How to create a MongoDB database (and collection)

MongoDB FAQ: How do I create a MongoDB database?

To create a MongoDB database, follow these steps:

  1. “Use” the database.
  2. Create a collection in the database.
  3. Verify that you got what you wanted.

Short example

For example, to “use” a database named pizzas, start your mongo client and then issue this command:

use pizzas

Next, create a collection in this database. For instance, create a document in a customers collection like this:{"firstName":"Alvin", "lastName":"Alexander"})

Next, verify that your document was created with this command:


You should see output from MongoDB showing that your document was created.

Complete example

Here’s what this looks like when I try it with my own MongoDB installation, including my commands and the output from MongoDB:

> use pizzas
switched to db pizzas

> db

>{"firstName":"Alvin", "lastName":"Alexander"})

> db.customers.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("520e3cebf2b2417375cbc438"), "firstName" : "Alvin", "lastName" : "Alexander" }

> db

Notice that I used the db command twice, and it showed I am in the pizzas database. After issuing these commands I can also issue the MongoDB show dbs command, and it shows my new pizzas database:

> show dbs
finance	0.203125GB
local	(empty)
pizzas	0.203125GB   <== the new 'pizzas' database
test	0.203125GB

If you needed to create a new MongoDB database, I hope these examples have been helpful.