other Scala source code examples

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