Posts in the “funny” category

The park scene in the movie Starbuck

If you’ve never seen the movie Starbuck, it’s very good, and often very funny. This is one scene where a pregnant women is trying to come to grip with various feelings she is dealing with.

Key and Peele East/West College Bowl 2, list of names

Yes football fans, it’s that time of year again. Key & Peele have released their list of names for the East-West College Bowl 2. Once again I jotted down the list of names from the video, and included them below, after the video. Enjoy!

Key & Peele: East/West College Bowl Game #2 (video)

First up, here’s the video:

Bad lip reading (Winnie The Pooh)

This Winnie The Pooh caption reminds me of one of those “bad lip reading” videos. :)

Key and Peele East/West College Bowl, list of names

I don't watch much television, but my nephew and nieces keep sending me URLs to Key and Peele videos, including the recent (2012) East/West College Bowl video.

As we sent emails back and forth, laughing about the names they came up with and which one we'd want to be, I decided to jot down the list of names they used in the video, and without any further ado, here are the names.

The way calculus presents

Dr. Foreman: The kid was just taking his calculus exam when all of a sudden he got nauseous and disoriented.

Dr. House: That’s the way calculus presents.