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Scala example source code file (Statistics.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Statistics.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

collection, counter, int, long, quantity, quantmap, stackabletimer, string, timer, timersnapshot, v

The Statistics.scala Scala example source code

package scala
package reflect.internal.util

import scala.collection.mutable

object Statistics {

  type TimerSnapshot = (Long, Long)

  /** If enabled, increment counter by one */
  @inline final def incCounter(c: Counter) {
    if (_enabled && c != null) c.value += 1

  /** If enabled, increment counter by given delta */
  @inline final def incCounter(c: Counter, delta: Int) {
    if (_enabled && c != null) c.value += delta

  /** If enabled, increment counter in map `ctrs` at index `key` by one */
  @inline final def incCounter[K](ctrs: QuantMap[K, Counter], key: K) =
    if (_enabled && ctrs != null) ctrs(key).value += 1

  /** If enabled, start subcounter. While active it will track all increments of
   *  its base counter.
  @inline final def startCounter(sc: SubCounter): (Int, Int) =
    if (_enabled && sc != null) sc.start() else null

  /** If enabled, stop subcounter from tracking its base counter. */
  @inline final def stopCounter(sc: SubCounter, start: (Int, Int)) {
    if (_enabled && sc != null) sc.stop(start)

  /** If enabled, start timer */
  @inline final def startTimer(tm: Timer): TimerSnapshot =
    if (_enabled && tm != null) tm.start() else null

  /** If enabled, stop timer */
  @inline final def stopTimer(tm: Timer, start: TimerSnapshot) {
    if (_enabled && tm != null) tm.stop(start)

  /** If enabled, push and start a new timer in timer stack */
  @inline final def pushTimer(timers: TimerStack, timer: => StackableTimer): TimerSnapshot =
    if (_enabled && timers != null) timers.push(timer) else null

  /** If enabled, stop and pop timer from timer stack */
  @inline final def popTimer(timers: TimerStack, prev: TimerSnapshot) {
    if (_enabled && timers != null) timers.pop(prev)

  /** Create a new counter that shows as `prefix` and is active in given phases */
  def newCounter(prefix: String, phases: String*) = new Counter(prefix, phases)

  /** Create a new relative counter that shows as `prefix` and is active
   *  in the same phases as its base counter. Relative counters print as percentages
   *  of their base counters.
  def newRelCounter(prefix: String, ctr: Counter): Counter = new RelCounter(prefix, ctr)

  /** Create a new subcounter that shows as `prefix` and is active
   *  in the same phases as its base counter. Subcounters can track
   *  increments of their base counters and print as percentages
   *  of their base counters.
  def newSubCounter(prefix: String, ctr: Counter): SubCounter = new SubCounter(prefix, ctr)

  /** Create a new counter that shows as `prefix` and is active in given phases */
  def newTimer(prefix: String, phases: String*): Timer = new Timer(prefix, phases)

  /** Create a new subtimer that shows as `prefix` and is active
   *  in the same phases as its base timer. Subtimers can track
   *  increments of their base timers and print as percentages
   *  of their base timers.
  def newSubTimer(prefix: String, timer: Timer): Timer = new SubTimer(prefix, timer)

  /** Create a new stackable that shows as `prefix` and is active
   *  in the same phases as its base timer. Stackable timers are subtimers
   *  that can be stacked ina timerstack, and that print aggregate, as well as specific
   *  durations.
  def newStackableTimer(prefix: String, timer: Timer): StackableTimer = new StackableTimer(prefix, timer)

  /** Create a new view that shows as `prefix` and is active in given phases.
   *  The view always reflects the current value of `quant` as a quantity.
  def newView(prefix: String, phases: String*)(quant: => Any): View = new View(prefix, phases,

  /** Create a new quantity map that shows as `prefix` and is active in given phases.
  def newQuantMap[K, V <% Ordered[V]](prefix: String, phases: String*)(initValue: => V): QuantMap[K, V] = new QuantMap(prefix, phases, initValue)

  /** Same as newQuantMap, where the key type is fixed to be Class[_] */
  def newByClass[V <% Ordered[V]](prefix: String, phases: String*)(initValue: => V): QuantMap[Class[_], V] = new QuantMap(prefix, phases, initValue)

  /** Create a new timer stack */
  def newTimerStack() = new TimerStack()

  def allQuantities: Iterable[Quantity] =
    for ((_, q) <- qs if q.underlying == q;
         r <- q :: q.children.toList if r.prefix.nonEmpty) yield r

  private def showPercent(x: Long, base: Long) =
    if (base == 0) "" else f" (${x.toDouble / base.toDouble * 100}%2.1f%%)"

