Scala example source code file (Position.scala)
The Position.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala package reflect package internal package util /** @inheritdoc */ class Position extends scala.reflect.api.Position with InternalPositionImpl with DeprecatedPosition { type Pos = Position def pos: Position = this def withPos(newPos: Position): macros.Attachments { type Pos = Position.this.Pos } = newPos protected def fail(what: String) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Position.$what on $this") // If scala-refactoring extends Position directly it seems I have no // choice but to offer all the concrete methods. def isDefined = false def isRange = false def source: SourceFile = NoSourceFile def start: Int = fail("start") def point: Int = fail("point") def end: Int = fail("end") } object Position { val tabInc = 8 private def validate[T <: Position](pos: T): T = { if (pos.isRange) assert(pos.start <= pos.end, s"bad position: ${pos.show}") pos } /** Prints the message with the given position indication. */ def formatMessage(posIn: Position, msg: String, shortenFile: Boolean): String = { val pos = if (posIn eq null) NoPosition else posIn val prefix = pos.source match { case NoSourceFile => "" case s if shortenFile => s.file.name + ":" case s => s.file.path + ":" } prefix + (pos showError msg) } def offset(source: SourceFile, point: Int): Position = validate(new OffsetPosition(source, point)) def range(source: SourceFile, start: Int, point: Int, end: Int): Position = validate(new RangePosition(source, start, point, end)) def transparent(source: SourceFile, start: Int, point: Int, end: Int): Position = validate(new TransparentPosition(source, start, point, end)) } class OffsetPosition(sourceIn: SourceFile, pointIn: Int) extends DefinedPosition { override def isRange = false override def source = sourceIn override def point = pointIn override def start = point override def end = point } class RangePosition(sourceIn: SourceFile, startIn: Int, pointIn: Int, endIn: Int) extends OffsetPosition(sourceIn, pointIn) { override def isRange = true override def start = startIn override def end = endIn } class TransparentPosition(sourceIn: SourceFile, startIn: Int, pointIn: Int, endIn: Int) extends RangePosition(sourceIn, startIn, pointIn, endIn) { override def isTransparent = true } case object NoPosition extends UndefinedPosition case class FakePos(msg: String) extends UndefinedPosition { override def toString = msg } sealed abstract class DefinedPosition extends Position { final override def isDefined = true override def equals(that: Any) = that match { case that: DefinedPosition => source.file == that.source.file && start == that.start && point == that.point && end == that.end case _ => false } override def hashCode = Seq[Any](source.file, start, point, end).## override def toString = ( if (isRange) s"RangePosition($canonicalPath, $start, $point, $end)" else s"source-$canonicalPath,line-$line,$pointMessage$point" ) private def pointMessage = if (point > source.length) "out-of-bounds-" else "offset=" private def canonicalPath = source.file.canonicalPath } sealed abstract class UndefinedPosition extends Position { final override def isDefined = false override def isRange = false override def source = NoSourceFile override def start = fail("start") override def point = fail("point") override def end = fail("end") } private[util] trait InternalPositionImpl { self: Position => // The methods which would be abstract in Position if it were // possible to change Position. def isDefined: Boolean def isRange: Boolean def source: SourceFile def start: Int def point: Int def end: Int /** Map this position to its position in the original source file * (which may be this position unchanged.) */ def finalPosition: Pos = source positionInUltimateSource this def isTransparent = false def isOffset = isDefined && !isRange def isOpaqueRange = isRange && !isTransparent def pointOrElse(alt: Int): Int = if (isDefined) point else alt def makeTransparent: Position = if (isOpaqueRange) Position.transparent(source, start, point, end) else this /** Copy a range position with a changed value. */ def withStart(start: Int): Position = copyRange(start = start) def withPoint(point: Int): Position = if (isRange) copyRange(point = point) else Position.offset(source, point) def withEnd(end: Int): Position = copyRange(end = end) def withSource(source: SourceFile): Position = copyRange(source = source) def withShift(shift: Int): Position = Position.range(source, start + shift, point + shift, end + shift) /** Convert a range position to a simple offset. */ def focusStart: