Scala Cookbook information

The Scala Cookbook is coming soon ... August 21, 2013, to be exact. It’s available for pre-order on now, so I thought I’d share some information about the book here today.

First, I just finished editing the last pages of the book last week, and was able to update all of the code to the latest versions: Scala 2.10.x, SBT 0.12.x, etc. The book is now going through the O’Reilly QC process.

The book includes the following chapters, and approximate number of pages per chapter:

  1. Strings (30)
  2. Numbers (22)
  3. Control Structures (42)
  4. Classes and Properties (45)
  5. Methods (22)
  6. All Things “object” (19)
  7. Packaging and Imports (11)
  8. Traits (14)
  9. Functional Programming (27)
  10. Collections (64)
  11. Even More Collections (Map, Set, ...) (48)
  12. Files and Processes (35)
  13. Actors and Concurrency (38)
  14. Command Line Tasks (35)
  15. Web Services (36)
  16. Databases and Persistence (20)
  17. Interacting with Java (20)
  18. The Simple Build Tool (36)
  19. Types (24)
  20. Idioms (30)

Those page counts may vary a little bit, but at the moment, that’s a total of over 700 pages.

Update: The book grew very large, so the Play Framework chapter has been extracted from the Cookbook, and is now available as a FREE PDF, named Play Framework Recipes.

I’ll share more information as I can. But if you’re thinking about pre-ordering the book, I wanted to give you a little more information about what you’d be ordering.

All the best,

Here's a link to the book on Amazon: