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Scala example source code file (ExprTyper.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ExprTyper.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

boolean, compiler, exprtyper, nil, none, nosymbol, notype, nsc, option, string, symbol, type

The ExprTyper.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Paul Phillips

package interpreter


trait ExprTyper {
  val repl: IMain

  import repl._
  import global.{ reporter => _, Import => _, _ }
  import naming.freshInternalVarName

  def symbolOfLine(code: String): Symbol = {
    def asExpr(): Symbol = {
      val name  = freshInternalVarName()
      // Typing it with a lazy val would give us the right type, but runs
      // into compiler bugs with things like existentials, so we compile it
      // behind a def and strip the NullaryMethodType which wraps the expr.
      val line = "def " + name + " = " + code

      interpretSynthetic(line) match {
        case IR.Success =>
          val sym0 = symbolOfTerm(name)
          // drop NullaryMethodType
          sym0.cloneSymbol setInfo exitingTyper(sym0.tpe_*.finalResultType)
        case _          => NoSymbol
    def asDefn(): Symbol = {
      val old = repl.definedSymbolList.toSet

      interpretSynthetic(code) match {
        case IR.Success =>
          repl.definedSymbolList filterNot old match {
            case Nil        => NoSymbol
            case sym :: Nil => sym
            case syms       => NoSymbol.newOverloaded(NoPrefix, syms)
        case _ => NoSymbol
    def asError(): Symbol = {
    beSilentDuring(asExpr()) orElse beSilentDuring(asDefn()) orElse asError()

  private var typeOfExpressionDepth = 0
  def typeOfExpression(expr: String, silent: Boolean = true): Type = {
    if (typeOfExpressionDepth > 2) {
      repldbg("Terminating typeOfExpression recursion for expression: " + expr)
      return NoType
    typeOfExpressionDepth += 1
    // Don't presently have a good way to suppress undesirable success output
    // while letting errors through, so it is first trying it silently: if there
    // is an error, and errors are desired, then it re-evaluates non-silently
    // to induce the error message.
    try beSilentDuring(symbolOfLine(expr).tpe) match {
      case NoType if !silent => symbolOfLine(expr).tpe // generate error
      case tpe               => tpe
    finally typeOfExpressionDepth -= 1

  // This only works for proper types.
  def typeOfTypeString(typeString: String): Type = {
    def asProperType(): Option[Type] = {
      val name = freshInternalVarName()
      val line = "def %s: %s = ???" format (name, typeString)
      interpretSynthetic(line) match {
        case IR.Success =>
          val sym0 = symbolOfTerm(name)
        case _          => None
    beSilentDuring(asProperType()) getOrElse NoType

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala ExprTyper.scala source code file:

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