The Scala Cookbook is coming soon ... August 21, 2013, to be exact. It’s available for pre-order on now, so I thought I’d share some information about the book here today.
First, I just finished editing the last pages of the book last week, and was able to update all of the code to the latest versions: Scala 2.10.x, SBT 0.12.x, etc. The book is now going through the O’Reilly QC process.
The book includes the following chapters, and approximate number of pages per chapter:
- Strings (30)
- Numbers (22)
- Control Structures (42)
- Classes and Properties (45)
- Methods (22)
- All Things “object” (19)
- Packaging and Imports (11)
- Traits (14)
- Functional Programming (27)
- Collections (64)
- Even More Collections (Map, Set, ...) (48)
- Files and Processes (35)
- Actors and Concurrency (38)
- Command Line Tasks (35)
- Web Services (36)
- Databases and Persistence (20)
- Interacting with Java (20)
- The Simple Build Tool (36)
- Types (24)
- Idioms (30)
Those page counts may vary a little bit, but at the moment, that’s a total of over 700 pages.
Update: The book grew very large, so the Play Framework chapter has been extracted from the Cookbook, and is now available as a FREE PDF, named Play Framework Recipes.
I’ll share more information as I can. But if you’re thinking about pre-ordering the book, I wanted to give you a little more information about what you’d be ordering.
All the best,
Here's a link to the book on Amazon: