I like about 98% of Drupal. A lot of it is well thought out and organized. But some design decisions are real head-scratchers. For example, why in the world does Drupal 8 not include the ability to set a meta description field out of the box? I understand that meta keywords aren’t used by (most) search engines any more, but internet search engines do use the meta description field, and Drupal is supposed to be a CMS for the internet, so why doesn’t it include such a basic CMS feature?
Instead, in Drupal 8 we currently have to rely on an “alpha” third-party module for this capability. It’s cool that this module will eventually emit a bunch of other meta tags that may be important, but IMHO, the meta description field is a basic, out of the box requirement of any CMS. And because of all of these things, I have to spend many hours porting my old Drupal meta descriptions to this new module, which oh by the way is in an alpha state, and may change after I finish my port. #argh