Using the Sencha Touch 2.3 iOS 7 "Cupertino" theme

As more of a “note to self” than an exact solution, here’s what I think I did to get the Sencha Touch iOS 7 theme (“Cupertino”) working in my Sencha Touch 2.3 mobile app.

First, I added the Cupertino stylesheet, font, and image stuff to my project’s resources directory:


Next, I added this line to my index.html file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/css/cupertino.css" />

I added this to app.js:

"css":  [
         "path": "resources/css/cupertino.css",
         "platform": ["ios"],
         "Theme": "cupertino"

I added a similar line to my app.json file:

"css": [
        "path": "resources/css/cupertino.css",
        "platform": ["ios"],
        "theme": "cupertino"

I also disabled other lines related to the default Sencha Touch theme.

Some of those lines may not be necessary, I haven’t completely broken the code on all of this just yet, but I do know that this solution is working; I just don’t know what might be redundant yet. (Again, this is just a “note to self”, because I know I’m going to be getting away from this, and I want to have a slight idea of what I thought they solution was when I get back to this.)