Posts in the “scala” category

A ZIO JSON solution to parse/decode JSON with blank spaces in the keys (and a type hierarchy)

As a brief note today, I was starting to look at a free JSON REST web service that to get stock information, and their JSON for a single stock looks like this:

    "Global Quote": {
        "01. symbol": "IBM",
        "02. open": "182.4300",
        "03. high": "182.8000",
        "04. low": "180.5700",
        "05. price": "181.5800",
        "06. volume": "3037990",
        "07. latest trading day": "2024-04-19",
        "08. previous close": "181.4700",
        "09. change": "0.1100",
        "10. change percent": "0.0606%"

A ZIO 2 collectAllPar example using Scala 3

As a brief note today, if you want to see an example of the ZIO collectAllPar method, the Scala 3 source code below shows one possible example that uses collectAllPar in a for expression.

First, here’s a small snippet of code that shows just the key parts:

ZIO 2: Solution to "ZIO.cond not working" (code not running)

I just wrote the following ZIO 2 question about how to use ZIO.cond to a friend, and got the answer shown. I’ve also added in my own comments where they make sense.

ZIO.done question

Hey, I’m trying to understand why my ZIO failWithMsgEffect doesn’t seem to get run in the following code example?

I have learned that there are better ways to handle this, but I’ve found that if I don’t understand something like this, it will come back to bite me later. Here’s the code:

ZIO 2: A ZIO.timeout interrupt example with ZIO.attempt

As a little ZIO 2 example with Scala 3, here’s some code that starts to show how to use ZIO.timeout along with ZIO.attempt while accessing an internet URL with Scala’s Source.fromURL.

Basically all I’m doing is:

  • I attempt to access a URL using Scala’s Source.fromURL,
  • and then I add a timeout to that, specifically a ZIO##timeout

Here’s the code:

Scala FAQ: How Do I Create New Date and Time Instances with Scala

Scala date/time FAQ: How do I create new date and time instances with Scala? Specifically, using Scala, how do I create new date and time instances using the Date and Time API that was introduced with Java 8.

Solution: Creating dates and times in Scala (Java and Kotlin, too)

Using the Java 8 API and newer — Java 11, 14, 17, etc. — you can create new dates, times, and date/time values. The table below provides a description of some of the new Java date/time classes you’ll use (from the java.time Javadoc), all of which work in the ISO-8601 calendar system.

How to left-trim and right-trim strings in Scala

As a brief note, here are a few examples of how to implement left-trim and right-trim on strings in Scala:

def ltrim(s: String) = s.replaceAll("^\\s+", "")
def rtrim(s: String) = s.replaceAll("\\s+$", "")

If I ever write a Scala StringUtils class, I’ll be sure to include those functions in that class.

Scala: How to execute (exec) external system commands

Scala exec FAQ: How do I execute external system commands in Scala?

When it comes to executing external system commands, Scala is a dramatic improvement over Java. The operators Scala makes available are much more like Perl or Ruby, and the operators themselves are consistent with traditional shell commands, and are therefore easy to remember. Let's take a look at a few examples.

Scala/Java/Kotlin: How to replace left and right brackets in a String (replaceFirst, replaceAll)

Scala/Java/Kotlin String FAQ: How do I replace left brackets and right brackets — i.e., the [ and ] characters — in a String when using methods like replaceFirst and replaceAll?


If you’re using Scala, Java, Kotlin, or other JVM languages, and need to replace left or right brackets in a String, I found the following solution, which seems to work well with String methods like replaceFirst and replaceAll.

Scala 3 ‘while’ loop syntax and examples

As a brief note today, here are several examples of the Scala 3 while loop syntax.

Scala 3 while/do syntax

First, here are some one-line examples. This is the preferred syntax, using the while/do keywords.

while i >= 0 do i = f(i)

A Scala JDBC connection and SQL SELECT example

Scala JDBC FAQ: How can I use the Java JDBC API in my Scala application?

If you want to use a SQL database with your Scala applications, it's good to know you can still use the traditional Java JDBC programming library to access databases. I just ran a simple JDBC connection and SQL SELECT test, and everything seems to work just as it does in Java.

Scala example: String utilities, including left- and right-justifying and padding strings

As a little Scala example, here’s a little Scala “string utilities” object that right- and left-justifies strings to a certain string width. Another way to say that is that the strings are left- and right-padded.

Also, the first function adds an ASCII underline to the string it’s given, so it expects a one-line string as input and returns a two-line string as output.

Here’s the source code for these Scala string utilities: