Posts in the “linux-unix” category

How to use the Linux 'lsof' command to list open files

Linux “open files” FAQ: Can you share some examples of how to show “open files” on a Linux system (i.e., how to use the lsof command)?

The Linux lsof command lists information about files that are open by processes running on the system. (The lsof command itself stands for “list of open files.”) In this brief article I’ll just share some lsof command examples. If you have any questions, just let me know.

Linux/Unix: How to edit your crontab file with “crontab -e”

Linux crontab FAQ: How do I edit my Unix/Linux crontab file?

I was working with an experienced Linux sysadmin a few days ago, and when we needed to make a change to the root user crontab file, I was really surprised to watch him cd to the root user’s cron folder, make changes to the file, then do a kill -HUP on the crontab process.

Thinking he knew something I didn’t know, I asked him why he did all of that work instead of just entering this:

Linux crontab “every X minutes or hours” examples

Linux crontab FAQ: How do I schedule Unix/Linux crontab jobs to run at time intervals, like “Every five minutes,” “Every ten minutes,” “Every half hour,” and so on?


I’ve posted other Unix/Linux crontab tutorials here before — such as How to edit your Linux crontab file and Example Linux crontab file format — but I’ve never included a tutorial that covers the crontab “every” options, so here are some examples to demonstrate how to run crontab commands at time intervals, like every minute, every five minutes, every ten minutes, every hour, and so on.

The Vim page up and page down keystrokes

Vim FAQ: What are the Vim page up and page down keystrokes?

Short answer:

The Vim page up keystroke is [Control][b]. You can remember the 'b' by thinking "back".

The Vim page down keystroke is [Control][f]. You can remember the 'f' by thinking "forward".

More Vim page up and page down keys

I use those two Vim keystrokes most of the time, but you can use other keystrokes in Vim to move up and down, as shown here:

Linux: Recursive file searching with `grep -r` (like grep + find)

Unix/Linux grep FAQ: How can I perform a recursive search with the grep command in Linux?

Two solutions are shown next, followed by some additional details which may be useful.

Solution 1: Combine 'find' and 'grep'

For years I always used variations of the following Linux find and grep commands to recursively search sub-directories for files that match a grep pattern:

find . -type f -exec grep -l 'alvin' {} \;

This command can be read as, “Search all files in all sub-directories of the current directory for the string ‘alvin’, and print the filenames that contain this pattern.” It’s an extremely powerful approach for recursively searching files in all sub-directories that match the pattern I specify.

Here’s an explanation of those command-line arguments:

  • The name of the command is find
  • The “.” means “current directory”
  • The -type f part means “only search for files (not directories)”
  • -exec means “execute the following command”
  • grep -l 'alvin' is the command that searches the files for the string “alvin
  • The {} \; part of the command is a little unusual ... I think it’s an old artifact of the find command, but you can think of that area as holding each file that the find command finds, and then grep operates on each one of those files, one file at a time

Solution 2: 'grep -r'

However, I was just reminded that a much easier way to perform the same recursive search is with the -r flag of the grep command:

grep -rl alvin .

As you can see, this is a much shorter command, and it performs the same recursive search as the longer command, specifically:

  • The -r option says “do a recursive search”
  • The -l option (lowercase letter L) says “list only filenames”
  • As you’ll see below, you can also add -i for case-insensitive searches

If you haven’t used commands like these before, to demonstrate the results of this search, in a PHP project directory I’m working in right now, this command returns a list of files like this:


More: How to search multiple sub-directories

Your recursive grep searches don’t have to be limited to just the current directory. This next example shows how to recursively search two unrelated directories for the case-insensitive string "alvin":

grep -ril alvin /home/cato /htdocs/zenf

In this example, the search is made case-insensitive by adding the -i argument to the grep command.

Using egrep recursively

You can also perform recursive searches with the egrep command, which lets you search for multiple patterns at one time. Since I tend to mark comments in my code with my initials ("aja") or my name ("alvin"), this recursive egrep command shows how to search for those two patterns, again in a case-insensitive manner:

egrep -ril 'aja|alvin' .

Note that in this case, quotes are required around my search pattern.

Summary: `grep -r` notes

A few notes about the grep -r command:

  • This particular use of the grep command doesn’t make much sense unless you use it with the -l (lowercase "L") argument as well. This flag tells grep to print the matching filenames.
  • Don’t forget to list one or more directories at the end of your grep command. If you forget to add any directories, grep will attempt to read from standard input (as usual).
  • As shown, you can use other normal grep flags as well, including -i to ignore case, -v to reverse the meaning of the search, etc.

Here’s the section of the Linux grep man page that discusses the -r flag:

-R, -r, --recursive
Read all files under each directory, recursively; this is
equivalent to the -d recurse option.

  Recurse in directories only searching file matching PATTERN.

  Recurse in directories skip file matching PATTERN.

