By Alvin Alexander. Last updated: July 6, 2021
This probably won’t make sense to anyone else, but these are my notes related to installing Wiki.js and Postgresql on an Ubuntu 20.04 system. Everything here is related to setting up a new Ubuntu system and then running Wiki.js:
New Linode Server (Ubuntu 20) ============================= sudo adduser fred sudo usermod -aG sudo fred ## Install Postgres ------------------- - - - change the 'postgres' user account password: passwd postgres (then supply the password) - Change the password for the postgres PostgreSQL user to use when connecting over a network. psql -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'the_password'" - /etc/postgresql/12/main/pg_hba.conf ## Install Node.js ------------------ - apt install nodejs nodejs -v v10.19.0 ## Connect Postgres & Wiki.js ----------------------------- - become root - become postgres user: sudo -i -u postgres - create a new user: createuser --interactive # does not let you set the password here # this might work: psql -c "ALTER USER db_user WITH PASSWORD 'the_password'" - create the database createdb wiki_js # PostgreSQL / MySQL / MariaDB / MS SQL Server only: host: localhost port: 5432 user: bd_user pass: db_password db: db_name ssl: false PostgreSQL Backup ----------------- pg_dump -h localhost -U db_user -W db_name > db.dump How to use a Different SSH Port on the Server --------------------------------------------- vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config systemctl restart ssh netstat -tlpn| grep ssh ss -tlpn| grep ssh ufw allow 5150/tcp ufw status verbose ## NGINX ======== ## htpasswd with NGINX ---------------------- - - apt-get install apache2-utils # use any directory, as desired: touch /etc/nginx/.htpasswd htpasswd -c /etc/nginx/.htpasswd the_username the_password ## Wiki.js Setup ---------------- - the wiki is now available at - wiki admin email: foo - wiki admin pass: bar wiki.js version download/2.5.201/wiki-js.tar.gz nodejs -v v10.19.0 psql -version psql (12.7 (Ubuntu 12.7-0ubuntu0.20.04.1)) OS: Ubuntu 20.04 Wiki.js version: 2.5.201 Database engine: PostgreSQL 12+214 /etc/systemd/system/wiki.service (how to create a simple Ubuntu service) ================================ [Unit] Description=Wiki.js [Service] Type=simple # Wiki.js runs with the 'node server' command ExecStart=/usr/bin/node server Restart=always # Consider creating a dedicated user for Wiki.js here: User=nobody Environment=NODE_ENV=production WorkingDirectory=/var/www/foobar.baz/wiki.js [Install] Reload systemd: systemctl daemon-reload Run the service: systemctl start wiki Enable the service on system boot. systemctl enable wiki Note: You can see the logs of the service using journalctl -u wiki
Again, all of those commands are related to setting up a new Ubuntu system and then running Wiki.js on that server. They recommend using Postgres, and I used to love using Postgres, so I went with it.