Drupal menu nesting problem (module development)

Drupal menu nesting problem: I just had a problem with menu nesting while developing a Drupal 6 module, and thought I'd share the problem and solution here.

The problem was that in developing my Drupal module, I was trying to created a nested menu structure, something like this:

- My App
  - Reminders
    - Add Reminder

Somewhere in the process of developing my module, this Drupal nested menu got out of sync, and my menus appeared in a flat structure, like this:

- My App
- Reminders
- Add Reminder

After reading various posts on the internet, it looks like the Drupal menu_links table can get out of sync occasionally, and when I ran a SQL SELECT query on the menu_links table, sure enough, the data didn't look right.

Fixing the Drupal menu nesting problem

Fortunately fixing this Drupal menu nesting problem was much easier than I expected it to be. I just went to Admin > Modules, and disabled my module. When I queried the menu_links table all of my data was gone, so I think re-enabled my module, and all my data was back, with the proper nested menu hierarchy I expected.

To be clear, I didn't have to uninstall my module, I just disabled it, and then re-enabled it.

I hope this tip on this Drupal nested menu problem is helpful, and helps save you some time.