Apache access log - A Perl program to read an Apache access log file

Here's some free source code for a Perl program I've created to read and analyze standard Apache access log files and print out the most popular pages. As shown below it will print out the top 100 popular pages on your website, but that is easily changed.

The code could use a lot of improvement, and I will continue to post updates here when I make improvements. Other than that it's provided here free of charge, so feel free to make your own improvements to it as well.

A Perl program to read an Apache access log file

Here's the source code for this free Perl program to parse an Apache access log file:


7,245  /
6,245  /blog
6,789  /java/edu/tutorial/bar/foo.html
6,678  /perl/edu/story/foo/bar.html

(97 more lines of output deleted here)

Without any further ado, here is the Perl source code for my Apache log file analyzer.

#   PROGRAM: most-hits.pl
#   PURPOSE: This program serves one purpose.  It reads an Apache
#   access_log file in standard ECLF format,
#   and print out the number of hits that have been 
#   recorded for each file and/or directory.
#   The user can control the number of files that are
#   displayed in the output by changing NUM_RECS_TO_PRINT.
#   This tool lets you analyze your web site so you can
#   understand what content your viewers are interested in.
#   USAGE:
#   most-hits.pl access_log > results
#   perl most-hits.pl access_log > results

# COPYRIGHT:                                                                 #
#                                                                            #
# This sample program is provided free of charge under the terms of the      #
# GNU GPL.                                                                   #

use File::Basename;

#  Global variables that control the program action and output.                #

$NUM_RECS_TO_PRINT = 100;   # num of output recs to print per section

#  Change this array to include index filenames used on your system.  #

@indexFilenames = ('index.htm', 'index.html', 'index.shtml');

# don't change anything below here unless you're comfortable with Perl #

sub usage {
   print STDERR "\n\tUsage:  logHBF.pl access_log_file > output_file\n";

#  These are two helper routines for the 'sort' function.  #

sub fileNumericAscending {
   $numFileRequests{$a} <=> $numFileRequests{$b};

sub fileNumericDescending {
   $numFileRequests{$b} <=> $numFileRequests{$a};

sub trim($)
   my $string = shift;
   $string =~ s/^\s+//;
   $string =~ s/\s+$//;
   return $string;

#----------------------------<<   main   >>-----------------------------#

   #  Start by making sure the user is invoking this program properly.  #

   $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1;

   if ($numArgs != 1) {
      exit 1;

   $logFile = $ARGV[0];

   open (LOGFILE,"$logFile") || die "  Error opening log file $logFile.\n";

   #  Start reading and processing the access_log file in this loop.  #

   printf "<pre>\n";


        #  condense one or more whitespace character   #
      #  to one single space                         #

      s/\s+/ /go;

      #  the next line breaks each line of the access_log into   #
      #  nine variables                                          #

      ($clientAddress,    $rfc1413,      $username, 
      $localTime,         $httpRequest,  $statusCode, 
      $bytesSentToClient, $referer,      $clientSoftware) =
      /^(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) \[(.+)\] \"(.+)\" (\S+) (\S+) \"(.*)\" \"(.*)\"/o;

      # take care of problem where the $httpRequest may simply be a hyphen #

      next if ($httpRequest =~ '^-$');

      #  Determine the value of $fileRequested  #

      ($getPost, $fileRequested, $junk) = split(' ', $httpRequest, 3);

      # ignore hits to the following file types.
      # this section of code needs to be fixed so the user can
      # declare extensions to ignore at the top of the program

      if ($fileRequested =~ /\.gif$/i) {
      if ($fileRequested =~ /\.jpg$/i) {
      if ($fileRequested =~ /\.css$/i) {
      if ($fileRequested =~ /\.png$/i) {
      if ($fileRequested =~ /\.java$/i) {
      if ($fileRequested =~ /favicon\.ico$/i) {
      if ($fileRequested =~ /robots\.txt$/i) {

      #  if the base filename is something like index.htm, index.html,  #
      #  or index.shtml, interpret this to be the same as the path by   #
      #  itself.  This way, '/java/' is the same as '/java/index.html'. #

      foreach $indexFile (@indexFilenames) {
        $fileRequested = trim($fileRequested);
        if ($fileRequested =~ /^\s+$/) {
        if ($fileRequested =~ /^$/) {
        if (basename($fileRequested) =~ /$indexFile/i) {
           $fileRequested = dirname($fileRequested);

      #  If the last character in $fileRequested is a '/', remove it.  #
      #  This makes /perl/ equal to /perl.                             #

      if (length($fileRequested) > 1) 
        if (substr($fileRequested,length($fileRequested)-1,1) eq '/') 

      #  here's where we count the number of hits per file  #



   close (LOGFILE);

   #  Output the number of hits per file  #

   print "-----------------------------\n\n";
   foreach $key (sort fileNumericDescending (keys(%numFileRequests))) {
      last if ($count >= $NUM_RECS_TO_PRINT);
      print "$numFileRequests{$key} \t\t $key\n";
   print "\n\n";

   printf "</pre>\n";

   # the end

One other note: If you're looking for a much more powerful Apache log file analysis program, awstats looks like a good tool to use. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks like it may also be written in Perl, and seems to provide all the pretty graphs most people like to see.