As a quick note today, if you want to write a Scala function that returns multiple values, just return the values inside a tuple. For example, I just wrote a function to return radio station number and name, and the last part of that function looks like this:
def getRadioStationInfo(...) = { ... (104.3, "The Fan") }
The two values are returned in an instance of a Scala Tuple2 class.
A tuple is just a collection of values — which may be of different types — in between parentheses, as shown.
To assign those values to variable names when calling the function, just use this syntax:
val (stationNumber, stationName) = getRadioStationInfo(...)
When you do this, those two variables will have these values:
stationNumber = 104.3 stationName = "The Fan"
I wrote more about tuples in the Scala Cookbook (#ad), so for more information on this process please see my earlier tutorial, How to define Scala methods that return multiple items.