Position = if (this.isRange) asOffset(start) else this def focus: Position = if (this.isRange) asOffset(point) else this def focusEnd: Position = if (this.isRange) asOffset(end) else this /** If you have it in for punctuation you might not like these methods. * However I think they're aptly named. * * | means union * ^ means "the point" (look, it's a caret) * |^ means union, taking the point of the rhs * ^| means union, taking the point of the lhs */ def |(that: Position, poses: Position*): Position = poses.foldLeft(this | that)(_ | _) def |(that: Position): Position = this union that def ^(point: Int): Position = this withPoint point def |^(that: Position): Position = (this | that) ^ that.point def ^|(that: Position): Position = (this | that) ^ this.point def union(pos: Position): Position = ( if (!pos.isRange) this else if (this.isRange) copyRange(start = start min pos.start, end = end max pos.end) else pos ) def includes(pos: Position): Boolean = isRange && pos.isDefined && start <= pos.start && pos.end <= end def properlyIncludes(pos: Position): Boolean = includes(pos) && (start < pos.start || pos.end < end) def precedes(pos: Position): Boolean = bothDefined(pos) && end <= pos.start def properlyPrecedes(pos: Position): Boolean = bothDefined(pos) && end < pos.start def sameRange(pos: Position): Boolean = bothRanges(pos) && start == pos.start && end == pos.end // This works because it's a range position invariant that S1 < E1 and S2 < E2. // So if S1 < E2 and S2 < E1, then both starts precede both ends, which is the // necessary condition to establish that there is overlap. def overlaps(pos: Position): Boolean = bothRanges(pos) && start < pos.end && pos.start < end def line: Int = if (hasSource) source.offsetToLine(point) + 1 else 0 def column: Int = if (hasSource) calculateColumn() else 0 def lineContent: String = if (hasSource) source.lineToString(line - 1) else "" def lineCaret: String = if (hasSource) " " * (column - 1) + "^" else "" @deprecated("use `lineCaret`", since="2.11.0") def lineCarat: String = lineCaret def showError(msg: String): String = { def escaped(s: String) = { def u(c: Int) = f"\\u$c%04x" def uable(c: Int) = (c < 0x20 && c != '\t') || c == 0x7F if (s exists (c => uable(c))) { val sb = new StringBuilder s foreach (c => sb append (if (uable(c)) u(c) else c)) sb.toString } else s } def errorAt(p: Pos) = { def where = p.line def content = escaped(p.lineContent) def indicator = p.lineCaret f"$where: $msg%n$content%n$indicator" } finalPosition match { case FakePos(fmsg) => s"$fmsg $msg" case NoPosition => msg case pos => errorAt(pos) } } def showDebug: String = toString def show = ( if (isOpaqueRange) s"[$start:$end]" else if (isTransparent) s"<$start:$end>" else if (isDefined) s"[$point]" else "[NoPosition]" ) private def asOffset(point: Int): Position = Position.offset(source, point) private def copyRange(source: SourceFile = source, start: Int = start, point: Int = point, end: Int = end): Position = Position.range(source, start, point, end) private def calculateColumn(): Int = { var idx = source.lineToOffset(source.offsetToLine(point)) var col = 0 while (idx != point) { col += (if (source.content(idx) == '\t') Position.tabInc - col % Position.tabInc else 1) idx += 1 } col + 1 } private def hasSource = source ne NoSourceFile private def bothRanges(that: Position) = isRange && that.isRange private def bothDefined(that: Position) = isDefined && that.isDefined } /** Holding cell for methods unused and/or unnecessary. */ private[util] trait DeprecatedPosition { self: Position => @deprecated("use `point`", "2.9.0") // Used in SBT 0.12.4 def offset: Option[Int] = if (isDefined) Some(point) else None @deprecated("use `focus`", "2.11.0") def toSingleLine: Position = this @deprecated("use `line`", "2.11.0") def safeLine: Int = line @deprecated("use `showDebug`", "2.11.0") def dbgString: String = showDebug @deprecated("use `finalPosition`", "2.11.0") def inUltimateSource(source: SourceFile): Position = source positionInUltimateSource this @deprecated("use `lineCaret`", since="2.11.0") def lineWithCarat(maxWidth: Int): (String, String) = ("", "") @deprecated("Use `withSource(source)` and `withShift`", "2.11.0") def withSource(source: SourceFile, shift: Int): Position = this withSource source withShift shift @deprecated("Use `start` instead", "2.11.0") def startOrPoint: Int = if (isRange) start else point @deprecated("Use `end` instead", "2.11.0") def endOrPoint: Int = if (isRange) end else point } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala Position.scala source code file: |
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