Table of Contents
Note: I originally wrote this article many years ago using Apache Spark 0.9.x. Hopefully the content below is still useful, but I wanted to warn you up front that it is old.
I want to analyze some Apache access log files for this website, and since those log files contain hundreds of millions (billions?) of lines, I thought I’d roll up my sleeves and dig into Apache Spark to see how it works, and how well it works. The short story is that I used Hadoop several years ago, and I found the transition to Spark to be easy. Here are my notes.
Note: If you already know how to use Spark and just want to see how to process Apache access log records, I wrote this shorter article on How to generate a list of URLs sorted by their hit count from your Apache access log files.
To install Spark, just follow the notes at As they say, “All you need to run it is to have Java to installed on your system PATH, or the JAVA_HOME environment variable pointing to a Java installation.” I assume that’s true; I have both Java and Scala installed on my system, and Spark installed fine.
As their notes say, you build Spark on your system with SBT by using this command in your Spark installation directory:
$ sbt/sbt assembly
At this point you might want to go make some coffee, tea, a large meal, walk the dog, or maybe go to a meeting, because it takes a while to build, especially on my old 2008 iMac.
Once that build process finishes, I recommend trying some of the examples at these pages:
For instance, just run the line count test on the file to make sure it works as expected:
$ ./bin/spark-shell scala> val textFile = sc.textFile("") // create a reference to the file scala> textFile.count // count the number of lines in the file scala> textFile.first // print the first line
If that works, you’re ready to dig in.
Getting started using my Apache logfile parser with Spark
I want to use my Apache logfile parser code, so I packaged it as a jar file named AlsApacheLogParser.jar. I quickly found out that Spark is a little weird about using jar files. For instance, I can’t use :cp
to include a jar file into the Spark REPL like I can with the regular Scala REPL. In short, the solution is to start Spark like this from your *nix command line:
// this works $ MASTER=local[4] SPARK_CLASSPATH=AlsApacheLogParser.jar ./bin/spark-shell
Also, despite what you might read, these commands do not work with Spark 0.9:
// does not work $ MASTER=local[4] ADD_JARS=AlsApacheLogParser.jar ./bin/spark-shell // does not work spark> :cp AlsApacheLogParser.jar
With my jar file properly loaded, I now paste in these lines of code into the Spark REPL to create an AccessLogParser
import com.alvinalexander.accesslogparser._ val p = new AccessLogParser
Now I read my accesslog.small file, just like the README:
scala> val log = sc.textFile("accesslog.small") 14/03/09 11:25:23 INFO MemoryStore: ensureFreeSpace(32856) called with curMem=0, maxMem=309225062 14/03/09 11:25:23 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_0 stored as values to memory (estimated size 32.1 KB, free 294.9 MB) log: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = MappedRDD[1] at textFile at <console>:15 scala> log.count (a lot of output here) res0: Long = 100000
Now I have a few more basics working, including getting my Apache access log file parser library loaded into the REPL and creating the log
reference, so it’s time to start doing some analysis.
Analyzing Apache access log data
Because my parser returns an Option[AccessLogRecord]
(attempting to parse records can fail occasionally, though much more rarely now), it’s easiest to write little methods to work with the data. For instance, to find out how many 404
records are in the access log, I first create this method:
def getStatusCode(line: Option[AccessLogRecord]) = { line match { case Some(l) => l.httpStatusCode case None => "0" } }
and then use it at the Spark command line like this:
log.filter(line => getStatusCode(p.parseRecord(line)) == "404").count
There are probably better ways to do that, but that approach works. It returns a count of records where the httpStatusCode
is 404. In my case it’s quite a bit — 9,381 records out of 3.5M — so I need to fix those.
(As a quick aside, when I ran this code on my old iMac using Spark, it took about 35 seconds. I then timed a
grep ’404’ accesslog | wc -l
command, and it came in at 27 seconds.grep
is faster in this small test, in part because Spark broke my input file into four separate files, ran my code on those four files, and then condensed the results. That doesn’t help much on a single server, but can provide a great benefit on larger files running across many servers. (Also, my code does a lot more work thangrep
does, which will come in handy shortly.))
