Scala, Java, Unix, MacOS tutorials (page 3)

March 24, 2024: I just released my free “Advanced Scala 3” online video training course. This free video course gets into different Scala programming topics such as functions, types, generics with variance and bounds, multiversal equality, modular programming, extension methods, and much more.

As always I want to thank Ziverge’s software consulting services for sponsoring these videos! These video courses take many weeks and even months to create, and they would not exist without Ziverge.

<<Click here to start my free Advanced Scala 3 video training course.>>

Advanced Scala 3 video training course

Welcome! This page contains direct links to all of the videos in my 100% Free Scala and FP Video Training Courses. When I say “100% Free”, I mean that there are no ads and no paywalls — all of the videos below are completely free to watch.

My first three courses are listed here, and when I add more free video courses I’ll update this page.

As always I want to thank Ziverge for making this possible! This videos take a long time to create, and I wouldn’t have the time to create these without Ziverge being a sponsor. If you ever want to thank the people at Ziverge, be sure to give them a call when your programming team needs assistance on programming projects. They work with Scala, Rust, A.I., Python, and much more.

April, 2024: As a brief note today, the PDF version of my book, Learn Functional Programming The Fast Way!, is now FREE. I wrote this functional programming book for Scala, Java, and Kotlin developers, and you can now download it for free here:

If you’re interested in functional programming, or just want to learn more about data types, generics, pure functions, expression-oriented programming, and functional error handling, I hope this book is helpful.

Free functional programming book (for Scala, Java, Kotlin, etc.)

As a brief example here today, the following Scala/ZIO source code shows one way to read a file using ZIO 2 and then print its output to the console:

Here are two good quotes from this article, Why companies are leaving the Cloud:

“Another significant driver was the failure to meet internal expectations, at 24%.‘Unmet expectations’ describes most technology trends I’ve been involved with, including client/server, enterprise application integration, service-oriented architecture. and now cloud.

Those surveyed also cited unexpected costs, performance issues, compatibility problems, and service downtime. The most common motivator for repatriation I’ve been seeing is cost. In the survey, more than 43% of IT leaders found that moving applications and data from on-premises to the cloud was more expensive than expected.”

IntelliJ IDEA MacOS FAQ: What are the keystrokes to switch to the previous editor tab and next editor tab when using IntelliJ IDEA on a Mac/MacOS system?


To move to the next editor tab and previous editor tab when using IntelliJ IDEA on macOS, these keystrokes work for me:

  • [Command][Shift][LeftBracket] moves to the previous editor tab
  • [Command][Shift][RightBracket] moves to the next editor tab

Also note that when I write:

  • [LeftBracket] I mean the [ character
  • [LeftBracket] I mean the ] character

As a brief note today, when you’re using SBT and its build.sbt file with Scala projects, use %% in library dependencies when referring to Scala-specific libraries, and use only one % character when referring to other JVM dependencies, like Java dependencies. Here are some examples of this syntax:

I recently started reading the “spiritual classic” book, I Am That, by Nisargadatta Maharaj. The book is rated 4.8 stars on Amazon and 4.4 on Goodreads, so that’s pretty impressive.

After reading the first 100 pages or so, I’m glad to report personally that there isn’t anything significantly new here for me. Even though I never saw Ram Dass refer to Nisargadatta Maharaj, the words in this book are remarkably similar to those in Ram Dass’s best books, which I have already written about. That is, the words are a little different, but all of the concepts are the same, and they are consistent with what I know about meditation.

the small man
builds cages for everyone
while the sage,
who has to duck his head
when the moon is low,
keeps dropping keys all night long

~ an old Persian named Hafez

In my earlier posts on the best Ram Dass book to start with and the best Ram Dass books I know, I didn’t mention his book, Grist for the Mill.

Since I forgot to mention it, today I’d like to note a few things about it. First, I think it’s a really good book, it’s just not the first Ram Dass book I’d recommend.

US Magazine has a little story on the separation of Coldplay singer Christ Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow, and it includes this quote about Rumi’s The Guest House and a book called Man’s Search for Meaning (by Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl) that I read almost thirty years ago. (I don’t know too many Coldplay songs, but I do like Clocks.)

Coldplay’s Chris Martin: So happy to be alive

Listen with ears of tolerance.
See through the eyes of compassion.
Speak with the language of love.

~ Rumi

My religion is love.
Love is the bridge between you and everything.
Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.
Be a witness, not a judge.
I am not this hair, I am not this skin, I am the soul that lives within.
Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life.
You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.
Past and future veil God from our sight; burn up both of them with fire.

~ Rumi

“As a general principle, any positive state that you experience within the context of silent sitting practice (when you reach the state of samadhi), you must try to attain in the midst of ordinary life.”

~ Shinzen Young’s teacher

“Have you got any cookies?”

~ Frank Burns, in M*A*S*H

Frank Burns, Mash: Have you got any cookies?

Dear diary,

Annihilation of the ego continues to make progress, at least during sleeping hours. In recent nights I’ve gained awareness during the dream state to find “myself” as animals, women, and other men.

Last night I gained awareness as an older black man, talking to other black men about some of the discrimination and injustices we’ve gone through in our lives. We can laugh a little amongst ourselves about them now, but I could feel that under the laughter there’s also a deep sadness and pain.

Lately each nightly occurrence ends the same way: Eventually there’s a realization that “I” am supposed to be “Al,” and that realization startles me, pulls me from the scene, and wakes me.

Yours truly,
The Hopefully-Disappearing Self

P.S. — I don’t know if it’s more correct to say “black man,” “African-American,” or something else. To be clear, if it wasn’t important to the story I would not mention it at all.

In my experience, some “judgy” people will make up their own opinion about you — about what you should do or shouldn’t do — when they don’t know all the facts. I use the word judgy, because if you’re a Christian, Jesus was very clear on this point:

Judge not, that ye not be judged.

To wit, sometimes you just have to let people be wrong about you. (From this tweet by TinyBuddha.)

Sometimes you just have to let people be wrong about you

Some day I might write a book called, Random Conversations with Strangers While Aimlessly Wandering Around, and it will include stories like this:

Many years ago I walked into a favorite bakery in Alaska. Nobody was there, no customers or employees, so I took a few minutes to look over the cookies and donuts to decide what I wanted.

Finally a young woman came out of the back room. I knew from previous donut/cookie runs that she was born in Ohio, moved here about five years ago, was nineteen years old, and would be twenty in a few months. As she brought out a tray of something new, she said, “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.”

I replied it was no problem, it gave me a chance to think about what I wanted. We chatted for another minute or two and then she looked around and said, “Can I be honest with you?”

Ram Dass FAQ: What is the best Ram Dass book to start with?

My answer: The best Ram Dass book to start with is ...

I wrote this in my earlier blog post, What Are The Best Books By Ram Dass, but I believe the best book you can start with is Polishing The Mirror.

I think this book is the best summary of all his work. It’s a relatively short book, it’s clearly written, and summarizes much of what you’ll read in his other books. I started reading this when I was in the hospital, and as bad as I was feeling at the time, it just blew me away. I like to underline and highlight text, and I felt like I could highlight most of the book.