Here’s a quick example of how to use a map function call on a Scala collection in a Play Framework template:
@(stocks: List[Stock]) @main("Stocks") { <h1>Dude, you have @stocks.size Stock(s)</h1> <ul> { stock => <li>@stock.symbol</li> } </ul> }
This source code from a Play template file named list.scala.html which I have in a Play $PROJECT/views/stock folder (so the full path within the project is /views/stock/list.scala.html.) I deleted a lot of code from the actual template, but that should be all you need to see to make a map function call on a collection object (List, Array, Vector, etc). The part I find confusing here is when to use the @ symbol, and when not to use it (though as I think about it, maybe the only times I don't the @ symbol are when I define code inside a Play template function).
FWIW, I actually link to an "edit" method when emitting the Stock symbol (which is something like "AAPL" or "GOOG"), like this:
<a href="@routes.Stocks.edit(">@stock.symbol</a>
That links to an edit function in a Stocks class (defined as "object Stocks extends Controller"). I'll discuss this more in a future Play Framework tutorial.
Until then, if you want to call a map function on a Scala collection in a Play Framework template, I hope this has been helpful.
Reporting live from Boulder, Colorado,
Alvin Alexander