As you’ve seen, the grep -r command makes it easy to recursively search directories for all files that match the search pattern you specify, and the syntax is much shorter than the equivalent find/grep command.

For more information on the find command, see my Linux find command examples, and for more information on the grep command, see my Linux grep command examples.

vi/vim: How to control/configure editor colors (color settings)

vim colors FAQ: Can you provide details on how to control/configure colors in the vim editor (i.e., vim color settings)?

Sure. When using vim syntax highlighting, a common complaint is that the default color scheme is a little too bold. In this article I'll try to demonstrate how you can change the colors in vim to be a little more pleasing, or at least be more in your control.

vi/vim delete commands and examples

vi/vim editor FAQ: Can you share some example vi/vim delete commands?

The vi editor can be just a little difficult to get started with, so I thought I’d share some more vi commands here today, specifically some commands about how to delete text in vi/vim.

vi/vim delete commands - reference

A lot of times all people need is a quick reference, so I’ll start with a quick reference of vi/vim delete commands:

How to use ‘awk’ to print columns from a text file (in any order)

Unix/Linux FAQ: How can I print columns of data from text files on Unix/Linux systems?


One of my favorite ways to use the Unix awk command is to print columns of data from text files, including printing columns in a different order than they are in in the text file. Here are some examples of how awk works in this use case.

A Linux shell script to rename files with a counter and copy them

As a brief note today, I was recently looking for all Messages/iMessage files that are stored on my Mac, and I used this shell script to copy all of those files — many of which have the same name — into a directory named tmpdir, giving them all new names during the copy process:

# WARNING: back up your files before running this script.
#          if something is wrong, you may lose them all.
for i in `cat myfiles`
    fname=`basename $i`
    cp $i tmpdir/${count}-${fname}
    count=`expr $count + 1`

More Linux find command examples

The Linux find command is used to locate files and directories based on a wide variety of criteria. I'll try to cover the most common find examples here.

Basic find command examples

To find a file or directory named "foo" somewhere below your current directory use a find command like this:

find . -name foo

If the filename begins with "foo" but you can't remember the rest of it, you can use a wildcard character like this:

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Unix/Linux shell script reference page (shell cheat sheet)

Linux shell script test syntax

All of the shell script tests that follow should be performed between the bracket characters [ and ], like this:

if [ true ]
  # do something here

Very important: Make sure you leave spaces around the bracket characters.

I'll show more detailed tests as we go along.

Linux shell file-related tests

To perform tests on files use the following comparison operators:

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vim search commands

vim search FAQ: How do I search in vim?

There are a few commands you can use to search in the vi or vim editors. The main thing to remember is that the '/' key lets you search forward in a file, and the '?' key lets you search backwards in a file for whatever text you are looking for.

Remove control-m characters in vi/vim's binary mode

vi/vim FAQ: How can I remove control-m ^M characters in a text file using vi or vim?

“DOS format” message in vim

If you’ve ever opened a text file with vi (or vim) and saw a message on the bottom of the screen that says “dos” or “dos format”, there’s a reason for this. The file was probably created on a DOS or Windows computer, and it contains extra binary characters that are not normally found in a file created on a Unix or Linux system.

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vim copy and paste commands

vim copy and paste FAQ: How do I copy and paste in vim (the vi or vim editor)?

In this short vi/vim tutorial I thought I'd share the most common vim copy and paste commands I use on a daily basis. I've been using vi (and vim) for almost 20 years now (wow), and these are the most common copy/paste commands I use.

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vim modes - the three modes of vi/vim

The vi editor can be a little difficult to learn, so I've been writing some vi tutorials here recently. One of the first things to know about vi is that it typically functions in three different modes:

  1. Command mode
  2. Insert mode
  3. Last line mode

Here's a quick description of each vi mode.

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Unix `sed` examples: how to insert text before and after existing lines

If you ever need to use the Unix/Linux sed command to insert text before or after a line of text in an existing file, here's how I just ran several sed commands to update my old Function Point Analysis tutorial to have a format that doesn't look like it was created in the 1990s.

This tutorial consists of over 40 files, and I had eight changes I wanted to make each file. So I had two choices: modify each file by hand over the next six hours, or run a series of sed commands and be done in 30 minutes. (I chose the sed commands.)

The Linux 'rm' command (remove files and directories)

Linux FAQ: How do I delete files (remove files) on a Unix or Linux system?

The Linux rm command is used to remove files and directories. (As its name implies, this is a dangerous command, so be careful.)

Let's take a look at some rm command examples, starting from easy examples to more complicated examples.

Unix/Linux rm command examples - Deleting files

In its most basic use, the rm command can be used to remove one file, like this:

How to read Unix/Linux shell script command line arguments

Unix/Linux shell script args FAQ: How do I access Unix or Linux shell script command line arguments?

You can process Unix shell script command line arguments in at least two ways:

  • With getopts, when you want to handle options like -n 10
  • By number, such as $1, $2, etc.

I show both of these solutions below.

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