Posts in the “colorado” category

Driving from Boulder, Colorado to Santa Fe, New Mexico

If you ever need to drive from the Boulder/Denver, Colorado area to (or from) Santa Fe, New Mexico, the gray route on the left in this image is the most scenic, the one to take if you only get one shot at it. Lots of mountain views and ranches, and many small towns.

Once you get off of I-25, the blue road that goes through Taos is also very scenic, and is particularly pretty in the winter. I usually take the gray road back to Colorado, and the Taos road down to Santa Fe.


Sheep manure?

I’m not sure if this is just a Colorado thing, but there are also a lot of goats around here.

30% of car license plates near me are from out of state

I don’t know what the exact numbers are, but Colorado is growing very rapidly, especially in this area where I live in the cities near Boulder. On a walk today I counted that 66 out of 220 license plates I saw were out-of-state license plates, meaning that a whopping 30% of my neighbors are from out of state and haven’t changed their license plates yet.

The view driving into Boulder, Colorado

While I’m going through some medical treatments I drive into Boulder, Colorado once or twice a week. This was today’s view (June 20, 2019) while driving into Boulder on Arapahoe Road. As you can see, the tallest mountains still have some snow on them.

Goats at the apartment

Back on May 19, 2013, we had a little problem with goats at the apartment complex I lived at in Broomfield, Colorado.

Consuming edible marijuana products can lead to repeated and severe bouts of vomiting

Several times when I’ve told people in Colorado that I have mast cell disease, they’ve replied, “Have you tried marijuana for that?”

In what might be a related story, one time I went to the ER and a young man there was vomiting extremely loudly and repeatedly into a large bucket. I initially didn’t know what was going on and sat down near him, but once he started vomiting I got up and moved away from him, as everyone else had already done. I recall hearing someone say that he had been there before for the same problem.

I say that it might be related because a few days ago I read that consuming edible marijuana products can lead to “repeated and severe bouts of vomiting,” a condition known as cannabinoid hyperemesis. From what I know, people consume edible products, don’t feel anything immediately, so then they consume some more, etc. Apparently it takes time for consumables to kick in, so when they do, people find out the hard way that they’ve consumed too much. I was just reminded of all that when reading this UCHealth story.

Snow melts fast on the mountains in Colorado

March 24, 2013: After yesterday's snowstorm, about 5" locally, I woke up to completely white mountains. Twenty minutes later they looked like the top photo, and twenty minutes after that they looked like the bottom photo. Between the thin air (my apartment is at 5,800') and the sun, the snow disappears fast here, either by melting or ablation.

Rocky Mountains in February: Snowstorm, then clear

This is a view of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado on February 27, 2013. The top photo is from the previous day, when a storm rolled in in the morning. The bottom view is from the following morning when the skies were perfectly clear.

Big sky over Boulder, Colorado, and the Rocky Mountains

Here’s a photo of a big sky over the Rocky Mountains, just south of Boulder, Colorado on January 28, 2014. I saw this same sky in Denali, Alaska once many years ago. Breathtaking both times. (Click the image for a much larger version of it.)

Edible marijuana is causing a lot more health problems than inhaled marijuana

For folks in states like Colorado where marijuana is legal, per, edible marijuana seems to be causing a lot more health problems than inhaled marijuana. A few notes:

  • It can take up to four hours for the high from an edible to take effect
  • Edibles are 268 times more likely than inhaled marijuana to cause users in Colorado to seek help at an ER (despite the fact that many more people use the inhaled form)
  • Edibles have a more severe toxicity than inhaled forms and the effects are psychiatric in nature

Starry Night over the Rocky Mountains

If I manage to send any cards out for Christmas this year, they’ll be these “Starry Night over the Rocky Mountains” cards, which I found in a store on the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder, Colorado yesterday.

Altitudes of the Colorado front range mountains

One of my doctors has this photo/image of the altitudes of the mountains that make up the “front range” of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. I can’t read the signature on the lower-right of the image, but I appreciate whoever put this image together, as I can never remember the names and altitudes of the various mountain peaks.