The Vim page up and page down keystrokes

vivim Editor FAQ: What are the vi/vim page up and page down keystrokes?

Short answer

If everything is going well, you should be able to use the Up and Down arrows on your keyboard. If that isn’t working, this page is for you:

  • The vim page up keystroke is [Control][b]. You can remember the 'b' by thinking "back".
  • The vim page down keystroke is [Control][f]. You can remember the 'f' by thinking "forward".

More Vim editor page up and page down keys

I use those two Vim keystrokes most of the time, but you can use other keystrokes in Vim to move up and down, as shown here:

[Control][b] - Move back one full screen
[Control][f] - Move forward one full screen
[Control][d] - Move forward 1/2 screen
[Control][u] - Move back (up) 1/2 screen

In summary, I hope these Vim page up and page down commands are helpful.