Posts in the “colorado” category

Voters looking into whether Colorado judges were appointed by a Democrat or Republican

Last week I did some research on whether Colorado judges were appointed by a Democrat or Republican, and I’ve been pleased to see that over 27,000 people have visited that page. Personally, I was never too concerned about judges in previous elections, but I think the current hostile political atmosphere in the U.S. and everything related to the Supreme Court nominees over the last 2-3 years makes people see how “political” the judge nomination process is (IMHO).

Family in town

Sorry, it's a quiet week here on I have family in town this week on vacation, and they're keeping me pretty busy.

Domata Peko and the national anthem

I’m a fan of Domata Peko of the Denver Broncos. This video helps to show why I like him, he seems like a bundle of happy energy, a real positive force. (There’s also that whole war battle thing, too.)

A dream about Don Monk, college professor

Have you ever felt like you were having someone else’s dream? This morning (July 24, 2017) I was having a “back to school (college)” dream, and thought, okay, whatever, I’m bored, I’ll go with it.

The short story is that when I woke up I remembered that one of the teachers was named Don Monk. I figured that was a name made up by my brain, but I googled it just now and found two college professors with that name, one at Rutgers, and the other just down the road at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

The Moon and Venus

I just happened to look out the window last night (Sunday, July 15, 2018) at the right time and saw the Moon and Venus hanging out together.

Bald eagles next door (Broomfield, Colorado)

I came across quite a few bald eagles in Canada and Alaska, but didn’t know we had them right next door here in Colorado. I knew construction on this project had been held up for at least two years, and now I know why.

The battle for journalism in Colorado (and the Denver Post)

When I first moved to Colorado I used to read the Denver Post, but for at least the last year I’ve read constant stories about reporting staff being gutted down to a bare-bones skeleton crew. These days I don’t even bother looking at it, which is a shame, because honest journalism is important in a free society.

Today the battle for journalism in Colorado continues, as employees of the Denver Post signed a letter about one of their colleagues being censored in the midst of what appears to be significant profit-taking by the newspaper ownership. (I saw “appears” because there is no mention of profit margins; every for-profit business must have a profit margin to stay in business.)

Update: If you’re interested in this sage, I recommend reading, They’ve Killed a Great Newspaper on

Ben, you will be missed

A really nice man named Ben who worked at the Walmart in Broomfield, Colorado passed away recently. We talked a lot and he told me many good stories over the last few years, including this one.

Gary Kubiak quotes about Case Keenum

A few quotes from Gary Kubiak about new Broncos QB Case Keenum, from this Houston Chronicle article:

The reason he’s where he is, first and foremost, is his work ethic. He wants to be great. His presence among his teammates is as good as I’ve ever seen. He never judges people or acts like he’s above them. He treats everybody the same, and guys want to make plays for him.

Case played well (in his rookie year), but we couldn’t win a close game. One thing I learned about Case is that he’s such a mentally strong person. He can handle any type of locker room and any kind of teammate. He’s very consistent on and off the field. His teammates respect that.

A lot of guys would just go in the tank with a start like that (0-8), but Case kept battling because that’s the kind of guy he is. He’s very comfortable in his own skin.

I don’t care who he plays for, you’re not going to put Case in an uncomfortable situation. He’s got a lot of confidence in who he is and how he carries himself. Guys respond to that.