Finding broken URLs
This raises an interesting question: Which URLs (URIs, technically) are broken? To find that out, I want to get the “request” field from each 404 record. So in my algorithm I need to:
- Filter the list of all records down to just the 404 records
- Get the
field from the 404 records - Only return the distinct records (I don’t want to see duplicates)
To do this, I created this method:
// get the `request` field from an access log record def getRequest(rawAccessLogString: String): Option[String] = { val accessLogRecordOption = p.parseRecord(rawAccessLogString) accessLogRecordOption match { case Some(rec) => Some(rec.request) case None => None } }
I pasted that method into the Spark REPL, and then ran these lines of code:
log.filter(line => getStatusCode(p.parseRecord(line)) == "404").map(getRequest(_)).count val recs = log.filter(line => getStatusCode(p.parseRecord(line)) == "404").map(getRequest(_)) val distinctRecs = log.filter(line => getStatusCode(p.parseRecord(line)) == "404").map(getRequest(_)).distinct distinctRecs.foreach(println)
This approach worked, but I forgot that it shows the full request field, which has records that look like this:
GET /foo HTTP/1.0 GET /foo HTTP/1.1
Because I don’t care about the HTTP version, I decided to create another method so I’d only be looking at the actual URI portion of the request field, ignoring the leading “GET” and trailing HTTP version. To do this I created this method and pasted it into the Spark REPL:
// val request = "GET /foo HTTP/1.0" def extractUriFromRequest(requestField: String) = requestField.split(" ")(1)
and then I created this code and pasted it into the REPL:
val distinctRecs = log.filter(line => getStatusCode(p.parseRecord(line)) == "404") .map(getRequest(_)) .collect { case Some(requestField) => requestField } .map(extractUriFromRequest(_)) .distinct distinctRecs.count distinctRecs.foreach(println)
If you haven’t used the collect
method before, it works like map
, but nicely gets ride of the None
elements it receives. I described how it works in the Scala Cookbook, and I’ll write more about it here in the future. For the purposes of this code, the thing to know is that getRequest
returns an Option[String]
, and collect
easily drops any None
records it receives.
The results
As a summary of what I learned, the code I’ve shared so far showed that out of the 100,000 records in my small, sample Apache access log file, I had 303 “404” records, and of those, 96 of the URIs were unique. As it turns out, some of the 404 errors are my problem — things I screwed up — and others are from people attempting to hack the website.
As a first note, when I originally released this article I hadn’t had much sleep, and I used the methods shown above. In part thanks to a Twitter comment (and some sleep), I took some more time to improve my approach. The improved approach is shown in the “Improved queries” section below.
Next, although I showed my custom methods first in these examples, the way my brain works, I actually wrote the code in the opposite manner. For instance, as I was thinking through how to solve that last problem, I wrote my algorithm down first:
- Reduce the set to only the 404 records
- Get the request field
- Get the URI from the request
- Get only the unique URIs
I then wrote my Scala code like this:
val distinctRecs = log.filter(line => getStatusCode(p.parseRecord(line)) == "404") .map(getRequest(_)) .collect { case Some(requestField) => requestField } .map(extractUriFromRequest(_)) .distinct
And finally, that code convinced me I needed this method:
def extractUriFromRequest(requestField: String) = requestField.split(" ")(1)
To me -- coming to Scala from a Java background -- it feels great to accomplish so much in so little code. And despite the power of what’s happening in that code, it’s still very readable.
