LaTeX box - how to create a box

Okay, now I'm getting into the crazy LaTeX code. I'm converting HTML UI prototype images into LaTeX so I can include the prototypes in my Requirements Specification docs.

So, that being my motivation, here's some LaTeX example code that shows how to display the equivalent of a textfield inside of a table. At the very least, this demonstrates how to use the LaTeX fbox command. :)




% here's one box before the table
\fbox{some text here} \\

% here's a box inside of a table. 
% it works when using pdflatex to generate a pdf.
\fbox{some stuff in a box} & blah & blah\\
text & text & text\\
text & text & text\\
 C++ & A difficult language. & R4C3\\ 


Note that this creates a LaTeX box with borders around it, and looks remarkably like a textfield in HTML. Exactly what I want. FWIW, I can also simulate buttons, checkboxes, and other widgets.

Crazy, I know ... but fun.