JUnit example - a JUnit JBuilder template

Here is a JUnit template I use with JBuilder:

package PACKAGE;

import junit.framework.*;

public class CLASSNAME extends TestCase

   * Set up work to be done before test cases.
  protected void setUp()

   * do a tear down after each test
  protected void tearDown()

  public void testPOBox123()
    String address = "P.O. Box 123";
    String numericAddress = AddressTool.convertAddress(address);
    String expectedResult = "123";
    assert( "\ntestNull, EXPECTED: " + expectedResult + ", GOT: " + numericAddress, numericAddress.equals(expectedResult) );

  public void testBlank()
    String address = "";
    String numericAddress = AddressTool.convertAddress(address);
    String expectedResult = "";
    assert( "\ntestNull, EXPECTED: " + expectedResult + ", GOT: " + numericAddress, numericAddress.equals(expectedResult) );

  public void testNull()
    String address = null;
    String numericAddress = AddressTool.convertAddress(address);
    String expectedResult = "";
    assert( "\ntestNull, EXPECTED: " + expectedResult + ", GOT: " + numericAddress, numericAddress.equals(expectedResult) );

  public static void main(String args[])

  public CLASSNAME(String name)

   * add one line here for each test in the suite
  public static Test suite()
    TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();

    // run tests manually
    //suite.addTest( new CLASSNAME("testBlank") );
    //suite.addTest( new CLASSNAME("testNull") );
    //return suite;

    // or, run tests dynamically
    return new TestSuite(CLASSNAME.class);


Some of this stuff isn't needed every time, but I keep it in the template as a reminder. Inside of JBuilder I name this template junitTestCase.