Improved queries
After getting to know Spark and my data a little better (and getting some sleep), I started writing some better queries. (As a word of caution, I’m still learning the Spark API.) Without much introduction at this time, here are those queries:
// get the URIs corresponding to 404 requests // ------------------------------------------ // create a "null object" AccessLogRecord for use with `getOrElse` // todo: adding the "GET" request here was a poor hack; get rid of it val nullObject = AccessLogRecord("", "", "", "", "GET /foo HTTP/1.1", "", "", "", "") // a list of 404 requests, like "GET /foo-bar HTTP/1.0" // works, but requires double-parsing val recs = log.filter(p.parseRecord(_).getOrElse(nullObject).httpStatusCode == "404") .map(p.parseRecord(_).getOrElse(nullObject).request) // find the URIs with the most hits // -------------------------------- // sample map/reduce from docs: val wordCounts = textFile.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")) .map(word => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b) // create a series of URIs val uriCounts = .map(_.split(" ")(1)) .filter(_ != "/foo") // use the previous example to get to a series of "(URI, COUNT)" pairs; (MapReduce like) val uriCounts = .map(_.split(" ")(1)) .map(uri => (uri, 1)) .reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b) val uriToCount = uriCounts.collect // (/foo, 3), (/bar, 10), (/baz, 1) ... // what i want: URIs sorted by hit count, highest hits first import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap val uriHitCount = ListMap(uriToCount.toSeq.sortWith(_._2 > _._2):_*) // (/bar, 10), (/foo, 3), (/baz, 1) // this is a decent way to print some sample data uriCounts.take(10).foreach(println)
I’ll explain those when I have some more free time, but until then, I hope it helps to see them as they are.
One thing to say is that I can shorten these queries by adding a few methods to my Apache access log parser library. For instance, the parseRecord method currently returns an Option[AccessLogRecord]
, but it could return an AccessLogRecord
with a Null Object representation for records I can’t parse correctly. This would let me skip the getOrElse(nullObject)
calls in these queries.
Viewing sample data
When you’re working with thousands or millions of records, you may want to see some sample data from your objects to make sure you’re on the right track. A simple way to see some sample records is with the take
That prints the first ten lines from the uriCounts
object. Another approach is to use the takeSample method to get a sample of your data:
// takeSample(withReplacement, numRecordsDesired, randomNumberGeneratorSeed) uriCounts.takeSample(false, 100, 1000)
With my uriCounts
object that returns an Array[String]
, which I can then print.
Writing output to file
Once you have the data you want, you can write it to a file, or more accurately, a series of files. For instance, this code:
// this creates a directory named UriHitCount, with files in it like part-00000 and part-00001 uriHitCount.saveAsTextFile("UriHitCount")
creates a directory named UriHitCount, and writes a series of files to that directory, with the files being named part-00000, part-00001, and so on. (So the method name saveAsTextFile
is misleading.)
The future: What do I want to know about my access log files?
In the future I’ll either update this article, or write new articles, as I dig into some of the following questions I have about my Apache access log files:
- What unique server status codes are there? If there is anything troubling there, I’ll dig into them.
- What are the most popular web pages?
- I get a boatload of comment spam. Most of it is eliminated by Mollom, but I’m curious, what percentage of hits are from comment-spam?
- In a related note, on what records is my Apache access log parser failing on, and why?
- Much more ...
Another part of the future is getting my many GBs of log files onto an Amazon cluster, and putting Spark through its paces on multiple servers, as it’s intended to be used. But alas, my free time is up for this weekend.
It’s hard to judge the performance of something like Spark on a single system. It’s intended to be used on huge files spread across many servers, so as I mentioned earlier, for simple tests it’s possible to use grep
and get the results back faster. (The more complicated queries I ran can’t be done with grep
One thing I did see is that Spark pegs the needles on both of my CPUs. By contrast, grep
uses most of one CPU, and maybe 50% of the second CPU. Again, I don’t want to say anything about Spark performance until I get it running across multiple servers, but it was fun to see the dials on the CPUs cranked to 100%.
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In summary, if you are interested in using Apache Spark to analyze log files -- Apache access log files in particular -- I hope this article has been helpful.