  /** The base trait for quantities.
   *  Quantities with non-empty prefix are printed in the statistics info.
  trait Quantity {
    if (enabled && prefix.nonEmpty) {
      val key = s"${if (underlying != this) underlying.prefix else ""}/$prefix"
      qs(key) = this
    val prefix: String
    val phases: Seq[String]
    def underlying: Quantity = this
    def showAt(phase: String) = phases.isEmpty || (phases contains phase)
    def line = f"$prefix%-30s: ${this}"
    val children = new mutable.ListBuffer[Quantity]

  trait SubQuantity extends Quantity {
    protected def underlying: Quantity
    underlying.children += this

  class Counter(val prefix: String, val phases: Seq[String]) extends Quantity with Ordered[Counter] {
    var value: Int = 0
    def compare(that: Counter): Int =
      if (this.value < that.value) -1
      else if (this.value > that.value) 1
      else 0
    override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
      that match {
        case that: Counter => (this compare that) == 0
        case _ => false
    override def hashCode = value
    override def toString = value.toString

  class View(val prefix: String, val phases: Seq[String], quant: => Any) extends Quantity {
    override def toString = quant.toString

  private class RelCounter(prefix: String, override val underlying: Counter) extends Counter(prefix, underlying.phases) with SubQuantity {
    override def toString =
      if (value == 0) "0"
      else {
        assert(underlying.value != 0, prefix+"/"+underlying.line)
        f"${value.toFloat / underlying.value}%2.1f"

  class SubCounter(prefix: String, override val underlying: Counter) extends Counter(prefix, underlying.phases) with SubQuantity {
    def start() = (value, underlying.value)
    def stop(prev: (Int, Int)) {
      val (value0, uvalue0) = prev
      value = value0 + underlying.value - uvalue0
    override def toString =
      value + showPercent(value.toLong, underlying.value.toLong)

  class Timer(val prefix: String, val phases: Seq[String]) extends Quantity {
    var nanos: Long = 0
    var timings = 0
    def start() = {
      (nanos, System.nanoTime())
    def stop(prev: TimerSnapshot) {
      val (nanos0, start) = prev
      nanos = nanos0 + System.nanoTime() - start
      timings += 1
    protected def show(ns: Long) = s"${ns/1000000}ms"
    override def toString = s"$timings spans, ${show(nanos)}"

  class SubTimer(prefix: String, override val underlying: Timer) extends Timer(prefix, underlying.phases) with SubQuantity {
    override protected def show(ns: Long) = + showPercent(ns, underlying.nanos)

  class StackableTimer(prefix: String, underlying: Timer) extends SubTimer(prefix, underlying) with Ordered[StackableTimer] {
    var specificNanos: Long = 0
    def compare(that: StackableTimer): Int =
      if (this.specificNanos < that.specificNanos) -1
      else if (this.specificNanos > that.specificNanos) 1
      else 0
    override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
      that match {
        case that: StackableTimer => (this compare that) == 0
        case _ => false
    override def hashCode = specificNanos.##
    override def toString = s"${super.toString} aggregate, ${show(specificNanos)} specific"

  /** A mutable map quantity where missing elements are automatically inserted
   *  on access by executing `initValue`.
  class QuantMap[K, V <% Ordered[V]](val prefix: String, val phases: Seq[String], initValue: => V)
      extends mutable.HashMap[K, V] with mutable.SynchronizedMap[K, V] with Quantity {
    override def default(key: K) = {
      val elem = initValue
      this(key) = elem
    override def toString =
      this.toSeq.sortWith(_._2 > _._2).map {
        case (cls: Class[_], elem) =>
          s"${cls.toString.substring(cls.toString.lastIndexOf("$") + 1)}: $elem"
        case (key, elem) =>
          s"$key: $elem"
      }.mkString(", ")

  /** A stack of timers, all active, where a timer's specific "clock"
   *  is stopped as long as it is buried by some other timer in the stack, but
   *  its aggregate clock keeps on ticking.
  class TimerStack {
    private var elems: List[(StackableTimer, Long)] = Nil
    /** Start given timer and push it onto the stack */
    def push(t: StackableTimer): TimerSnapshot = {
      elems = (t, 0L) :: elems
    /** Stop and pop top timer in stack
    def pop(prev: TimerSnapshot) = {
      val (nanos0, start) = prev
      val duration = System.nanoTime() - start
      val (topTimer, nestedNanos) :: rest = elems
      topTimer.nanos = nanos0 + duration
      topTimer.specificNanos += duration - nestedNanos
      topTimer.timings += 1
      elems = rest match {
        case (outerTimer, outerNested) :: elems1 =>
          (outerTimer, outerNested + duration) :: elems1
        case Nil =>

  private var _enabled = false
  private val qs = new mutable.HashMap[String, Quantity]

  /** replace with
   *    final val canEnable = false
   *  to remove all Statistics code from build
  final val canEnable = _enabled

  /** replace with
   *   final def hotEnabled = _enabled
   * and rebuild, to also count tiny but super-hot methods
   * such as phase, flags, owner, name.
  final val hotEnabled = false

  def enabled = _enabled
  def enabled_=(cond: Boolean) = {
    if (cond && !_enabled) {
      val start = System.nanoTime()
      var total = 0L
      for (i <- 1 to 10000) {
        val time = System.nanoTime()
        total += System.nanoTime() - time
      val total2 = System.nanoTime() - start
      println("Enabling statistics, measuring overhead = "+
              total/10000.0+"ns to "+total2/10000.0+"ns per timer")
      _enabled = true

Other Scala source code examples

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